So for "Live Life Taller": The Head of the Organisation did almost everything what I wished. (Most of the wishes wasn't even his Jobs u know).
is his job you stupid little b*tch. What the f*ck are you talking about??
I did 8 cms in 3 Months. At the start, yeah it was painful but not how I read in the Forum. I don't know maybe my is stronger than the pussys here.
F*ck you. Say this to my face. If you are a real patient, you have our numbers. Come and reply, b*tch - I am waiting.
After 6 cms the Nerves started to hurt but only for one cms.
Fake 100%. Nobody has nerve pain disappear after 6cm - if you have nerve pain early you will have nerve pain later. Nerve pain begins early, comes and goes, but
always stays after 5-6cm. Nerve pain does not magically disappear. Every patient, every method, every doctor.
It is true 1-2 patients out of 40 have no problem, but what you are describing is a joke.
No picturesNo proofI don't even know why you would lie about this. Do you really want every patient in the hotel here to see this? This is f*cking crazy.
Good job!!!