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Author Topic: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021  (Read 48499 times)

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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2021, 05:21:54 PM »

23rd of March 2021 - 13 days post-surgery (1.08cm taller)

Hey guys,

I left hospital on the 20th of March and have been at the guesthouse since then. It's much better here than in the hospital and I am starting to eat more and establish more of a daily routine. Pain levels are still manageable, but it is very hard to sleep and find a comfortable position. I find that taking a muscle relaxer before bed actually works better than tramadol for the pain and also helps knock me out. I am trying to walk with the crutches as much as I can during the day and my walk is becoming a lot more natural, however the post surgery pains are still there so I am hopeful they will be gone by next week.

I am currently lengthening at 1.04mm per day and have just reached 1.08cm! I feel good with sleep being my main issue at the moment. If any vets have any tips for sleep that would be great. And as always, feel free to ask any questions!
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2021, 09:20:11 PM »

Nice to see your updates, RB.
Time goes by so fast, you already are 1.08cm taller!!!

Btw, Is it okay to lengthen at 1.04mm per day? What did Dr. Betz say?

I had read that nerves tolerate around 1 mm of lengthening per day. So, to be on the safer side, many doctors recommend staying around the lengthening rate of 0.75mm per day.
Femurs with Dr. Betz - May 2021
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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2021, 09:23:43 PM »

Hi RB, in what way is it hard to sleep? Does it help if you get up at some point in the night and do stretches, and then go back to bed?

Also, how is your walking/standing? Care to share a video or something with you walking or just standing? Totally up to you.


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2021, 09:44:33 AM »

Nice to see your updates, RB.
Time goes by so fast, you already are 1.08cm taller!!!

Btw, Is it okay to lengthen at 1.04mm per day? What did Dr. Betz say?

I had read that nerves tolerate around 1 mm of lengthening per day. So, to be on the safer side, many doctors recommend staying around the lengthening rate of 0.75mm per day.

Dr Betz said it is ok to do 20 clicks especially in the beginning as it is only a fraction over 1mm but I may do 19 clicks some days which is slightly under 1mm to see if there is any difference in pain.

It is hard to sleep due to the atrophied glute muscles so even if I sleep on my back it hurts to lay down and other positions are too painful. The pain is also worse at night and I end up taking painkillers throughout the night and eventually I get some sleep. Waking up and stretching helps a little bit but the main pain is from the glutes, hopefully things improve soon as during the day things are going well.

My walking and standing is pretty good but my legs get fatigued quite quickly. I stand a lot each day with no assistance. I will think about making a video, but I’m not sure yet as I want to keep things private but if not I can send you a video.
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2021, 03:18:47 PM »

Dr Betz said it is ok to do 20 clicks especially in the beginning as it is only a fraction over 1mm but I may do 19 clicks some days which is slightly under 1mm to see if there is any difference in pain.

It is hard to sleep due to the atrophied glute muscles so even if I sleep on my back it hurts to lay down and other positions are too painful. The pain is also worse at night and I end up taking painkillers throughout the night and eventually I get some sleep. Waking up and stretching helps a little bit but the main pain is from the glutes, hopefully things improve soon as during the day things are going well.

My walking and standing is pretty good but my legs get fatigued quite quickly. I stand a lot each day with no assistance. I will think about making a video, but I’m not sure yet as I want to keep things private but if not I can send you a video.

Ahh, the glute pain. It was a real bother for me. Try putting a sort of cushion underneath the bum area on the side maybe like a folded t shirt. It also helps to have that side of the leg slightly elevated. Rest assured once you stop the lengthening those pain slowly go away.
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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2021, 05:05:14 PM »

Ahh, the glute pain. It was a real bother for me. Try putting a sort of cushion underneath the bum area on the side maybe like a folded t shirt. It also helps to have that side of the leg slightly elevated. Rest assured once you stop the lengthening those pain slowly go away.

Thanks mate.

I put a thick cushion near the tailbone while I am sitting now and it seems to lessen the discomfort. I will try the folded t-shirt during sleep to see if it makes a difference.
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #37 on: March 29, 2021, 06:53:48 AM »

Hi RB,

any updates?

