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Author Topic: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020  (Read 41281 times)

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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #155 on: March 01, 2022, 02:59:19 PM »


No worries, I understand. Thanks for replying anyways.

Now that your walk is normal, at least to external appearances, how does it function?

You previously mentioned you can run normally (even sprint?) but how long are you able to keep going? Would you be able to run, say, continuously for an hour (assuming that this was possible pre-surgery)?

What about long-distance walking, like hiking? I'm a big hiker and really into long-distance walking. I like to travel and my preferred method of exploring my destination is on foot. I've been trying to do that with insoles and realized my capacity for walking normally with insoles is only about half an hour before my feet starts to kill me. Is walking/hiking for hours a possibility for you at the moment?

In any case, thanks again for your response. Really appreciate it.

Hi Issun-Boshi,

I mentioned a lot of this in my last post. Walking function is fine, I can walk very long distances and I've gone hiking in steep and muddy terrain with no problems. I don't think insoles are a good comparison for post-limb lengthening mobility. I would say you'd have to give it about 8 months before you can walk several km with sore legs and maybe 12 months before you can walk without getting sore at all.

As for running, I just started running somewhat consistently (more than a year after surgery) and I'm still working on it. I can only run or jog for a few minutes at a time, though I am gaining a little endurance each time I try. When I run for a while I have fatigue in my leg muscles and a very high heart rate. These issues were not a concern for me before surgery. For comparison, my best 3200m time was under 12 minutes and I did distance running when I was younger (though I quit running because I didn't want to damage my knees).

I don't know how much I'll improve in the future so I don't have any other information that I can provide on this yet, but I would say if running is a major concern for you then you shouldn't get a surgery that breaks both of your legs lol. For all I know it could take another year to recover good running/cardio abilities, especially since I won't be able to run for a while after I get my nails removed. However, after getting surgery I realized in my day-to-day life I don't need to run at all, so it's not that much of a concern for me as long as I keep improving slowly when I train. I stated early on in my journal that I would be happy being able to run 1600m in 9 minutes after surgery, and that's something I'm still working on.

Other than that, I just want to note that sports where your legs are in a more fixed position can be done quite normally, such as swimming, diving, surfing, skiing, snowboarding, etc. The only sport I play that requires agility is tennis, so I'm taking an extended break from that. In the end getting this surgery has tradeoffs that you need to consider, at least in the short term. I would definitely not get it unless your height neurosis is problematic enough that you're willing to make some sacrifices to get taller.
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #156 on: March 11, 2022, 09:47:12 PM »

Got it. Thanks for the response!

Really glad to hear about retaining your hiking ability. Likewise for skiing & snowboarding.

My height neurosis is pretty strong and sometimes it leads to me opting out of social events where I have to take off my shoes/insoles. Sometimes I walk around and just feel   because everyone around me seem tall and therefore, life felt like it'll always be better for other people. I hide it pretty well though and people would generally I'm cheerful & outgoing, but I wish I can live a life where I'm not thinking about my height inferiority every single damn day. I think that's why your diary really struck a chord with me when you mentioned it was something you don't think about anymore.

Do you feel completely normal with regards to the rest of society now (height-wise)? I think you mentioned that you were, but I guess now a tibia surgery is completely out of the question for you? I'm saving up for femur + tibia, so I was thinking of doing 5+6 to stay in what's considered generally safe limits, but now from reading your diary I'm thinking if 8cm will cure your neurosis then maybe that's what I should try too.

Anyways, thank you for your constant response. Please don't feel obliged to respond if you're busy. I still wish you come update here from time to time though so we can know how it goes long-term with regards to recovering complete functionality. Hope your cardio eventually recovers to pre-surgery level!


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #157 on: March 15, 2022, 07:27:55 PM »

Got it. Thanks for the response!

Really glad to hear about retaining your hiking ability. Likewise for skiing & snowboarding.

My height neurosis is pretty strong and sometimes it leads to me opting out of social events where I have to take off my shoes/insoles. Sometimes I walk around and just feel   because everyone around me seem tall and therefore, life felt like it'll always be better for other people. I hide it pretty well though and people would generally I'm cheerful & outgoing, but I wish I can live a life where I'm not thinking about my height inferiority every single damn day. I think that's why your diary really struck a chord with me when you mentioned it was something you don't think about anymore.

