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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #248 on: October 28, 2021, 08:50:40 PM »


Have you experience any accidental “clicks” as of yet?

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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #249 on: October 29, 2021, 10:25:53 AM »

Hey guys, I still have to upload X rays and, if possible, walking video.

To be honest, if I get 100% confirmation that my alignment is good I can say I'm pretty happy. The progress in consolidation is reaally fast. Now it's only 2 days in consolidation, and I don't feel tight anymore and my walk is not as bad as I thought. Take into account that I never tried unnasisted walk while lenghtening, following Dr. recomenddations. The first time I tried was 2 days ago when I came back from hospital and I looked like a penguin. However, while still looking obviuously bad, today my gait already looks like "real" walking, so I think things are evolving well.



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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #250 on: October 31, 2021, 04:52:23 PM »

Hey bro, how do they analyse the alignment? Do they use 3D Xrays with EOS imaging?


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #251 on: November 06, 2021, 01:24:38 PM »

Hey mate,

How are you doing?


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #252 on: November 06, 2021, 07:03:21 PM »

Hey guys, I know I haven't posted for a while, and I probably won't do it for a few weeks. My mood is a bit sad right now, as a friend of mine here has had a problem.

My results are very good I'd say. I can walk normal with crutches, and without then I still look weird (hip sway) but not at all as a guy who had his legs broken (I had surgery only 2 months and a week ago). Even in PT they say my recovery is very fast, and they ask me to show my walk to the new patients in order to cheer them up. I was a bit concerned about the fact that my right knee seemed a bit inward while walking, but Dr Giotikas did a CT scan a told me everything is ok, so it's due to muscle imbalance and it will resolve. In fact, today I noticed that, after warming up, it looks 95% normal, so it seems he is probably right, which I'm happy about. For the last years, I almost never left my house due to height dysphoria, and this week I have been going to restaurants and other normal things with my girlfriend. It feels amazing to finally be free.

However, a good friend of mine here had a complication this week, complication that was aggravated by the fact that the damn taxi driver chose to drove away instead of helping him. Just unbelievable. I will not comment on this matter for now cause it's still soon and I don't have the full picture of everything that has happened, so it's just idiotic to give opinions. What I will say is that I feel weird: I'm very happy about my good results so far, and at the same time I feel guilty for feeling good while other guy can't say the same.

To be honest, and if all keeps going on well, I can say my journey was great. Yes, I had the bad luck of having crazy pain clicking while all the others are perfectly fine with that. But pain is just pain, I don't have any complications and I got the results I wanted. I feel confident about recovering my athletic ability in the long run, so I think I'm luckly. Next week I will finally go back to Spain, and when I feel a little better I will update about my progress.

My conclusion for now is this: my life was basically over before this surgery, due to all my mental issues regarding height dysphoria. Now I got the goal I chased for so long, and finally I'm free, so I'm very happy about my choice. For that reason, if your height is not allowing you to really enjoy your life, take the risk and do this. The price of freedom is worth the risk. However, if you only are considering doing this for aesthetic reasons considering this is a "normal" procedure, I warn you: forget about it. Even when doing your research and choosing a renowned surgeon there is still a risk of things going horribly wrong. I don't intend to be pesimistic, and as I said my results are great for now. Just being realistic, as this surgery is no joke.

I will not disappear, and will post again on a few weeks. See you guys.


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #253 on: November 16, 2021, 09:28:46 AM »

I finally got back home. Seems like I survived this crazy crazy journey. Will update soon¡


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #254 on: November 16, 2021, 11:04:43 PM »

Good to hear you're doing well. What are your thoughts on your proportions now?


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #255 on: November 18, 2021, 06:46:36 PM »

Good to hear you're doing well. What are your thoughts on your proportions now?
It's weird, but I don't notice much of a change in proportions lol. I looked normal pre op, and still look normal now. I even measured my leg to check if I had grown, cause my proportions look the same, and yeah, there are 5.5-6 cm more, but my legs look normal.

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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #256 on: November 19, 2021, 11:58:19 AM »

On October 7, I met four friends in the rehabilitation center. I'm sorry I didn't see you.
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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #257 on: November 19, 2021, 06:31:47 PM »

"On October 7, I met four friends in the rehabilitation center. I'm sorry I didn't see you."

What are your thoughts on the rehabilitation center in Athens? Is it worth it to live close to it or better to live far but spend less on rent for most people in your opinion?

