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Author Topic: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona  (Read 27676 times)

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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #93 on: February 26, 2021, 02:37:25 AM »

Thanks for the ongoing diary details FSchez! While the stryde mess gets sorted out, I’ll jus have to continue living vicariously through you and other LLers who had better timing 😁; stay strong 💪
CLL wannabe - waiting for Stryde return
171.5 cm (morning height)
171 cm (day height)
Wingspan: 179 cm
Goal height - 179 cm (femurs)

las vegas baby

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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #94 on: February 26, 2021, 06:40:54 AM »

Thanks for the ongoing diary details FSchez! While the stryde mess gets sorted out, I’ll jus have to continue living vicariously through you and other LLers who had better timing 😁; stay strong 💪


It was recalled for good reason.


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #95 on: February 26, 2021, 12:41:12 PM »

to answer your question

best luck for your journey FSchez
Quarter 3 they say now... 20 days ago they said May lol.


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #96 on: February 26, 2021, 05:14:01 PM »

Thank you very much to everyone for the information and for your support!
The doctor informed me that I have been one of the last patients who has been able to operate with the stryde implants. A few days after my operation, he had to postpone interventions with other patients, but he has given me peace of mind. I think it is a matter of time before its use is approved again.
Soon I will continue to report my progress to everyone.


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #97 on: February 26, 2021, 06:16:21 PM »

Day 29 after the operation (Sunday 21 / February / 21):
I have woken up 2 times in pain at night, but have managed to sleep close to 6 hours in total.
In the morning I woke up with discomfort in the flexor muscles of the hips, so I was not able to walk much ... In the second lengthening session I felt intense pain in my knees and I spent the whole afternoon uncomfortable. We have gone to my parents' house and my father has massaged my legs to ease the pain. I have called the doctor to tell him about my discomfort in my legs and he has recommended that I stop the lengthening for a full day if tomorrow I still have severe pain in my legs. We have returned home for dinner and the pain has become more intense with the last lengthening session. Due to leg pain I have spent a lot of time on the sofa after dinner.
Before going to bed I took a pain reliever and after an hour of rolling over on bed I managed to sleep.


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #98 on: February 26, 2021, 07:07:05 PM »

Day 30 after the operation (Monday 22 / February / 21):
The night and the morning have been the same as the day before ... I have felt pain in my legs while in bed and I have not been able to rest well and in the morning I have lengthened my legs but I have not been able to do anything else due to knee pain and hips ... In the middle of the morning I took a pain reliever and I was able to bear the pain a little better, but when I lengthened my legs again after eating, at 3:30 p.m., I felt an intense pain in my knees, like a strong cramp. At 16:00 I have had a physiotherapy session and he has been massaging and examining the muscles of my legs. The muscles are still very flexible, so the pain I feel probably comes from the nerves. Because of that, I have decided to stop the lengthening sessions for a full day. The rest of the day I have spent calm, trying to move as little as possible. At night I have been stretching my muscles and I have felt a little relief. Just before going to bed I took a pain reliever to rest, but it took a long time for me to fall asleep. :(


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #99 on: February 26, 2021, 07:33:45 PM »

Day 31 after the operation (Tuesday 23 / February / 21):
Like the previous nights, I have woken up twice with discomfort in my legs, but rested a little better.
In the morning I have been doing stretching exercises and lying in bed to rest my legs. At noon I felt much better than the previous days so I have been able to walk with the crutches inside the house for a long time. At 4:00 PM, I have thought about resuming my lengthening, but finally decided to wait to lengthen my legs at night, just before dinner. The afternoon has also been good, but I haven't walked much to enjoy the day without pain.
After dinner I have been relaxing on the sofa with my wife, and I have gone to bed with almost no discomfort despite having done a lengthening session at 9:00 p.m. :D


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #100 on: February 26, 2021, 08:51:46 PM »