Do you feel completely normal with regards to the rest of society now (height-wise)? I think you mentioned that you were, but I guess now a tibia surgery is completely out of the question for you? I'm saving up for femur + tibia, so I was thinking of doing 5+6 to stay in what's considered generally safe limits, but now from reading your diary I'm thinking if 8cm will cure your neurosis then maybe that's what I should try too.

Anyways, thank you for your constant response. Please don't feel obliged to respond if you're busy. I still wish you come update here from time to time though so we can know how it goes long-term with regards to recovering complete functionality. Hope your cardio eventually recovers to pre-surgery level!

I think my height neurosis was mostly tied to dating. I am very shallow/picky and only date hot girls, which is a lot harder as a short guy, even if all my other attributes are excellent. I was just really tired of girls calling me short all the time, even ones who I hooked up with. As for the other aspects of neurosis, other people being taller than me in a group setting was only a slight issue to me and I did spent a lot of time thinking about height as well, but I don't think those alone would've gotten me to do LL.

As for fixing height neurosis, the total number of centimeters lengthened is not that important. You're not going to notice the difference of 1-2cm in height. Going through the surgery and being a cripple for a few months makes you realize that health is a lot more important than height. The perspective of being taller also helps a bit, and I started feeling different when I reached the 5-6cm mark. Speaking of which, I'm not sure where you heard of 5+6cm as "safe limits". The safe limit is 0cm (not doing the surgery at all) because once you break your bones and start lengthening them, your body is going through a lot of trauma no matter how much you lengthen. You have a metal nail inside you and you'll have to do another surgery to get it out. You also have all the scars associated with the surgery. If you do two segments, then double all that surgical trauma on your body.

With any legitimate surgeon, you can set your goal in one segment to 8cm, but they're going to tell you to stop if your body can't handle it. Most people on here managed to get 7-8cm in their femurs, but it's always going to be on a case-by-case basis. There's a reason that most of the Stryde journals on this forum are femurs-only. The number of people who come back for a second round of this is quite tiny, and many who did just one round leave this place because they go back to living normal lives.

Personally there is no way I'll ever do another LL surgery. Before my first surgery I would have considered it, but now there's nothing to consider. First, it took over a year to feel completely normal again, and I still need to get the nails out and then get my scars surgically removed. All of that will take at least another year, after which I can finally put all of this behind me. Second, my arms are too short to support another two inches of height. Thirdly, among my peer group I'm not short anymore and that's enough for me as I don't need to tower over anyone. Finally, I could blow that money doing almost anything and I would consider it a better deal than trading another two years of my life for two more inches of height.
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #158 on: March 16, 2022, 05:08:06 PM »

Awesome BTM..I have almost decided not to do this surgery but I am really jealous as well as happy that you were able to complete it successfully..My dating life is below average but I think I have decided to make peace with that..I know that hot girls usually do not like guys 5ft 7 and under ( I am 5 ft 6 btw) and I will have to make peace with that.. The primary reason why I am not doing LL is because it will disrupt my professional/entrepreneurial journey which I value far more than height..It is what it is..Enjoy your new height :)

I think my height neurosis was mostly tied to dating. I am very shallow/picky and only date hot girls, which is a lot harder as a short guy, even if all my other attributes are excellent. I was just really tired of girls calling me short all the time, even ones who I hooked up with. As for the other aspects of neurosis, other people being taller than me in a group setting was only a slight issue to me and I did spent a lot of time thinking about height as well, but I don't think those alone would've gotten me to do LL.

As for fixing height neurosis, the total number of centimeters lengthened is not that important. You're not going to notice the difference of 1-2cm in height. Going through the surgery and being a cripple for a few months makes you realize that health is a lot more important than height. The perspective of being taller also helps a bit, and I started feeling different when I reached the 5-6cm mark. Speaking of which, I'm not sure where you heard of 5+6cm as "safe limits". The safe limit is 0cm (not doing the surgery at all) because once you break your bones and start lengthening them, your body is going through a lot of trauma no matter how much you lengthen. You have a metal nail inside you and you'll have to do another surgery to get it out. You also have all the scars associated with the surgery. If you do two segments, then double all that surgical trauma on your body.

With any legitimate surgeon, you can set your goal in one segment to 8cm, but they're going to tell you to stop if your body can't handle it. Most people on here managed to get 7-8cm in their femurs, but it's always going to be on a case-by-case basis. There's a reason that most of the Stryde journals on this forum are femurs-only. The number of people who come back for a second round of this is quite tiny, and many who did just one round leave this place because they go back to living normal lives.

