Continued luck with your process. I appreciate your detailed logs/blogs, as I too am entertaining possibly going with Dr. Assayag, as a viable option, as location wise we are similar, (I live in Pittsburgh, and have relatives that will be soon moving to either Owings Mills or Towson).
It was interesting to see some of your therapy performed as I was surprised to see internal and external rotation of the hip performed, (learn something every day I guess), as a practicing PTA the patients that I've seen that have procedures that would be similar are hip ORIF, (Open Reduction Internal Fixation), patients.
Although I haven't practiced in an outpatient setting in years, and it's technically not a contraindication, (however I have seen certain ortho docs request these patients have total hip precautions, which in those cases External and Internal rotation, along with crossing midline of the body and hip flexion of 90 degrees and greater are contraindications), we usually avoid those motions with patients due to pain as complaints of instability in that area.