It is upto you . I already exposed many marketing patients and patients who really have problems .
Well sir the picture you painted is completely different from the reality I am witnessing here. Understand the point, if u can - if anyone puts on a diary without posting pictures and only text, it'll will surely make u question its credibility; similarly if you are criticizing a qualified, experienced doctor, just words are not enough, you must provide a little background of yours for us to take you more seriously. We can't just take a word from any unqualified, random person surfing the forum with no medical knowledge.
And what do mean by marketing patients? If a patients appreciates his doctor, according to you he must have encountered a complication - is that u infer? are even for real?
I am localite here since birth, I know my city and I have a support system. Although I am confident about my choice, just to share, there is not just one doctor in the country, unlike the others I have the luxury of borrowing second opinion. Based on this view, your comment on my diary earlier about some tibial torsion is not logical. I could dive deeper into this with you, now that I have discussed it with my doctor and a few others, but no point.
But please do answer the question raised earlier, for I am curious - are you doctor, prospective patient, or a vetran LL'r??