Personally there is no way I'll ever do another LL surgery. Before my first surgery I would have considered it, but now there's nothing to consider. First, it took over a year to feel completely normal again, and I still need to get the nails out and then get my scars surgically removed. All of that will take at least another year, after which I can finally put all of this behind me. Second, my arms are too short to support another two inches of height. Thirdly, among my peer group I'm not short anymore and that's enough for me as I don't need to tower over anyone. Finally, I could blow that money doing almost anything and I would consider it a better deal than trading another two years of my life for two more inches of height.
Taking it easy


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #159 on: March 17, 2022, 05:43:15 AM »

Awesome BTM..I have almost decided not to do this surgery but I am really jealous as well as happy that you were able to complete it successfully..My dating life is below average but I think I have decided to make peace with that..I know that hot girls usually do not like guys 5ft 7 and under ( I am 5 ft 6 btw) and I will have to make peace with that.. The primary reason why I am not doing LL is because it will disrupt my professional/entrepreneurial journey which I value far more than height..It is what it is..Enjoy your new height :)

LL is really a personal decision and the answer is not the same for every short guy. Between 2017 and 2020 I mostly forgot about LL and just lived my life normally. If the pandemic never happened I probably would have never booked my surgery and stopped coming to this forum long ago. And even if you just wanted to sleep with hot girls, there are much more cost effective ways than dropping nearly six figures on LL ;)

I think it's great that you're focusing on your professional career. Hopefully the satisfaction it brings you will help you forget about all of this nonsense about height. Good luck with everything!
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #160 on: April 02, 2022, 10:57:50 AM »

Hey everyone,

Giving a quick update as I’m about to go into surgery to get my Stryde nails out. I can’t believe this step is finally here and I’m really looking forward to putting all of this behind me. I’ve been living my life 99% normally for the past few months and I know everything is going to be reset again after the removal surgery. I’ll have fresh scars, bad gait, limited weight bearing, and limited physical activity again. I’ll probably even be too concerned about my femurs fracturing to hook up with any girls in the short term. However, because of this I want to get it done asap so I can move on with my life. I’m also a bit concerned about lysis induced by Stryde so I’m trying to get them removed before my nails start oxidizing significantly.

My physical abilities haven't changed much from the last entry, but my cardio level is improving slowly and my legs feel stronger than before. The butt and hip exercises are working too and my rear looks much more proportional than it has since my initial surgery. Here are the key details leading up to nail removal.

I started looking into removal about 15 months after surgery. I reached out to Dr. Downey since Movie got his done there and had a positive experience. The doctor’s office was fairly communicative given the time difference. I sent them my latest X-rays and they confirmed that I was ready for nail removal. However, I was quoted a price significantly higher than what Movie paid when he did it just five months earlier. It was on par with the last price point I saw from Dr. Lee (pre-pandemic) which was still less than half of what the US doctors charge. Also I had the option of having a plastic surgeon come and close the incisions instead of a general surgeon but I would have to pay extra. I didn’t bother asking what that would cost as I’m more concerned about the size of the incision than how it gets closed, assuming it’s not a medical student doing the suture. I’m pretty sure I will eventually have to see a scar specialist in the US either way. Normally Dr Downey’s office requires at least a month’s notice to book a surgery date, but they were able to fit me in on shorter notice due to a cancellation in his surgery schedule. I had to pay by bank wire ahead of time to secure the date.

I think if Korea had opened up its borders earlier I would have probably at least tried to get a quote from Dr. Lee too. I heard he wasn’t very responsive to international inquiries during the pandemic, but maybe that would have changed after the Korean border opened up again. The last price I saw for him on nail removal included a 3-day inpatient stay. It seems like this would be a good option for anyone who wanted to stay under observation for a longer period after surgery.

Surgery Day -8
While I was in the gym lifting weights normally I was carrying a 45 lb free weight to mount onto a barbell and out of nowhere my left thigh started hurting when I put pressure on it. There was no sound or anything and I wasn’t even doing a lift with my legs so I’m not sure what the cause was. I’ve been lifting for quite a while after surgery and I highly doubt it was bone damage but I was freaked out nevertheless since it began when I picked up that weight and walked while carrying it. Racing through my head was the fear that it was going to interfere with the nail removal surgery I had already booked, paid for, and taken time off for.

