Really there are too many factors here for one simple answer. The best answer for the OP is: if the type of girl that you find attractive tends to be the type of girl that likes taller guys, then you're out of luck. If the type of girl you find attractive doesn't care how tall you are, then your height doesn't matter.
If that's not very helpful, then the fact is attraction is very subjective, which is why you get such a huge variety of answers in this thread. What one guy thinks is a 10/10 might only be a 5/10 to another guy. Some guys are certainly pickier than others, and if you're more picky with women than what you can bring to the table overall, then you're going to have a hard time.
Also, what counts as "short" is very subjective as well. Honestly, short attractive guys have a better time with women than slightly taller and not very attractive guys. If you're short and not attractive, then you're probably SOL. Of course, if you're rich enough then you can easily find a very attractive girlfriend no matter what your physical attributes are, but she clearly would not be dating you for your physical attributes.
I think the only things that we can posit here are:
- A short, but otherwise well-rounded and confident guy can at least get some girls.
- The girls that this guy gets may or may not meet his standards.
- This exact same guy will have access to more girls than he did before, if he becomes taller.
- Therefore, it's more likely that the guy will find a girl that meets his standards if he becomes taller.
That's it - no absolutes.
CLL will help every guy do better with women, but for those starting from zero, they'll still be at zero after CLL, because height isn't the only thing that matters.