Precice has a longer recovery time vs LON though right? And doesn't it take longer to lengthen. Based on my conversation with Buldu both methods are pretty painful. I guess one is just less painful than the other.
Make no mistake with the comparison of pain as it's not even close.
Precise was designed for cosmetic limb lengthening, you are paying for convenience. 2 surgeries, virtually eliminating the infection of risk and knee contracture. Ultimately less pain.
LON (surgery1) you will have metal pins piercing through your fascia and muscles etc of the femur into the bone for approximately 80days depending on your goal, you will likely develop pin site infections and from what I've heard are quite severe.
Surgery2 fiaxtor removal
Surgery 3 nail removal
Surgery 4 If you decide to correct the scars and the concave dents on your Femur due to the external fiaxtors.
**** You may also require a 5th surgery depending on complications
Lengthening times for 8cm usually takes 3 months regardless of the chosen method.
I hope you can see the pain comparison.
All the best