Interesting,i'm planning to go 5cm on tibias,actually,i was planning to do both in the long run,femurs and tibias,to reach +13cm,8cm on femurs and 5cm on tibias,was thinking of going LON femurs,but i'm might get tibias first then
I heard terrible things about Guichet actually,even if it is internal,how they lenghten the bone itself without external fixators ?
I guess i'll have to wait more and go stryde or precise then,it's a shame it's so expansive,50k with Giotikas,but sound better than LON femurs
Do you have any advices before actually doing this surgery ? I'm working out,i read your post saying that the more muscle on legs,the more difficult LL become,so i'm considering stopping altogether working legs and focus on stretching instead.
What are the more budget-friendly LL alternatives you know of,that are quite safe as well ? Giotikas from Greece seems like a good choice,and he is doing LON on tibias actually
Problem is that my tibias are actually in good proportions regarding my femurs,+5cm would make them longer or equal i think
Overall i'm 165cm and i also have a wingspan of 175cm,heard that's important,i don't see why lol