14th of April 2021 - 35 days post-surgery (3.1cm taller)Hey guys,
I have finally hit the 3cm mark. It's crazy how quick this process goes by, even if it feels like the days sometimes last forever. I am now back in my home country, currently quarantining in a government hotel for 2 weeks (which absolutely sucks but it needs to be done before I can go back to my home). I left Germany on the 10th of April after a terrific 3 week stay at Elke's house. I cannot say enough about how great the stay at Elke's was and how lovely of a lady she is. Now that I am on my own in a hotel room, I realise how much assistance she provided and how good her cooking was

. I also met some other former patients who were there for nail or screw removal surgeries and they provided some excellent advice and info for the remaining process ahead. If anyone is considering where to stay after the hospital, definitely stay with Elke.
In terms of the last cm, it has largely been similar to the one before it. Basically all my surgical pains have gone with the exception of some slight sharp pain in my right hip which pops up from time to time. Walking with the crutches is similar and walking unassisted is still limited to very small distances due to the tightness of the IT band and the weakness of the glutes, but that being said I am very mobile and independent.
Hows it going RB
is clicking getting progressively more painful or less painful, and how is your wide legs atm
hoping youre doing okay, you almost half way there
Hey Serilium,
Clicking is almost painless now. The right leg is ridiculously easy to click, while the left is a bit stiffer and takes a bit longer to click, but is also as painless as the right. The wide legs are still there but they haven't become any worse as of yet which is a good sign.
This process is very mentally draining and full of discomfort. I cannot wait for the day I finish clicking but I know there is still a lot of work to be done before I get there. Being alone in the hotel room, being unable to even have fresh air is tough but I know things will improve mentally when I am able to see my family in 10 days.
I have still yet to notice any height difference, although I can definitely notice that my femurs are longer, which is kind of cool to see.
I have also attached an x-ray I took at 2.3cm. Dr. Betz was very happy with the early callus formation and says I am an above average bone grower, which makes me think that I will continue at 19 clicks until at least 4cm to avoid any pre-consolidation issues. Any thoughts?
Feel free to comment and ask questions!