Day 32 after the operation (Wednesday 24 / February / 21):
The night has been very good. I have slept from 1:00 to 8:00 and I have only woken up with a slight discomfort in my legs. I have taken a pain reliever and I have spent a little more time in bed until 9:00.
After breakfast I have stretched my muscles, I have lengthened my legs and I have stretched my muscles again. The doctor has recommended that I stretch my muscles just before each lengthening to reduce pain. At 12:00 I had a physiotherapy session and he massaged my legs hard. The physical therapist has used an electro-stimulation machine to release tension from the sciatic nerve. After the physiotherapy session we went to the office where I work. I'm going to start working from home next week, so I wanted to get back in touch with my colleagues.
In my case I have not wanted to hide my operation. I think that if I don't tell them the truth at some point someone will realize that something strange has happened, so I have decided to tell the truth to people who ask me why I am walking with crutches ...
In the afternoon I felt a little pain in my legs, but it was lighter than the previous days. The last lengthening session I felt a little pain in my knees, like a cramp, but soon after it has disappeared. Before going to bed I took a pain reliever and I was able to sleep. Today I only spent a half hour in bed to get to sleep. :)


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #101 on: February 27, 2021, 08:26:59 PM »

Day 33 after the operation (Thursday 25 / February / 21):
The night has been quite good, I only woke up at 4:00, I took a pain reliever and shortly after I went back to sleep. I got up rested and strong, so I was able to lengthen my legs and stretch my muscles without problems. I have tried walking indoors without crutches for short distances and have felt that it is still too early to walk without crutches for a long time. After the 16:00 stretching and lengthening session I felt a bit of tension in my knees and the outer area of ​​the shins. Despite that, we have gone to my parents' house, a distance of 250 meters. I have been walking on crutches at a slow pace. As the pain did not go away after taking painkillers, my father massaged my legs. When we came home for dinner I asked my father to take me home in his car, because I still did not feel well to walk home. After dinner the pain has disappeared, as I have taken another pain reliever and this time it has been effective. Before going to bed I have stretched my muscles again and lengthened my legs, but I have not noticed pain, I have only felt a slight discomfort in my knees. It took me a long time to sleep, because I had discomfort and could not be comfortable lying in bed.


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #102 on: February 27, 2021, 09:16:24 PM »

Day 34 after the operation (Friday 26 / February / 21):
The night was similar to the previous one, because I only woke up at 5:30 and after taking a pain reliever I went back to sleep until 8:30. I have had breakfast early and have lengthened my legs, then we went to get an X-ray to see the progress. After checking that everything is going well, I have had a physiotherapy session. The physiotherapist has told me that my muscles are still very flexible, and he has treated my nerves with electro stimulation. In the afternoon, after the lengthening session, I felt a little pain, so I took the rest of the day calm, without moving much. After dinner, I spent some time relaxing on the sofa so comfortable and relaxed that I forgot during this time that I had surgery ... At 11:30 p.m. I stretched my muscles and lengthened my legs. Right after I felt tension in my knees and a little pain in my legs, so I waited to lie down until I took a pain reliever at 1:30.

I have already lengthened my legs 2.3 cms. :)
In this link I have published the photo of the last X-ray:


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #103 on: February 28, 2021, 12:57:38 PM »

Day 35 after the operation (Saturday 27 / February / 21):
On the night from Friday to Saturday I have woken up only once, at 6:00. After taking a pain reliever I went back to sleep until 9:30. In the morning I walked home on crutches and I felt fine. I have also gone out for a walk with my wife, my children and my mother-in-law. To avoid the fatigue of my legs I have gone out with the wheelchair. We have traveled almost 3 kms. When I got home, I lay down on the bed and fell asleep, as it was the first time that I had traveled such a long distance without anyone pushing me with the wheelchair ... After the lengthening session and the exercise exercises. stretching we have been relaxed on the couch. I have returned to walking with the crutches inside the house and I have felt my legs a little sore. Shortly after, the pain disappeared and my parents came to spend the afternoon with us. At dinner time they returned home and we had dinner on the sofa while we watched a movie on TV. I have been without pain for a long time, but at 11:30 PM I lengthened my legs and felt discomfort in my knees and in the tibia area again until 1:30 AM, when we went to bed.

Since I have resumed lengthening I can sleep quite well at night, although I do not sleep the whole night, but I can control pain better than the days before the lengthening break.

