I never said I don't care about safety, but these concerns that have been brought up are just that - concerns due to needing more testing. There is no confirmed evidence that these devices cause cancer or cause any serious long-term issues. Stryde has been used for almost 3 years with mostly terrific results and recovery so if they can confirm that additional testing has been done and there is no evidence of long-term issues then I would 100% undergo the procedure with stryde. I don't think they need to do a full-blown drawn out investigation, they just need to run additional tests that they didn't do before.
The alternatives to stryde are not great - fitbone, Betzbone, externals etc. I would rather take my chances with theoretical danger than use a nail that I know has a high chance of causing complications.
What concerns me, I'll be more careful. Reasoning: The decision for a company to remove all nails has a huge impact. It is not taken lightly. They would not have come to that decision just because one or 2 guys would have had adverse effects. It is possible there have been many reportings of adverse effects, they piled up and have forced the company to investigate. Let's not forget we (in the forum) are only a small number of the total number of people doing this procedure.
Also a company wouldn't easily put the word carcinogenic in their FSN, because they would know that it can cause many concerns. If it was just that they hadn't done enough testing, they would write in the FSN: "We still need to run a few more tests concerning the biological profile of the nail, according to ISO xxxx" and they would omit that word. Again, it is possible they were forced to write those words in the FSN like this.
Third, cancer can take years to develop, even 8 years or a decade. It surely doesn't happen immediately.
I'm not a doctor, but as far as I have understood cancer is the multiplication of erroneous cells. The leaky bone growth stuff? What is that? I'm not claiming it's a tumour but nonetheless it seems to be some kind of weird cell multiplication that shouldn't happen, or? At least I'm not willing to test this on me without the company having fully clarified what this is.
Don't get me wrong, stryde was also my first option, perhaps might be in the future again, but these things are concerning me a lot.