I also wanted to ask about conditions in the hospital when you were there: Do you have any privacy? Is it quiet at night? Can you like wash your teeth in the morning? Can you do a shower (assuming you can, maybe not)?


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #38 on: March 29, 2021, 12:47:20 PM »

Hi RB,

any updates?

I also wanted to ask about conditions in the hospital when you were there: Do you have any privacy? Is it quiet at night? Can you like wash your teeth in the morning? Can you do a shower (assuming you can, maybe not)?

Hey pownzorgeek,

I plan to provide an update every cm lengthened but happy to answer your questions. The hospital was ok, not a state of the art facility but a standard hospital. I personally had a roomate who was also doing CLL but other patients had their own room. Yes it is quiet at night and you have a bathroom in the room where you can brush your teeth and have a shower. It took me about 4 days until I could have a shower standing up without using the chair in the shower.
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2021, 05:38:53 PM »

You’re same start height to me , good luck


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2021, 07:06:03 PM »

Hey pownzorgeek,

I plan to provide an update every cm lengthened but happy to answer your questions. The hospital was ok, not a state of the art facility but a standard hospital. I personally had a roomate who was also doing CLL but other patients had their own room. Yes it is quiet at night and you have a bathroom in the room where you can brush your teeth and have a shower. It took me about 4 days until I could have a shower standing up without using the chair in the shower.

Hi RB, didn't know you were planning to do so, great. All the same, thanks for the update.

To be honest, I am interested in doing the surgery with Betz, but I am afraid of some of the things I have read in this forum, like the IT band not being released, the nail clicking being painful, and somehow the idea that if you have any kind of problem, he's just gonna ghost you. I don't know if it's true, I hope not though.


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #41 on: March 31, 2021, 02:07:59 PM »

Hi RB, didn't know you were planning to do so, great. All the same, thanks for the update.

To be honest, I am interested in doing the surgery with Betz, but I am afraid of some of the things I have read in this forum, like the IT band not being released, the nail clicking being painful, and somehow the idea that if you have any kind of problem, he's just gonna ghost you. I don't know if it's true, I hope not though.

No problem.

The lack of IT band release is a valid concern as I was also concerned about this. You’re more likely to develop wide legs and duck ass if it isn’t released but that being said majority of patients it’s not severe and improves shortly after lengthening, and you also have the option of doing an IT band release with another doc if it really hasn’t improved.

Clicking is very individual. For myself it hasn’t been too bad at all. The first click is painful but after that it’s quite smooth and there is some aching in the muscles after a clicking session but that’s quite normal. Some patients do say it’s painful though.

I don’t believe that he will just ghost you if you have issues. Maybe there have been situations but I’d take what you read on the forum about Betz or any doctor with a grain of salt as people have their own agendas here and when you go through LL you realise that most of what people talk about here is bull . 90% of people on this forum will never do the surgery.
My experience so far with Betz has been great and I will always call it like it is should that change.

Feel free to ask any more questions.
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
Status: Consolidation phase


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #42 on: April 03, 2021, 05:07:00 PM »

3rd of April 2021 - 23 days post-surgery (2.1cm taller)

Hey guys,

Thought I would update as I cross the 2cm mark.

Overall pain continues to be manageable, especially during the day. At night I am relying on painkillers to get through the night and am taking slightly more than I should as I wake up every 2 hours in pain and discomfort. Sleep is still easily the worst part of LL and really messes with your mood. I suspect the medication also causes mood swings as my mood will fluctuate throughout the day.

I have some slight tightness of the IT band which has resulted in mild wide legs. This seems to be a common issue among LL'ers, especially if it isn't released during surgery, however at this stage it isn't too bad and if I make a conscious effort to keep my legs close when walking, it isn't that noticeable. I am stretching 3 times per day to help loosen up the core muscle groups for femur lengthening - quads, hamstrings, IT band and hip flexors. I am also trying to walk as much as I can and my gait is fairly good with the crutches, although due to tightness my legs get fatigued quite easily and I have to stop and rest quite often. In terms of walking unassisted, I am able to walk around my room to the bathroom etc in the form of a penguin style walk but I am cautious and will use the crutches 90% of the time until I feel more comfortable.