It hurt when I applied any weight on that leg or twisted it to the left or right. The leg also felt weaker than normal. During this time I didn’t know what was causing the pain, so I was on the lookout for DVT/PE and gave myself O2 tests. I also used the massage gun I bought for LL on my quads and hamstrings but that didn’t seem to do anything for me at all. There was no discoloration or swelling at the surface either, so my physical symptoms aside from pain, but the pain reached 6/10 level at one point and made it hard for me to fall asleep. It was also hard to work and focus through the pain as I was trying to wrap things up at work before my extended time off. I took a few Ibuprofen but it didn’t really help all that much.

Finally, after two nights of sleep most of the pain subsided (total of about 36 hours). However, even afterwards I walked with a bad gait for a few days, putting less weight on my left leg as it still felt kind of weird (though I don’t know if that was psychological or physical). However, as long as the acute pain wasn’t there I wasn’t too concerned about it. As many other LLers have said even a year after the initial surgery they would still have random unknown pain in their legs for a short period of time. Hopefully that stops once the nails are out for an extended period.

Surgery Day -5
I landed in Europe a few days early and went out to have some fun (I had to get it out of my system before going back to cripple mode again). Fortunately my left leg was not feeling any persisting issues at this point and seemed like it was basically back to normal. I felt just like any other tourist in the area as I should.

Surgery Day -2
After I arrived in Spain I went to the hospital and got my blood work done. The receptionists at the front desk of the hospital knew some English and led me to the patient advocate who Dr. Downey had reached out to about my arrival ahead of time. I gave her my doctor’s orders and we went to the lab to draw blood. I had to pay out of pocket, but it was very cheap.

Later in the day I had a pre-op appointment with Dr. Downey at the children’s clinic that he’s affiliated with. The receptionists didn’t speak English but I spoke enough Spanish to let them know who I was looking for and to figure out which room I was supposed to go to when they replied. While I was waiting outside Dr. Downey’s office, I got a couple of stares as an adult with no children at a children's hospital. When I saw Dr. Downey he inspected my previous surgical incisions and tested my range of motion. Everything was good. Then he answered some of my questions while drafting some paperwork for me to take back and sign before the day of surgery.

I met the anesthesiologist as well, who spoke English though not as well as Dr Downey. He talked through the standard pre-op anesthesia stuff and was able to explain things fairly well, but prepared written documentation for me to read and sign as well. All of the documents I got were in Spanish but I was able to use text/image translation software to read it easily. After that I left the clinic and had no other plans before surgery except to chill and try the local food.

Surgery Day -1
I had to go to the hospital twice today. The first time was for my pre-op COVID test which came out negative. Can’t say I wasn’t nervous about it though. However, right after I left I got a message from Dr. Downey’s office saying that they wanted me to get a set of pre-op femur X-rays on the same day. Fortunately I had not wandered far from the hospital yet and I returned to get it done. It was through this that I saw the nice X-ray machine they had at the hospital. It’s not an EOS machine but it looks much newer than the one at the local hospital I got my X-rays done at in the states. The hospital didn’t look the newest from the outside, but seeing the new equipment inside made me feel more confident about the Spanish health system. I paid for both the COVID test and X-rays out of pocket, but again they were a fraction of what they would cost in the US. Later in the day Dr Downey confirmed that the X-rays looked good and didn’t anticipate any complications.

I was pretty nervous and excited and couldn’t really fall asleep very easily the night before surgery. My anxiety about surgery/anesthesia and fear of getting a fracture after the nails were out were all at the forefront of my mind. However, unlike the initial surgery where I was thinking whether or not it was even a good idea to begin with, this time I knew I had to get the nails out so one less thing to think about. Still, it didn’t stop me from having jitters. I eventually dozed off with four alarms set for the next day.
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #161 on: April 02, 2022, 11:50:52 AM »

Good luck! Keep us updated  :D


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #162 on: April 04, 2022, 06:16:26 AM »

Hahaha this is bringing back memories, dude the day I saw Dr. Downey for the day before-op appointment they had just gotten that XRAY machine you must've used, a day or two before, and they spent about 30 minutes trying to get it working for me to do my X Rays but couldn't LOL, so they used "the old machine" which looked still newer than the XRAY machine I'd be using in LA. Wish you a quick recovery !
Starting height: 167cm Now 175cm With Strydes Femurs with Dr. Mahboubian 09/01/2019
Nails removed 10/06/2021
My Video Logged Diary:


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #163 on: April 06, 2022, 03:18:37 AM »

Thanks Movie and thankscience! Overall I’m pretty happy going to Dr Downey to get my nails out and I’m recovering way faster than after the initial surgery. Here is a recount of the first few days after surgery:

Nail Removal Surgery Day (16.5 months after initial surgery)
By the morning of surgery I had been fasting for more than 12 hours so I was hungry and thirsty but had too much on my mind to care at all. I got dressed and grabbed all my signed paperwork, then took an Uber to the hospital. There was some rush hour traffic so I barely made it on time, but the hospital wasn’t busy so I got checked in quickly.