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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #258 on: November 21, 2021, 06:48:50 AM »

Regarding the rehabilitation center, the physiotherapists there are very caring, and I don’t know more about the rest for the time being, because I haven’t completed the surgery yet.

Regarding accommodation, I would like to say that it is best to choose an apartment with no stairs at the door and an elevator (I want to do P, if it is a load-bearing method, there are 5 steps or less at the entrance of the door). Regarding the distance, I think It's not particularly important, unless it's a few hundred meters, otherwise you have to take a car. Secondly, choose non-hazardous communities, whether wheelchairs and walkers in the room are convenient to pass, and whether the toilet is suitable for postoperative surgery.
Honesty, integrity, objectivity,
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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #259 on: November 23, 2021, 10:12:02 PM »

Today I'm 4 weeks on consolidation, and Dr Giotikas allowed me to drop the crutches, although I will only walk unnasisted for now at home, using crutches on the street a couple more weeks until my gait is perfect. My flexibility is now the same as any average person (it was over average pre op), so I think I'm recovering that pretty fast. My recovery in strenght is being slower though, specially glutes. They are coming back, but very very slowly. I'm working out at least 1 hour per day, although I'd like to do more, but I have too much work these weeks. I'm also recovering my upper body, specially the back.

My gait, when warmed up, is maybe 75% normal. When I wake up in the morning I look like a penguin though lol. I think walking close to normal by the end of the year (it would be 4 months post op by then) is a reasonable goal.


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #260 on: November 23, 2021, 10:40:35 PM »

What are your thoughts on the different neighborhoods in Athens you have been to or heard of?


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #261 on: November 24, 2021, 12:50:01 AM »

Wow, time's flying for you! Did you ever walk without crutches prior to Dr Giotikas allowing you to drop them?


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #262 on: November 24, 2021, 08:40:49 AM »

Wow, time's flying for you! Did you ever walk without crutches prior to Dr Giotikas allowing you to drop them?
He did allow me since the end of lenghtening to do a few steps every day at home. I know that's being conservative, and the nail is strong, but since I'm paranoid about damaging the nail I have been following all his indications. So, since the end of lenghtening, I have been walking unnasisted at home maybe like 2 minutes per day, but no more.


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #263 on: November 25, 2021, 04:06:31 PM »

Every patients have different experience, I too had lots of pain during the first 4 to 5 weeks, after that the pain just vanished. I found that it also dipends on one's mind. Those who are afraid to feel pain tend to feel it more, but if you start thinking and focusing to reach your goal of getting taller. You will not feel the pain at all.

I sincerely believe that you are very wrong. This operation is not like an injury that if you put ice on it the pain goes down. Your leg bones are being broken, daily, several times, for months. It hurts, and a lot, constantly. With medication it is reduced. But your thoughts are like "if you don't think about the pain, it doesn't hurt" is childish and unrealistic.
Let's be honest and realistic, this operation hurts a lot. There are risks, we have already seen how in the last month a patient has died, even with the head nurse all day with him, says a lot.
I would not take it as a joke and I would investigate very well before having the surgery the whole process, from how it is done, with who, the technique, the team that will take care of me, because for me the surgeon is very important, but the aftercare is even more important, and I want to be sure that the person next to me knows the whole process and the signs that the situation is going wrong. After all, we only have one life and I am not going to risk mine lightly.



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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #264 on: December 03, 2021, 12:59:25 PM »

Hey guys, I just got my X rays.
Since the very beginning some users said I may have misaligment, and I did consider the same, cause it did not look fully straight. Dr. Giotikas told me like 10 times that there was no misaligment, and the nurses said the same. Today, the Spanish doctor who took my X rays said the same: there is no misalignment, it's only that the nail is so big that the inner part of the bone is affected, but it will look fully straight once consolidation is more advanced. I think this is true because, on the October X rays (see here: my left femur looked really misaligned to me, but now looks normal. The right still looks misaligned to me, but callus is much weaker there, so the Spanish Dr. says that the same will happen: callus will grow in that inner part and it will look fully straight. Even thought it still looks somewhat weird to me, I'm not a pro, and Giotikas told me directly that there is no misalignment, so I tend to think he is right. Has this happened to anyone else? I remember seeing X rays like this in other diary, but don't remember which one.

