Wow, this really brings new light into a new topic of heightism - reverse heightism. That is, the frustrations and hostility of people of above average height that are considering or just asking about cosmetic leg lengthening surgery. As the OP was initially asking a question about CLL, there was confusion, misunderstanding, and hostility about this fairly new area.
I was going to start an Off Topic discussion about women in CLL, since this is also a rising topic in CLL. Women are increasingly interested in and going through CLL. One reason is that women are typically 4 to 5 inches shorter than their male counterpart, so if you think 5’4” is tough for a man, imagine how tough it is for a 4’11” woman. Yet it seems like heightism only affects men, like the documentary film “Short and Male” in 2008, and how women don’t seem to post in this forum, though I think some women are reading.
But I’m only one person and I can’t solve the world’s problems. I also have to sleep like anyone else. So good night. I’ll see if I can bring up these topics in a separate discussion.