At reception no English speakers were available but I told them in Spanish that I was scheduled for surgery today with Dr. Downey and then they immediately knew who I was. A staff member led me upstairs to my room so I could drop off my things and wait. I was on my phone for a good hour or so before an orderly came in and told me to change into a hospital gown, then he wheeled me all across the hospital to the OR on a different floor. I saw Dr Downey and the anesthesiologist as well as other surgical staff and they installed an IV port on my hand for injections. I remembered feeling very cold and shivering as I scooted from my hospital bed to the OR table. Then the last thing I remembered was a brief conversation with Dr. Downey about which sites I visited in the city while the anesthesiologist put a sedative into the newly installed IV line.

I woke up in the recovery room feeling a bit groggy and tired enough to doze off if I closed my eyes. I felt like I had dreamed of someone working on my legs while I was out but I couldn’t exactly remember any details. I quickly reached down to check for a dreaded catheter and was relieved that I didn’t find one, however I did notice that my genitalia was 100% numb! My entire lower body was mostly numb as well so I figured I must have gotten spinal anesthesia. I tried to lift my body so I could check my back but didn’t have the strength to. The nurse must have noticed that I had awakened and told me that I had to stay in the recovery room a bit longer before returning to my hospital room. I was so groggy that I don’t remember if she said it in English or Spanish but either way I understood her meaning. I drifted in and out of consciousness for a bit.

Dr Downey stopped by as well at some point and told me overall the surgery went very well. I did have pretty strong bone growth covering the head of the screws so it took slightly longer to remove everything than expected. He also had to open my prior incisions more than their original size to chip away the excess bone. Everything was taken out except one piece of a bent screw. I’m not too concerned about half a screw in my bone since the lysis causing part of the nail is out and he told me that half a titanium screw won’t mess with any MRIs or metal detectors for me in the future. After the doctor left I passed out again until the orderly came by and wheeled me back to my hospital room.

Back in the room I was surprised that I was not hooked up to any sensors and the main IV fluid bag that was empty was removed. I did still have a bottle of something attached to my IV line, but the label was in Spanish so I’m not sure what was in it (antibiotics, antiinflamatories, painkillers?) The orderly just handed me my phone and said I could use it to call my familia (yeah right lol). He then asked if everything was okay and I said yes, so he left. Later on, some nurses stopped by to re-bandage my IV insertion point and make it more comfortable. They asked if I was in any pain. I must have been getting some kind of pain medication in my IV already because I wasn’t really feeling any. They said that I could eat in about two hours and to call them if I needed anything before then and then they left.

Later on, Dr Downey stopped by again before leaving the hospital for the day. He told me that I could move my legs freely and that I could sit up if I wanted to. I asked him about the lower body numbness but didn’t specify the part I was most concerned about (you know what) but he said it would take several hours before I had full sensation in my legs, and if my legs started hurting to call the nurses for extra pain medication. After he left it was quiet for a while. I tried to doze off, but it was the middle of the day so I wasn’t sleepy at all once the sedative wore off.

The internet at the hospital was pretty fast. I decided to browse the web on my phone for a bit. Boy was that a bad idea. Since my entire manhood was still numb, I stumbled upon this website ( talking about people whose penises lost sensation after hip or femur surgery. For most people it took a few weeks to recover, and for some people three months or longer! There were quite a few data points too. One person even permanently couldn’t get erections anymore after his orthopedic surgery. It seemed like the consensus was that their pudendal nerve was injured or compressed during the surgery and they would potentially need further surgery to fix the issue. Now reading that as a normal guy I would not have cared, but reading that as a guy with a 100% numb penis post-orthopedic surgery I was panicking. Maybe my pudendal nerve was damaged too? I was freaking out thinking about what I would do if I couldn’t use my dck for three whole months or if it became permanently numb!

Fortunately, my full penile numbness only lasted about 3 hours. By that point it was only about 50% numb and I started having the urge to pee as well. It seemed like the numbness would go away by the end of the day so I stopped worrying about it. Seriously though, it’s freaky having no sensation in the genitalia at all. If you don’t touch it, it doesn’t even feel like it exists! Anyway, I called a nurse over to help me pee and she said I wasn’t allowed to stand up yet and got me a bed urinal. I tried peeing for about 15 minutes but couldn’t get anything out.