Soon I will post new videos of walking and stretching exercises  ;)


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #104 on: February 28, 2021, 06:39:10 PM »

Does traveling far in a wheelchair tire you out? It seems like even that would be very tiring after such a big surgery  :o


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #105 on: February 28, 2021, 07:15:25 PM »

Does traveling far in a wheelchair tire you out? It seems like even that would be very tiring after such a big surgery  :o
It really does not seem so difficult to move around the city in a wheelchair, but when your arms are not used to moving a wheelchair and you travel a distance of 3 km with unevenness and without help from anyone ... Your arms get tired, you I assure. Today I feel stiff ...


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #106 on: February 28, 2021, 07:45:40 PM »

Day 36 after the operation (Sunday 28 / February / 21):
The night today was also quite good, I was able to sleep from 2:00 to 7:00, I woke up with pain in my legs but I took a pain reliever and went back to sleep shortly after. I got out of bed without pain at 9:15. I have spent the morning quite calm. I have lengthened my legs and been doing stretching exercises for a long time. Late in the morning I lay down in bed because my legs were bothering me. At lunchtime, my legs felt much better and I was able to walk a little on crutches. After the lengthening session in the afternoon, at 17:00 I felt very good, so I have walked several times without the crutches, my wife recorded it.
Then we went to my parents' house to spend the rest of the afternoon, I went walking with the crutches. From 7:00 p.m. I started to feel a little pain in my legs, and shortly after we returned home. To ease the pain, at home, I have lain on the bed to stretch my muscles while my wife bathed the children ...

I have already managed to catch up, so from now on I will try to post the daily progress without having to talk about several days past ... ;)

In this link you can see my progress walking, I have already grown 2.5 cms ;D


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #107 on: March 01, 2021, 08:37:47 PM »

Day 37 after the operation (Monday 01 / March / 21):
Today was my first day working from home. Although I had to wake up early, I was able to rest well. I only woke up in pain at 5:00, but was back to sleep quickly after taking a pain reliever.
I got out of bed at 7:50, had breakfast and started working from the room at 8:30. At 9:30 I stopped for a moment to stretch my muscles and I lengthened my legs. Right afterwards I sat down again to work until 14:30. I've been feeling pretty good, I've only had to get out of the chair a couple of times to take a break and move my legs. After eating I went back to work sitting in the room with hardly any discomfort. At 17:00 I have finished working and have returned to stretching exercises and have lengthened my legs. Shortly afterwards, I felt a lot of pain in my left leg, specifically in the sciatic nerve and in the outer area of ​​the tibia. We have gone to my parents' house, I have been walking with the crutches. I have asked my mother to give me a massage and thanks to that it has soothed the pain a lot. To return home and not reload my leg, I have walked supporting almost all of my body weight on 2 crutches at the same time. I already feel much better, I am sitting on the sofa massaging my legs so that I can arrive relaxed for the last lengthening session of the day.


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #108 on: March 04, 2021, 07:42:51 PM »

Day 40 after the operation (Thursday 04 / March / 21):
From now on I will not write every day, because many days are very similar ... Also, since I started working I am busier and I do not have time to write everything that I have spent in the day.
On Monday night I finally did not lengthen my legs, I took a break because I felt a lot of pain just at the time of the session ... Thanks to that I had a good night and on Tuesday I had a very good morning despite having resumed lengthening of my legs. I went to the physical therapist and he told me that my walking on crutches had improved. Yesterday I also woke up rested and with little discomfort, but in the afternoon, after lengthening my legs, I felt pain and I had to spend the rest of the day stretching my muscles and sitting on the sofa.
Last night I slept quite well again, from 1:00 to 7:00 and from 7:30 to 8:30. Today I also felt good in the morning and I went to the physiotherapist. Every day he tells me that I am improving and I am still very flexible. I have not had contractures in my legs for a long time. In the afternoon, after lengthening my legs, I felt pain in my hips and knees again, but I stretched my muscles and walked on crutches and I felt much better. In the late afternoon I felt so good that I have walked indoors without the crutches, I have recorded 2 videos:

According to my calculations I have grown 3 cm ;D


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #109 on: March 10, 2021, 03:00:28 PM »

