I can only agree with Giotikas2021 here. This seems absolutely terrible. I have had it all planned for July as well. I really hope this doesn‘t terminate everything. I wouldn‘t want to take it anymore longer honestly because It‘s really unpleasant to live with the neurological effects of this mental illness. I have had this since kindergarden and life is worse than ever. I won‘t be able to leave my house anymore too, especially after lockdown.. I can only pray that quarantine goes on forever which isn‘t realistic since it‘s gonna be over in may or june when we are all vaccined here (more or less at least).
E:/ plus having to do it later would fk my university schedules so hard. It‘s close to impossible then without cancelling which I never ever want to do.
But then, imagine you do the surgery just to get cancer in the end... fk that has to be just an assumption by health services right? I can‘t imagine this actually being true, it would be terrible, just think about all the people that have already done it! fk life man makes me wondering if maybe it‘s just better to kill myself honestly, then I won‘t have to think about this crap anymore anyways...