So I've been lurking on these forums for some time now as well and wanted to post a mockup.
My standing height is 5'11 (+ 0.5" morning height).
My wingspan is 6'5.5 (crazy I know).
I was projected to be 6'4 growing up but sadly never reached that height.
I am less concerned about height and more so about proportions and balancing out my long arms. I often get told that I'm not that tall (even at 6'0 with shoes on).
I think this is due to my proportions. The average man is about 7.5-8 heads tall. Given those idealized proportions I think I would look best at 6'3.
Here are my mockups. I'm aiming for 5cm tibia + 5cm Femur. I know I'm already at a decent height but its the proportions thing that bothers me.
I'd like to get a different perspective. What do you guys think?