Day 46 after the operation (Wednesday 10 / March / 21):
Hello everybody!
After a few days without much change, I write again to tell you how I am progressing ...
Since the last day I wrote, I haven't felt pain, just sometimes I felt short times nervous tension in tibs. I continue to lengthen my legs 3 times a day, 0.81 mm in total. I have started doing more stretching exercises throughout the day: I stretch my hamstrings and quadriceps 5-6 times a day for 10 minutes when I feel a little tension.
The nights are getting better since I am doing more stretching, I keep waking up once, but I dont need long time to get sleep.
On Sunday morning I felt so good that I was able to walk at home for 10 minutes without using crutches ...
Since I have passed the 3 cm barrier I feel that little by little my muscles become more tense, but with the stretching exercises at home and the physiotherapy sessions I am overcoming the tension ... I hope I could continue like this much longer, but I know that the positive evolution will not last long, I still have more than half of the way to goal (8 cms.) ...
I've posted some videos today, one stretching and one walking at home.

I will come back soon!!


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #110 on: March 10, 2021, 05:33:00 PM »

Day 46 after the operation (Wednesday 10 / March / 21):
Hello everybody!
After a few days without much change, I write again to tell you how I am progressing ...
Since the last day I wrote, I haven't felt pain, just sometimes I felt short times nervous tension in tibs. I continue to lengthen my legs 3 times a day, 0.81 mm in total. I have started doing more stretching exercises throughout the day: I stretch my hamstrings and quadriceps 5-6 times a day for 10 minutes when I feel a little tension.
The nights are getting better since I am doing more stretching, I keep waking up once, but I dont need long time to get sleep.
On Sunday morning I felt so good that I was able to walk at home for 10 minutes without using crutches ...
Since I have passed the 3 cm barrier I feel that little by little my muscles become more tense, but with the stretching exercises at home and the physiotherapy sessions I am overcoming the tension ... I hope I could continue like this much longer, but I know that the positive evolution will not last long, I still have more than half of the way to goal (8 cms.) ...
I've posted some videos today, one stretching and one walking at home.

I will come back soon!!

Wow you are so much better stretched than I am. Maybe thats the reason Im in pain today. I will try to catch up with stretching!


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #111 on: March 10, 2021, 06:08:20 PM »

Wow, this diary is so detailed with picture and videos and very helpful and descriptive! You are way more flexible than me, and I didn't even do LL yet haha!

Thank you sir FSchez :)


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #112 on: March 11, 2021, 04:45:24 AM »

Thanks for the update FSchez; looks like you’re doing well...keep up the good work! 😁👍
CLL wannabe - waiting for Stryde return
171.5 cm (morning height)
171 cm (day height)
Wingspan: 179 cm
Goal height - 179 cm (femurs)


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #113 on: March 11, 2021, 07:08:52 PM »

Wow you are so much better stretched than I am. Maybe thats the reason Im in pain today. I will try to catch up with stretching!



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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #114 on: March 11, 2021, 07:14:08 PM »

Wow you are so much better stretched than I am. Maybe thats the reason Im in pain today. I will try to catch up with stretching!
Hi Erkan !!
I am sure that you too can become flexible like me. I started doing stretching exercises before the operation, but I did not practice as hard as I do now ... If you have time to exercise, you will feel better. Although the muscles hurt during the stretching, right afterwards you will feel better and your muscles will loose tension for almost an hour.
Take care of yourself and keep strong my friend !!
I hope you get better of your pain ...
Good luck!!


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #115 on: March 11, 2021, 07:23:25 PM »

Thanks for the update FSchez; looks like you’re doing well...keep up the good work! 😁👍
Whenever I can, I try to update the diary, I hope my experience will help you as for me there have been many other colleagues who have successfully achieved their goal of increasing height ... Tomorrow I have an X-ray so I will publish the photos soon :D


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #116 on: March 11, 2021, 07:34:28 PM »

Wow, this diary is so detailed with picture and videos and very helpful and descriptive! You are way more flexible than me, and I didn't even do LL yet haha!

Thank you sir FSchez :)
Thanks Serilium!!
I'm glad you like my diary, I try to tell in detail what I do and feel during the days, but since lately the days are very similar, from now on I will update the diary when I feel important changes. I will continue to post photos and videos of my progress, because I think that an image or a video is better than updating the sensations every day when they are very similar ...