Current X rays at 3 months and one week post surgery (5 weeks on consolidation):

Their machine was very small, so they took them in two different takes. In the picture I have put them together so it makes sense. They also were taken with legs totally closed and knees almost touching, whereas in Greece  I kept a more normal posture. What I'm curious is that the original shape of my femurs has changed: before the surgery, they were curved inwards, and now they are more straight and slighty curved outwards. You can see them here:

So, my question is: since the shape of the whole femur has changed, can that affect in any way the total height gained? Meaning if it's possible to gain more (due to less curved femurs) or less (due to more curved femurs). I will not measure on stadiometer until the end of the month, as my back is not yet 100% straight (slight duck ass). I did 6 cm, but will be satisfied as long as I get more than  5 "real" cm.

Regarding my condition, my walk is 100% regarding leg motion, but it still looks weid in general due to still having some hip sway, as it its being very dificult to me to recover my glutes. My legs in general are pretty strong again, but the glutes are coming back very very slowly, despite working out a lot. I hope to walk 100% normal by the end of the year.


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #265 on: December 04, 2021, 12:26:50 PM »

Dr just saw my X rays and confirmed again that alignment is good. Also he says that my bone growth is "very robust", os I can leave crutches for good¡ Until now I was still using them outside, so now I can walk unnasisted all the time (I will still use one crutch to climb up stairs, I think I need it).


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #266 on: December 04, 2021, 02:09:39 PM »

Damn that nail is huge lol
Did not know g-nail was that big on x Rays .
And ye honestly the nail and the bone looks weird to me too but if 2 doctors stated the same thing ,I guess they have more knowledge then our internet application.
Also , I never seen this curve in a femur after a lenghetning (based on other x-rays I've seen) .
Is the doctor you are in contact with a limb lenghetning one or it's a generic ortho surgeon ?
Also..why in the last x-ray the nail is not in there ?!

I am a Paley,Rozbruch and Lee fan ahahah
So if by any chance you share your x-rays via e-mail with one of them in the future let me/us know because I would love to hear their opinion on those x-rays


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #267 on: December 05, 2021, 01:02:11 PM »

I could not avoid to take a proper measurement already. As of today, having done 6 cm, my "real" gain in height is 5 cm. This means that I recovered 5 mm, cause in the end of lenghtening I measured and got only 4.5 cm (had duck ass). I still have some duck ass, so I hope to recover even more when I fix it completely, and get like 5.5 cm or so.


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #268 on: December 05, 2021, 02:15:47 PM »

V21 i pmed you, pls check your private messages. Thanks


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #269 on: December 06, 2021, 11:23:46 AM »

Dr. Giotikas just told me that residual pelvic tilt can "steal" around 5-10 mm, so I should just focus on getting rid of it in order to recover the "lost" height. I hope in the end I can get the full 5.5 cm. Probably next week I will start swimming.


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #270 on: December 06, 2021, 01:23:57 PM »

10mm that is a lot of height 'lost'
is your pelvic tilt a result of tightness or did you have it prior to surgery?


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #271 on: December 06, 2021, 02:17:06 PM »

10mm that is a lot of height 'lost'
is your pelvic tilt a result of tightness or did you have it prior to surgery?
I had perfect posture before surgery, so that's what I hope that in the end I will get more than 5 real cm, as I still have some slight duck ass. For example, in FSanchez diary he said that, doing 7.8 cm, got only 6.5 real at first, but managed to get around 7.5 in the end after correcting his posture. I hope the same for me, cause 5 cm after doing 6.1 does not make much sense. Maybe 5.5 or so in the end is reasonable.

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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #272 on: January 01, 2022, 12:42:58 PM »

Feliz Ano Noevo, V21!

Now that you are back home in your familiar settings, how do you like the additional height, do you notice a big change? Did you keep the procedure a secret from friends, if so, have they noticed/commented on it?


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #273 on: January 01, 2022, 05:21:15 PM »

Hey guys.

It's been around 4 months since my surgery, and it's time to update here. From a functional point of view I think my evolution it's quite good, as I already have fully normal walk in flat surfaces. Going uphill and downhill I still look a bit like a robot, but it was something to expect a this point. I go swimming 3 times per week, and it definitely helps a lot. I think I can swim as fast as I did pre op. I still have some sligh duck ass, it's being very very difficult to get rid of it, probably due to tight hip flexors. I strecth them a lot each day, so I hope I solve this issue in a few weeks. Once my back is totally straight again, I will meassure to check the real gains. With my duck ass, the gain is 5 cm despite doing 6 cm in lenghtening, but Dr says it's due to pelvic tilt, and that I should get like 5.5-6. Hope it's true¡

Everyone is commenting that I'm taller lol. To be honest, and I think this happened to a few guys here, walking in the street I don't notice that much of a change, but I do notice when I'm close to someone. It's like I perceive people like they were much taller than me, and when I get close to them or check in a mirror I realize I'm the taller guy. It's weird, like the mind is not used to the new height yet.