Then, seeing as I was awake, an orderly stopped by with some food. I was famished since I hadn’t had any food for almost 24 hours. The nurse said I had to drink water first. The food provided was crackers, yogurt and some soft fruits. It wasn’t quite a meal but I didn’t want to stuff myself either if I wasn’t going to be able to stand up and use the bathroom. Overall, I didn’t feel bad at all in terms of nausea and appetite. Unlike the initial surgery, I didn’t get a big dose of general anesthesia making me feel sick afterwards. I guess it’s really true that taking the nails out is way easier than putting them in. After all, in the US this would be done as an outpatient procedure and you wouldn’t be staying in a hospital at all.

After eating, I tried to pee again and this time I got a left drops out. It wasn’t enough though and I was still feeling the urge to go without actually being able to go. It took another hour or so before I could finally empty my bladder. One thing I noticed that was different from the US was that the nurses don’t seem to check on you frequently here, or maybe my surgery was not intense enough to warrant the frequent nurse check-in. They would come quickly if I buzzed the help button though, so it wasn’t like I was being neglected. Only one of them spoke English though, but we got by with my rudimentary Spanish and some translation software.

At this point my legs kind of felt like they did after the first surgery, very heavy and stiff. I didn’t have much flexibility (though that might be from how they tightly bandaged my knee) or even the power to raise my legs much. Around 8pm they served me dinner with a chicken dish, some bread and soup, and a dessert. I ate it pretty quickly and didn’t think it would be enough, but ended up feeling full 15 minutes later. I guess my appetite was still partially suppressed by the surgery.

For the rest of the evening I just watched TV while laying on my back with a slightly elevated bed. I’m paranoid about DVT/PE as always, especially since I didn’t think I had a blood thinner so I did some weak leg lifts every so often to keep my blood circulating. My lower body numbness eventually went away 100% by late evening. I had some lingering persistent pain on my right side upper femur incision, and not on any of the other incisions. It was maybe a 2-3/10 level constant pain, but not enough for me to ask for any more painkillers than I was already getting. Later at night the nurses came by with a Valium pill to help me sleep. I popped it right away but couldn’t fall asleep. I’m sure I was still being affected by jet lag too. I eventually dozed off in the middle of the night.

Surgery Day +1
I had some weird dreams and woke up a few times throughout the night. After the third time I woke up it was dawn so I decided to just stay up. My legs were a bit stiff but surprisingly pretty much pain free. The IV on my hand was very annoying but I expected it to get taken out when I got discharged later in the day. I was checking my phone when the nurses came in with two breakfasts and set them on the table across the room. I told them that I couldn’t walk yet until the PT came by and they just said okay and left. While I was pondering how I was going to reach my food, they came back to wash me in bed, which was an awkward experience but necessary as I wasn’t exactly clean after using the bedpan so many times and I also still had crusted dry blood on my skin from surgery. While they were changing my bedsheets I had to turn and lay on each side briefly with some help from one of the nurses but it definitely hurt to put weight on my incisions. After that they set up a table over my bed and brought one of the breakfast trays over for me to eat. Unfortunately it did not taste very good so I didn’t bother with the second one. Aside from that the only other person who stopped by in the morning was a cleaning lady who mopped the floors and removed the food trays.

In the early afternoon I stayed in bed and watched some more TV while trying to nap a bit between episodes. My legs definitely felt much stronger than yesterday and I could bend my knees a bit more, even with the bandages, and could also lift my legs higher than the day before. Eventually I heard a knock on the door and Dr. Downey and a member of his PT staff showed up. Dr. Downey checked my incisions which had minimal bleeding, then left to write me some prescriptions and the discharge paperwork while I was doing PT. Apparently I was also supposed to get shot of blood thinner earlier but didn’t.

Now it was just the PT and me in my hospital room. First, she manipulated my legs while I was laying down to check my range of motion. Since things looked okay, we proceeded with the rest of the PT session. We did some sit-to-stand exercises, and once I was comfortable standing then we walked around in the room. I was surprised how easy things were compared to after the initial surgery. I guess having intact bones helps. After that I did some glute exercises and did a second lap walking around the room. Finally, we did some hip exercises and then a final lap walking around the room. After that she had me sit down on the bed with my legs dangling over the edge and she worked on my legs a bit more. After that she gave me a few more pointers and then left.