My emotional state is quite fragile as I am now at the point where I just want to be home around my family and gf. I know that things will become infinitely easier from a mental standpoint when I am back home in familiar surroundings (leaving Germany in 1 week).

Physically, I am doing quite well with no major issues to report aside from wide legs and the usual muscle aches and pains. I have split my clicking sessions into 2 per day (10 in the morning and 9 in the late afternoon) = 0.988mm per day as doing all 19 clicks at once is just too much for the soft tissues to handle and I end up extremely tight.

I am trying to see if I can notice the height gain all the time  ;D, but I guess 2cm isn't enough to be able to tell visually and I am also not around people I know. It will be interesting to see if I notice a difference when I am back home between that 3-4cm mark.

I will have an x-ray before I leave next Friday so will keep everyone updated with progress.

As always, feel free to ask any questions.
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
Status: Consolidation phase


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #43 on: April 04, 2021, 05:42:19 PM »

3rd of April 2021 - 23 days post-surgery (2.1cm taller)

Hey guys,

Thought I would update as I cross the 2cm mark.

Overall pain continues to be manageable, especially during the day. At night I am relying on painkillers to get through the night and am taking slightly more than I should as I wake up every 2 hours in pain and discomfort. Sleep is still easily the worst part of LL and really messes with your mood. I suspect the medication also causes mood swings as my mood will fluctuate throughout the day.

I have some slight tightness of the IT band which has resulted in mild wide legs. This seems to be a common issue among LL'ers, especially if it isn't released during surgery, however at this stage it isn't too bad and if I make a conscious effort to keep my legs close when walking, it isn't that noticeable. I am stretching 3 times per day to help loosen up the core muscle groups for femur lengthening - quads, hamstrings, IT band and hip flexors. I am also trying to walk as much as I can and my gait is fairly good with the crutches, although due to tightness my legs get fatigued quite easily and I have to stop and rest quite often. In terms of walking unassisted, I am able to walk around my room to the bathroom etc in the form of a penguin style walk but I am cautious and will use the crutches 90% of the time until I feel more comfortable.

My emotional state is quite fragile as I am now at the point where I just want to be home around my family and gf. I know that things will become infinitely easier from a mental standpoint when I am back home in familiar surroundings (leaving Germany in 1 week).

Physically, I am doing quite well with no major issues to report aside from wide legs and the usual muscle aches and pains. I have split my clicking sessions into 2 per day (10 in the morning and 9 in the late afternoon) = 0.988mm per day as doing all 19 clicks at once is just too much for the soft tissues to handle and I end up extremely tight.

I am trying to see if I can notice the height gain all the time  ;D, but I guess 2cm isn't enough to be able to tell visually and I am also not around people I know. It will be interesting to see if I notice a difference when I am back home between that 3-4cm mark.

I will have an x-ray before I leave next Friday so will keep everyone updated with progress.

As always, feel free to ask any questions.

Hi RB, thanks for the update. The sleep issue is also something on my mind. I know that if I don't sleep well a few days I get tired and grumpy. So I know what you mean.

How flexible were you before the surgery? And have you asked the doctor if you could slow down a bit to 0.75 mm per day? Maybe that could help.


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #44 on: April 05, 2021, 10:53:39 AM »

Hi RB, thanks for the update. The sleep issue is also something on my mind. I know that if I don't sleep well a few days I get tired and grumpy. So I know what you mean.

How flexible were you before the surgery? And have you asked the doctor if you could slow down a bit to 0.75 mm per day? Maybe that could help.

I was quite flexible prior to LL, especially my hamstrings (I could palm the floor with legs extended). My quads and hamstrings have been pretty good so far, but the IT band and hip flexors are the challenge.

