Hey! First of all I wanna tell you, you are a wonderful mother! Some parents won’t even do the research about this surgery for their children, because it’s a lot of money and they thought height is not really that big of deal.
May I ask what’s your daughter’s weight? If she’s under 45kg, Precice 2 is a good option! I have a girlfriend (156cm, 45kg) just had her surgery done with Precice 2 on femurs. She originally wanted to do Stryde too, but after discussing method options with the doctor, she chose Precice 2 (Size 10.7). According to Nuvasive Precice 2 is not weight bearing due to its material. But the doctor said, based on his experience, Precice 2 actually can bear the weight of a skinny girl. And he is right. My girlfriend were walking with walker on the third day of surgery. She has now lengthened over 1cm, and she does PT standing and walking (with walker) everyday. Her X ray shows that she is completely fine.
No need to say, Precice 2 is way cheaper too
With the price difference, if she’s willing to, she could even have her tibias done. Femurs 7cm + tibias 5cm is safe.
It’s my opinion. Hope it helps