'You gotta be making jokes LMAO cuz I saw you had insulted your mom as a fat low value woman and your post was riddled with horrendous negative emotions and extremism theories,such as you got several friends who were on purpose spitting out aggressive words concerning your height and tolding you girls hate short men.
I dunno how come you got homeless.Was that because your parents had cast u away from your original home or was just that you hated your parents so you left home?I don't mean to figure out the exact reason but all you gotta know is after surgeries,you have to be mentally ready for enervated athleticism and scars on your legs.
I'm wondering how you will collect enough money for LL since you're just living in a shared house surrounded by crackheads.'
yeah i said shes a fat low value woman because she is. she got with a genetic dead end(my dad) (bald and 5'4). then cheated on him so he left. so now i was just left with her. and she taught me absolutely nothing about life, made me into the biggest low value pussy of a man possible, it almost feels like she did it on purpose. (until i started to understand life and become less of a pussy). and she barely fed me my entire life. i was a literal broomstick my entire life and all of the food she did feed me was just frozen processed freezer or sweets, chocolate and crisps. that is what you call a low value woman who has basically set me up for failure in life genetically and for the last 18 years .
i dont mind having scars on my legs. im more bothered about the athleticiism though :/
and I have a job now so I am saving for LL & working most days on my business so hopefully that will eventually make me enough money for LL
'I think he is just a networm misled by incel statics and so-called 'sociological' surveys,that is to say,he can't dialectically contemplate on everything and all he has got are incel statics and conclusions.
If apart from being short,he is also ugly(you gotta adopt others' comments on your appearance),poor,negative,distorted and so on,then I can see why only 3% women will fall in love with him and I reckon even 3% is an exaggeration.
Also sociological surverys are just pieces of compressed bs cuz we cannot assure if there are any exaggerations invovled in them and on Internet there are high possibilities that stloads of ulterior motions are meaning to pick out special samples to inform you of how upset,how happy,how promising,how motivative and how 'how' samples are concerning one topic,served for incels,extremists,racisms,Christians,and also,politicians.
I really had enough of conclusions such as only few women will fall in love with short men,or short men are less intelligent than tall men,or short men are doomed to be poorer than tall guys and bluh bluh.'
tbh i do spend a lot of time on the internet and them incel statistics about height etc have made me even more insecure. but they are statistics which mean they are the literal truth.
I'd say im reasonable ok looking, especially when I put some effort into getting a tan etc. its just my height that holds me back.