The plan with the Dr was to go to 3cm at 1mm per day then switch to 0.75mm after that so seeing as I am less than a week away from 3cm, I will continue that plan unless the X-ray shows I have very fast bone growth.
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
Status: Consolidation phase


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2021, 09:33:55 PM »

Hows it going RB

is clicking getting progressively more painful or less painful, and how is your wide legs atm

hoping youre doing okay, you almost half way there



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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2021, 09:46:55 AM »

14th of April 2021 - 35 days post-surgery (3.1cm taller)

Hey guys,

I have finally hit the 3cm mark. It's crazy how quick this process goes by, even if it feels like the days sometimes last forever. I am now back in my home country, currently quarantining in a government hotel for 2 weeks (which absolutely sucks but it needs to be done before I can go back to my home). I left Germany on the 10th of April after a terrific 3 week stay at Elke's house. I cannot say enough about how great the stay at Elke's was and how lovely of a lady she is. Now that I am on my own in a hotel room, I realise how much assistance she provided and how good her cooking was  ;D. I also met some other former patients who were there for nail or screw removal surgeries and they provided some excellent advice and info for the remaining process ahead. If anyone is considering where to stay after the hospital, definitely stay with Elke.

In terms of the last cm, it has largely been similar to the one before it. Basically all my surgical pains have gone with the exception of some slight sharp pain in my right hip which pops up from time to time. Walking with the crutches is similar and walking unassisted is still limited to very small distances due to the tightness of the IT band and the weakness of the glutes, but that being said I am very mobile and independent.

Hows it going RB

is clicking getting progressively more painful or less painful, and how is your wide legs atm

hoping youre doing okay, you almost half way there


Hey Serilium,

Clicking is almost painless now. The right leg is ridiculously easy to click, while the left is a bit stiffer and takes a bit longer to click, but is also as painless as the right. The wide legs are still there but they haven't become any worse as of yet which is a good sign.

This process is very mentally draining and full of discomfort. I cannot wait for the day I finish clicking but I know there is still a lot of work to be done before I get there. Being alone in the hotel room, being unable to even have fresh air is tough but I know things will improve mentally when I am able to see my family in 10 days.

I have still yet to notice any height difference, although I can definitely notice that my femurs are longer, which is kind of cool to see.

I have also attached an x-ray I took at 2.3cm. Dr. Betz was very happy with the early callus formation and says I am an above average bone grower, which makes me think that I will continue at 19 clicks until at least 4cm to avoid any pre-consolidation issues. Any thoughts?

Feel free to comment and ask questions!
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
Status: Consolidation phase


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #47 on: April 14, 2021, 09:47:52 AM »

Also guys, how do I upload an image? It's not allowing me to do it through an attachment upload.
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #48 on: April 14, 2021, 11:21:19 AM »

Also guys, how do I upload an image? It's not allowing me to do it through an attachment upload.


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Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
Status: Consolidation phase


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #50 on: April 14, 2021, 12:19:32 PM »

14th of April 2021 - 35 days post-surgery (3.1cm taller)
Hey Serilium,

Clicking is almost painless now. The right leg is ridiculously easy to click, while the left is a bit stiffer and takes a bit longer to click, but is also as painless as the right. The wide legs are still there but they haven't become any worse as of yet which is a good sign.

This process is very mentally draining and full of discomfort. I cannot wait for the day I finish clicking but I know there is still a lot of work to be done before I get there. Being alone in the hotel room, being unable to even have fresh air is tough but I know things will improve mentally when I am able to see my family in 10 days.

I have still yet to notice any height difference, although I can definitely notice that my femurs are longer, which is kind of cool to see.

I have also attached an x-ray I took at 2.3cm. Dr. Betz was very happy with the early callus formation and says I am an above average bone grower, which makes me think that I will continue at 19 clicks until at least 4cm to avoid any pre-consolidation issues. Any thoughts?

