It has been broadcast for several months already in China that one guy from Huaian City of Jiangsu Province was crippled due to cosmetic limb lengthening surgery and various domestic media is maintaing 'One guy can't suffice his height and ambitious to be 6' but finally he got crippled'.
As a consequence,limb lengtheing surgery had stur up civil discontents and hatreds about it and there had been a slide-down of Chinese trusts on limb lengthening surgery.
Webusers can have accesses to relevant vids on the Internet and there is nothing I have to teach you.
But news reports are suspecious and confusing.
First of all,the guy himself didn't appear in vids to accuse Dr.Lee of causing his being crippled or something else.What he is 'suffering' was dictated by orthopedists and journalists.In addition,his X-ray manifested that his calluses were forming and reinforcing.So it's ridiculous to jump to conclusions that he must have get crippled just bc he was using croutches to walk on a daily basis.
Secondly,Dr.Lee himself has recorded clarifications through videos and uploaded them on the Internet but I can't find them so if everyone can find vids just upload on this post.Thx.
Thirdly,Chinese news reports about either plastic surgeries or limb lengthening surgeries are always negative and terrible as one Chinese idiom goes 'Report only the good but not the bad'.Even simple face-lift surgeries are seemingly fatal to patients(or I say 'Chinese patients'),let alone LL.So it's irrational to adopt Chinese biased news reports.
Finally,Chinese policies prohibit LL rigorously and if someone complains a surgeon about discretely conducting this surgery,this surgeon's license will be loosen and then he will be fked up.So it's ridiculous to see any propaganda of LL on Chinese media.
To sum up,the decent surgeon Dr.Lee shouldn't be blamed for his fabricated failure to conduct the surgery on that guy from Jiangsu Province and that's just fake news in China.I wonder if pieces of fake news in China are having negative impacts on his career and if so,perhaps he will be compelled out of limb lengthening surgery career and we will have no alternative but to miss a reputed surgeon.