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #117 on: March 11, 2021, 07:40:40 PM »

By the way, if any of the colleagues who have finished the complete limb lengthening process wants to write some advice for the next few weeks that remain of my process, I will be very grateful ... :)


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #118 on: March 14, 2021, 08:22:16 PM »

Great progress, keep it up and you will be done in no time!
LON method | Dr. Halil Buldu | 2021
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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #119 on: March 14, 2021, 09:12:11 PM »

Great progress, keep it up and you will be done in no time!
Thanks a lot Jamesy!!
On Friday I had X-rays and it seems that everything is going well ... It can be seen that I have increased 3.6 - 3.7 cm in both legs.
Tomorrow I will post the photos of the X-rays. There is still half the way, but about half the way I can be more positive :) ...


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #120 on: March 15, 2021, 03:20:12 AM »

Thanks Serilium!!
I'm glad you like my diary, I try to tell in detail what I do and feel during the days, but since lately the days are very similar, from now on I will update the diary when I feel important changes. I will continue to post photos and videos of my progress, because I think that an image or a video is better than updating the sensations every day when they are very similar ...

Nice to hear! Your stretching video highlighted how much I need to stretch before my surgery! 😆; looks like you’ve made it almost 1/2 way very well...appreciate all the notes.  Stay strong amigo!! 💪😁
CLL wannabe - waiting for Stryde return
171.5 cm (morning height)
171 cm (day height)
Wingspan: 179 cm
Goal height - 179 cm (femurs)


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #121 on: March 16, 2021, 05:31:06 PM »

Hi friends!!
I'm sorry it took so long to post the X-ray photos ... I've been disconnected from my phone and computer all weekend. Since I have started working from home I have very little free time to enjoy my family and the weekend is the time to be with them.
The level of pain during the day remains the same, it is very light most of the day, except for some time that I need to massage and stretch my legs ... The nights are getting better and better, I get to sleep 6 hours without interruptions, I take a pain reliever I go back to sleep shortly after another 2 hours ...
I can walk more and more steps without using crutches, but I keep walking on the street with crutches as a precaution.
I'll be back soon to update the diary. ;)


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #122 on: March 16, 2021, 09:02:07 PM »

Nice to hear! Your stretching video highlighted how much I need to stretch before my surgery! 😆; looks like you’ve made it almost 1/2 way very well...appreciate all the notes.  Stay strong amigo!! 💪😁
Thanks my friend!
I will continue to provide information on my progress because I see that it is useful for people who want to have surgery. It was very important for me to read the experiences of other colleagues who had managed to finish the lengthening process. Videos of teammates walking during lengthening or running after finishing the distraction phase gave me a lot of confidence.
In my case, I was doing stretching exercises for almost 2 months, 2 times a day.
At first it is difficult to stretch your muscles and endure the pain, but every day you gain more flexibility. 💪
It is an effort that I think is worth it and prepares you mentally for the weeks after the operation.


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Re: Femurs growth with Stryde in Barcelona
« Reply #123 on: March 29, 2021, 09:03:40 PM »

Day 65 after the operation (Monday 29 / March / 21):
Hi friends!!
These last few days I have been quite busy with work and I have been somewhat disconnected from the forum ...
For 10 or 15 days the nights have been very good, I have been able to sleep from 12:30 to 7:00 - 7:30 without discomfort. Just when I wake up I take a pain reliever and start stretching my muscles in bed to calm the stiffness in my legs ...
I can already climb stairs without crutches, slowly and carefully, but it is very rewarding.
Since my operation I have lost almost 2 kilos and I have lost all the muscle mass in my buttocks, but I have also grown almost 5 cm and I feel very good.
When I approach one of my relatives who are about 170 cm tall, I feel very good to see that I am close to their height. :)
I feel that my insecurity due to my short stature is fading ... because the people around me and my relatives are not tall, so if I reach my goal and reach 169 cms I will feel great, I am sure ... I would only have to win muscle mass to feel strong and fit as before, but with 7-8 cms more ... ;D
On Wednesday I have X-rays, I hope everything goes well ...
I will report back soon on my progress ...
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