Feel free to comment and ask questions!

fantastic to hear man

I think you should continue becuase your bone growth is indeed strong. Betz usually makes you click everything at once right? Perhaps try splitting it to 2 times a day equally split or so if he gives permission? The last thing you want is another operation to rebreak the femur.

anyways i sympathize and ur hanging in there for now and hopefuly it get better



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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #51 on: April 15, 2021, 08:00:23 PM »

14th of April 2021 - 35 days post-surgery (3.1cm taller)

Hey guys,

I have finally hit the 3cm mark. It's crazy how quick this process goes by, even if it feels like the days sometimes last forever. I am now back in my home country, currently quarantining in a government hotel for 2 weeks (which absolutely sucks but it needs to be done before I can go back to my home). I left Germany on the 10th of April after a terrific 3 week stay at Elke's house. I cannot say enough about how great the stay at Elke's was and how lovely of a lady she is. Now that I am on my own in a hotel room, I realise how much assistance she provided and how good her cooking was  ;D. I also met some other former patients who were there for nail or screw removal surgeries and they provided some excellent advice and info for the remaining process ahead. If anyone is considering where to stay after the hospital, definitely stay with Elke.

In terms of the last cm, it has largely been similar to the one before it. Basically all my surgical pains have gone with the exception of some slight sharp pain in my right hip which pops up from time to time. Walking with the crutches is similar and walking unassisted is still limited to very small distances due to the tightness of the IT band and the weakness of the glutes, but that being said I am very mobile and independent.

Hey Serilium,

Clicking is almost painless now. The right leg is ridiculously easy to click, while the left is a bit stiffer and takes a bit longer to click, but is also as painless as the right. The wide legs are still there but they haven't become any worse as of yet which is a good sign.

This process is very mentally draining and full of discomfort. I cannot wait for the day I finish clicking but I know there is still a lot of work to be done before I get there. Being alone in the hotel room, being unable to even have fresh air is tough but I know things will improve mentally when I am able to see my family in 10 days.

I have still yet to notice any height difference, although I can definitely notice that my femurs are longer, which is kind of cool to see.

I have also attached an x-ray I took at 2.3cm. Dr. Betz was very happy with the early callus formation and says I am an above average bone grower, which makes me think that I will continue at 19 clicks until at least 4cm to avoid any pre-consolidation issues. Any thoughts?

Feel free to comment and ask questions!

Hey RB, cool, thanks for the update. Side note, is it natural for the nail to reach so high up in the femur?

Is there a chance you'll upload a video of you walking (just a timed video with you walking away from the camera is good enough)? It has been more than 1 month and this is theoretically a fully weight bearing nail. Moreover your bone growth is as Betz said above average. I would love to understand what walking looks like at the 1 month mark after this operation.

Thanks a lot


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2021, 06:44:15 AM »

fantastic to hear man

I think you should continue becuase your bone growth is indeed strong. Betz usually makes you click everything at once right? Perhaps try splitting it to 2 times a day equally split or so if he gives permission? The last thing you want is another operation to rebreak the femur.

anyways i sympathize and ur hanging in there for now and hopefuly it get better


Yeah for now I will continue at 19 clicks which is a fraction under 1mm. When I take an x-ray in 2 weeks, I will check callus growth and re-evaluate after speaking with Betz.

Hey RB, cool, thanks for the update. Side note, is it natural for the nail to reach so high up in the femur?

Is there a chance you'll upload a video of you walking (just a timed video with you walking away from the camera is good enough)? It has been more than 1 month and this is theoretically a fully weight bearing nail. Moreover your bone growth is as Betz said above average. I would love to understand what walking looks like at the 1 month mark after this operation.

Thanks a lot

I believe it's a normal insertion of the nail based on other Betz x-rays I've seen.

I'm happy to PM you a video of me walking at home when I get out of quarantine next week. Right now there isn't much space to walk and my walk has sort of regressed a bit due to pain in the right leg so I am using the crutches most of the time even in the hotel room. Once I am back home, I will work on my walk again and film it, I'd just rather send it privately than post it in this diary due to privacy reasons. 
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
Status: Consolidation phase


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2021, 12:46:04 PM »

Yeah for now I will continue at 19 clicks which is a fraction under 1mm. When I take an x-ray in 2 weeks, I will check callus growth and re-evaluate after speaking with Betz.

I believe it's a normal insertion of the nail based on other Betz x-rays I've seen.