Dr. Downey came back and handed me some prescriptions to fill after I got discharged. He answered a few more questions that I had about weight bearing and recovery, and fortunately it sounded like it would only take about 2-3 months for me to fully recover. I would have to find a local orthopedic surgeon to get follow-up X-rays and certification for sports though. Then he said I could be discharged at 3pm if I felt like it. After he left, the nurse stopped by with my blood thinner shot and injected it straight into my stomach. There was no bleeding from the shot but the injection site hurt a bunch for about 15 minutes. As soon as the previous nurse left a staff member came by with my lunch. After eating lunch I had about an hour before discharge so I continued to watch TV and bide m my time. This time I was sitting up instead of laying down though.

Finally it was time to get discharged. I buzzed the nurses and they came to my room, bringing an afternoon snack while they were at it. They told me that they were still trying to get in contact with Dr Downey to see if I needed to bring my IV drip with me. I felt like it probably wasn’t doing anything at this point and the IV port was quite uncomfortable so I was hoping they could just take it off. The nurse who spoke English told me to wait one more hour and then she would let me know. The nurses then left me alone. Everything kind of worked out because during this hour I had severe stomach pain; much worse than anything I was feeling in my legs. Maybe it was the hospital food, but regardless of what I kept having to go #2. The first time failed and I couldn’t get anything out and because I had been sitting for so long I got super dizzy and nauseated when I stood up and nearly threw up into the toilet. The second time my stomach pain flared up I tried again and succeeded. Everything came out all at once in nearly pure liquid form.

After that I felt better about leaving the hospital. I started packing my things and the nurse came by with my discharge documentation and pointed out where the pharmacy was. Right when I finished packing my stomach started hurting and I desperately needed to go #2 yet again. This time it was pure liquid. I figured I should leave asap so I could get to the hotel in case I needed to use the restroom again. I left the hospital with my cane (so glad that I brought it) and walked to the pharmacy, which was only 30 meters away. On top of the painkillers and omeprazole that Dr. Downey prescribed, I also asked for something for the diarrhea.

After leaving the pharmacy I called an Uber but it was over 20 minutes away so I thought I’d just walk the three blocks to the hotel. I made it about 30m before my legs were exhausted and had to rush back into the hospital lobby so I could sit down and call another Uber. Even sitting down was tiring. By the time I took the short ride and walked from the car to my hotel room I was panting and nauseated and felt like I was about to collapse. I rushed into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face which made me feel better. I then immediately lay down in bed and checked the instructions for my medication. I took all the pills necessary and then passed out for about two hours.

I woke up after my nap feeling way better than earlier. Maybe the painkillers kicked in or I got some much needed rest. I was still tried and wanted to go back to sleep but I knew I needed some nourishment post surgery so I ordered takeout. I also wanted grocery delivery but apparently this hotel is in a dead zone for all of the apps that I tried, which is ridiculous considering how close I was to downtown. It looked like I would have to go outside myself if I wanted to stock up on food.

Once my delivery arrived I sat on a chair to eat dinner, which was more difficult than I imagined. Given the soreness of my butt it was almost as tiring and painful to stay seated as right after my initial surgery. After dinner I watched TV for a while and then took another painkiller and went to bed. I was able to sleep on either my stomach or back, but not on either side yet. My incisions hurt persistently when I put pressure on them and the underlying muscle was too sore to stay in that position.

Surgery Day +2
I woke up with massive morning wood so I can confirm that a certain important part of my body still works normally. I laid in bed and browsed the web for a bit. I was feeling zero pain in my incisions while laying on my back but still having a lot of trouble bending my knees. It’s hard to tell what’s causing the tightness in my knees, as I’m not sure if it’s because of stiff joints or the surgical incisions nearby or a combination of the two. While I was in bed I looked up nearby places that I could eat at, and there were a couple of options within four blocks. I wasn’t sure how far I could walk since I needed to Uber the three blocks from the hospital to the hotel yesterday, but I was feeling better so I was willing to try. I figured in the worst case scenario I could walk one way and then Uber back.