As I said in the past, I'd also like to comment about a few things regarding my experience in Greece. I'd like to start talking a bit about G-Nail. I have seen lots of experienced posters trashing this nail, saying it's obsolete crap etc etc. I don't understand those complains if we take into account that Stryde is no longer available. This comes from someone who was unlucky and had crazy crazy pain clicking: I think G-Nail is a great option. This nail is solid, doesn't bend and no one is having mechanical issues with it. Accidental clicks have not been a real problem from anyone here. The great problem is the eventual pain (2/10 patients here had great pain clicking, me included), but it's a reasonable risk to take. I'd rather have pain than being on a wheelchair with Precice.

Being impartial, I'd also have to say that NO ONE has been able to click alone during all lenghtening, and that's a really weird thing, as Guichet and Betz patients can do it on their own. In my case, I was lucky to have my gf with me, so I clicked with her everyday and did not have to spend more money with nurses. However, people who are going alone have to pay EVERY DAY for nurse assistance to get the clicks. I don't know if this is happening due to lack of perfect technique while clicking, but it would be interesting if some some Guichet or Betz patients could share by private message some clicking videos. They must definetely be doing something wrong in Greece, and it's important to find out how to click alone, because the nurse assistance it's too expensive. People are paing 100 euros per day (3.000 month) for nurse asistance to click each day. Most people are very wealthy and have no problem with it, but some others are on a budget and are really struggling cause they can't afford it. That's not fair at all. I think the worst is that you are not warned about this pre surgery, and it's only after surgery when you realise that, on top of all that you paid, you will have to pay 3.000 more each month. If you don't, you will fail, as people are not being able to click alone. That feels like a scam or extortion. For this reason, even though I think G Nail is a great choice, I think people must be warned about this: go with someone to help you click, or you will have to pay a fortune in nurse assistance.


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #274 on: January 01, 2022, 05:42:30 PM »

Happy New Year, my friend! I am really happy you are doing great. Also I think I can summarize: despite bigger pain, after all G-nail is a better option than LATN.
+6 cm tibia LATN with dr. Dimitrios Giotikas:
2021-08-26: First surgery
2021-11-24: Nailing surgery


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #275 on: January 01, 2022, 05:48:48 PM »

Everyone is commenting that I'm taller lol. To be honest, and I think this happened to a few guys here, walking in the street I don't notice that much of a change, but I do notice when I'm close to someone. It's like I perceive people like they were much taller than me, and when I get close to them or check in a mirror I realize I'm the taller guy. It's weird, like the mind is not used to the new height yet...
Hi V21 happy new year, does this mean that you are you still feeling shorter or even inferior to other men? How good is your confidence now?


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #276 on: January 03, 2022, 07:37:10 PM »

Hi V21 happy new year, does this mean that you are you still feeling shorter or even inferior to other men? How good is your confidence now?
To be honest, never felt inferior to anyone. This was more of an obsession and a challenge to overcome. My goal was to be over 175, so that's definetely achieved. I can say that I'm happy, and I'm doing great from a functional point of view. However, since every click was so damn painful, I'd really like to get something closer to the 6 cm I lenghtened. 3 weeks ago I had a real gain of 5 cm, but I also had duck ass, and Giotikas says that it can cause a loss of 5-10 mm. In 2 weeks or so I will measure again to check if there is progress. If I get like 5.5 cm, I will be extremely happy.


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #277 on: January 22, 2022, 06:11:11 PM »

hey V21 how are you doing? any issues now or are they mostly gone


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Re: 5.5 Cm Femurs with Dr. Giotikas and G-Nail.
« Reply #278 on: February 21, 2022, 12:50:19 PM »

That misalignment is exactly what I was referring it before you even started consolidation.

Giotikas and that Spanish doctor have incentive to lie.

Send your xrays to paley or donghoon lee. Ask them their opinion. Pay for it if u have to. Only way to get objective answer.

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