I'm happy to PM you a video of me walking at home when I get out of quarantine next week. Right now there isn't much space to walk and my walk has sort of regressed a bit due to pain in the right leg so I am using the crutches most of the time even in the hotel room. Once I am back home, I will work on my walk again and film it, I'd just rather send it privately than post it in this diary due to privacy reasons.

Hi RB, sure, we can do via PM, thanks.


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #54 on: April 18, 2021, 08:09:57 PM »

14th of April 2021 - 35 days post-surgery (3.1cm taller)

Hey guys,

I have finally hit the 3cm mark. It's crazy how quick this process goes by, even if it feels like the days sometimes last forever. I am now back in my home country, currently quarantining in a government hotel for 2 weeks (which absolutely sucks but it needs to be done before I can go back to my home). I left Germany on the 10th of April after a terrific 3 week stay at Elke's house. I cannot say enough about how great the stay at Elke's was and how lovely of a lady she is. Now that I am on my own in a hotel room, I realise how much assistance she provided and how good her cooking was  ;D. I also met some other former patients who were there for nail or screw removal surgeries and they provided some excellent advice and info for the remaining process ahead. If anyone is considering where to stay after the hospital, definitely stay with Elke.

In terms of the last cm, it has largely been similar to the one before it. Basically all my surgical pains have gone with the exception of some slight sharp pain in my right hip which pops up from time to time. Walking with the crutches is similar and walking unassisted is still limited to very small distances due to the tightness of the IT band and the weakness of the glutes, but that being said I am very mobile and independent.

Hey Serilium,

Clicking is almost painless now. The right leg is ridiculously easy to click, while the left is a bit stiffer and takes a bit longer to click, but is also as painless as the right. The wide legs are still there but they haven't become any worse as of yet which is a good sign.

This process is very mentally draining and full of discomfort. I cannot wait for the day I finish clicking but I know there is still a lot of work to be done before I get there. Being alone in the hotel room, being unable to even have fresh air is tough but I know things will improve mentally when I am able to see my family in 10 days.

I have still yet to notice any height difference, although I can definitely notice that my femurs are longer, which is kind of cool to see.

I have also attached an x-ray I took at 2.3cm. Dr. Betz was very happy with the early callus formation and says I am an above average bone grower, which makes me think that I will continue at 19 clicks until at least 4cm to avoid any pre-consolidation issues. Any thoughts?

Feel free to comment and ask questions!

Hey RB. Great progress. Your X-ray showing Callus formation looks very good.
Congrats on completing almost more than one-third of the lengthening process, growing 3 cm in one month is mind-boggling!

What size of Betzbone nail did Dr. Betz use for you?
Also, How long did you stay at the hospital before moving to Elke's house?
Right now, how many times in a day and for how long do you do stretches/PT?

Anyway, overall, it seems you are doing great and I am glad to see your progress so far.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 09:12:41 PM by chasing_higher_dream »
Femurs with Dr. Betz - May 2021
Height (night):  170 cm --> 178 cm
Wingspan: 174 cm
Age: 29


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #55 on: April 20, 2021, 01:18:34 AM »

Hey RB. Great progress. Your X-ray showing Callus formation looks very good.
Congrats on completing almost more than one-third of the lengthening process, growing 3 cm in one month is mind-boggling!

What size of Betzbone nail did Dr. Betz use for you?
Also, How long did you stay at the hospital before moving to Elke's house?
Right now, how many times in a day and for how long do you do stretches/PT?

Anyway, overall, it seems you are doing great and I am glad to see your progress so far.

Thanks man!

I have the 12mm Betzbone. I stayed at the hospital for 10 days before going to Elke's. I try and do my stretches about 2/3 times per day. One time in the morning, then after clicking and then before I go to bed.
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
Status: Consolidation phase


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #56 on: April 20, 2021, 04:20:05 AM »

Thanks man!

I have the 12mm Betzbone. I stayed at the hospital for 10 days before going to Elke's. I try and do my stretches about 2/3 times per day. One time in the morning, then after clicking and then before I go to bed.
How would you describe or compare the pain to?


