I understand that you don't like mechanical nails and that's fine but stop calling them obsolete when they are the only weight bearing nails in use at the moment. For them to be obsolete it would mean they have no clinical use or benefit (not true since weight bearing is a benefit in itself) and the irony behind a statement like that is, Stryde is the nail that is now obsolete as it basically doesn't exist anymore and failed in less than 3 years. Precise 2 is a good option but using a walker / wheelchair for months isn't something to take lightly and having to be 'cleared' to start walking unassisted can be a long process if you are a slow bone grower.
We need to be more objective on this forum about the benefits and drawbacks of all current methods for future LLers and stop talking about Stryde as if its the holy grail - it is no longer an option and has a chance of never being an available again.
A nail that needs to paimfully rebreak your bone each time to lengthen is an obsolete crap and I am fully aware of what I am writing.
Stryde was a far superior nail in everything and yes, now it is not in market but if someome can't wait then of course precise 2 is a far better choice compared to these albizzia garbages.
With precise you lengthen almost painless, there is reverse lengthening to avoid any non union and the consolidation of the bone is much faster as you don't rebreak it every day for 2-3 months like albizzia. Also, for 2-3 months not walking unassisted is nothing of importance. I haven't walked for much more than that with my monorails and when I started walking again everything wen't fine so it is really not that important as the only reason to prefer albizzia than precise.
Maybe if albizzia had half the price of precise I would think of it as a choice (still not good). But with the same price I will keep writing that it is a joke.
And of course it has the problem of uncontrolled lengthening, and that haooened with Unicorn in contrast with what Arcon wrote.
And finally, it is not even that stable as some people want to believe. Many betzbones (the same as gnail) broke or bended.
But Giotikas probably found an easy way to earn more money, as gnail is much cheaper than precise and I am sure he will charge the same amount of money for both so it is an easy way for extra money. Simple as that.