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #57 on: April 20, 2021, 07:28:49 AM »

Awesome to see these results already RB! Hope it pays off as you expect it to be :D Looking forward to more updates.

- Is walking without crutches doable? And did you fly home without any problems or did you go by car :)

- Are you doing the PT all by yourself or do you need a professional Physical Therapist throughout the lengthening phase?

- Also, I am wondering if you plan to go to work after you can leave quarantaine? And if so, what kind of work do you do if I may ask?  ;D

- Did Betz say something about the possible additional cost if complications would occur?

I am considering Betz as well, especially now that Stryde is not available. Take care mate!


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #58 on: April 20, 2021, 04:10:34 PM »

How would you describe or compare the pain to?

It's hard to describe but now that I am 6 weeks post surgery, it sort of feels like constant discomfort in the form of sore legs rather than pain. There are times when I will have some sharp pain in a particular area of the leg that feels like a painful cramp or when the medication wears off, but for the most part after the surgical pains are gone, it's more so the constant discomfort that wears on you mentally. But there is rarely acute pain.

Awesome to see these results already RB! Hope it pays off as you expect it to be :D Looking forward to more updates.

- Is walking without crutches doable? And did you fly home without any problems or did you go by car :)

- Are you doing the PT all by yourself or do you need a professional Physical Therapist throughout the lengthening phase?

- Also, I am wondering if you plan to go to work after you can leave quarantaine? And if so, what kind of work do you do if I may ask?  ;D

- Did Betz say something about the possible additional cost if complications would occur?

I am considering Betz as well, especially now that Stryde is not available. Take care mate!

Thanks mate!

-Walking without crutches is doable but only for small distances due to a tight IT band and weak/atrophied glutes. I am going to work more on my unassisted walk when I am out of quarantine but right now it has sort of regressed and is still very penguin like so I use crutches majority of the time. I flew home and it was a very tough flight because of how far I had to fly home lol but I got there in the end.

-In Germany I did a combination of professional PT and my own PT. Now that I am home I plan to do professional PT 2/3 times per week and the rest on my own.

-I have just resumed working remotely again from quarantine. I work in business/sales for a large company and run my own business on the side. It's doable to work remotely but my focus has been really poor due to the medication and constant discomfort.

-There would be additional costs if the complication required additional surgery so barring an additional surgery everything is included in the original price.
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
Status: Consolidation phase


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #59 on: April 21, 2021, 05:41:29 PM »

Hey RB, awesome thread appreciate the intel.

Quick questions: why did you decide to stay in Germany for so long instead of just going home right after the 10 days in the hospital? Also, was 10 days a requirement or could you leave sooner if you’d like?



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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #60 on: April 21, 2021, 07:09:15 PM »

Hey RB, sounds good mate! Nice that you run your own business. Money needs to keep flowing I can imagine haha ;)

I am also curious, did you already drive car? Or are you planning to try anytime soon?


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Re: RB - Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
« Reply #61 on: April 22, 2021, 12:30:02 PM »

Hey RB, awesome thread appreciate the intel.

Quick questions: why did you decide to stay in Germany for so long instead of just going home right after the 10 days in the hospital? Also, was 10 days a requirement or could you leave sooner if you’d like?

Hey man,

I decided to stay in Germany for 4 weeks as I wanted to be a bit more healed/recovered before flying back home since I had a long-haul flight and knew I would be going into forced quarantine. If I flew at 10 days I would have been in too much pain from the initial surgery to fly.

You can leave as soon as you understand how to click properly, I stayed 10 days just to be safe, but you can even stay up to 14 days if you want.

Hey RB, sounds good mate! Nice that you run your own business. Money needs to keep flowing I can imagine haha ;)

I am also curious, did you already drive car? Or are you planning to try anytime soon?

Haha yeah gotta recover that money lost from the surgery cost  ;)

I haven't tried to drive yet but I feel I could easily drive so when I get out of quarantine on Sunday I will try and drive during the week and report back how it is.
Femurs with Dr. Betz - March 2021
5'4" > 5'7.5"
Status: Consolidation phase
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