I got up to do my morning routine. The hotel has a giant wall of mirrors so I could see the massive penguin-like sway while I was trying to walk. My hip muscles must have been so weak that I was literally swinging 15 degrees to each side when lifting my legs to make a step. Hopefully this can be fixed in a week or so because I need to appear somewhat normal when I get home. I headed out to the closest restaurant, less than three blocks away. I brought my cane with me and only felt a little tired when I arrived. The walk took quite a while though as I was moving slowly and carefully. I don’t think I even needed the cane to walk, but it definitely made things easier. Unfortunately I arrived too early and the restaurant was closed. There was a gas station next door and I bought some drinks and snacks and walked back to the hotel. I noticed that there was also a grocery store on the way back as well, but it wasn’t open. When I got back to the hotel room my legs were very sore and my back hurt as well. I guess the tightness in my hips was causing my back muscles to overcompensate somehow.

I watched TV and ate my snacks while chatting with friends all afternoon. It made me realize just how much I’m looking forward to being normal again. It’s difficult to appreciate how good things can be when you’re just living a normal life until you know what it’s like being crippled, even if temporarily. Given all the people staring at me walking around like a penguin with a cane, I wouldn’t dare show my face like this in front of my friends.

By the evening I was feeling hungry since I had snacks instead of lunch so I decided to walk over to a further away restaurant. It was a bit further than the hospital, but I didn’t have any problems at all walking over. In fact, my back wasn’t even in pain either when I arrived this time. I ate at the restaurant to give my legs a break, then walked back to the hotel. I think I walked at least 25% faster than I did in the morning. I alternated between using the cane on my left and right side every 100m or so. When I got back to the hotel I was incredibly sore in the glutes and hip area and felt relieved laying down. I drank a bottle of water, took my meds, and once the painkillers kicked in I did some standing leg lifts to the side and back. After that I watched some more TV and fell asleep quickly.

Surgery Day +3
I actually set an alarm for this morning because I had a follow up at the doctor’s office and a PT session during the day. I didn’t know what time my appointment was because I had forgotten to email them until last night. Fortunately they replied in the morning and said I could show up anytime between 10am and 1pm. I headed over to the clinic and saw a different orthopedic surgeon since Dr Downey was out of town this week (which I was aware of when signing up for this specific surgery date).

In the doctor's office the surgeon cleaned my incision sites and replaced the bandages on my upper legs. There was still some dried blood left over from right after surgery, but otherwise no issues with the incisions from swelling. I was glad to hear this since I was supposed to ice my legs for the first two days after surgery but didn’t have access to any ice. Fortunately they weren’t too swollen since this could make my scars bigger. The doctor took off the padding covering my knees and lower thighs and inspected the incisions on my lower thighs as well. He said that these incisions didn’t bleed much at all and that the waterproof bandages didn’t even need to be replaced yet. With the padding removed I had more range of motion on my knees. Interestingly, my left knee had about 5-10 degrees more flexible than my right knee, which I’m not sure why. There was also a ton of bruising on my hamstrings. This would have scared me before, but it was actually much less than after my initial surgery so I didn’t even pay any attention to it.

At this point the surgeon said everything looked good and gave me some extra bandages. He said I could shower in a few more days and use these to replace the bandages on my upper femur incisions as the bandages were not waterproof. After that, I thought I was supposed to have PT, but when the surgeon called the PT, she said the appointment was for later in the afternoon. I decided to get some food and rest a bit before coming back for PT since I had a few hours. While walking outside waiting for my Uber I felt some random sharp pain in my upper left femur, but it went away after I sat down in the car.

I got dropped off at the restaurant nearest to my hotel. Turns out that it opens an hour later than listed on Google so once again I couldn’t eat there, but the nearby grocery store was open. I bought some food and drinks and returned to the hotel. I feel like my walk has improved already, with less sway than before. Also, the distance from the restaurant back to the hotel felt way shorter than it did the day before. All signs were pointing to continued improvement and getting better way faster than I did after the initial surgery. Overall I was feeling a lot less fragile than I thought I would be just a few days after surgery.

I didn’t want to show up to PT too tired so I just ate and rested in the hotel room until it was time for my appointment. I took an Uber to the PT facility, which was in a different clinic than the doctor’s office but in the same commercial development area. The PT facility was fairly large with its own reception staff and waiting room. The PT this time was not the same one that I worked with in the hospital a few days ago, but Dr. Downey had already mentioned her by name so it was easy to find her. We went into her office and I lay down on her PT table. First, she checked the location of my incisions, then started massaging my legs and doing some manual stretching to check try flexibility. So far, PT was pretty much what I expected, given my familiarity with it from doing four months of it after my first surgery.

After the table stretches it was time to do table exercises. I did various exercises working out my quadricep and hamstring strength and flexibility, then moved on to standing exercises. These were similar while holding onto something for balance. Next was a set of timed walks across the clinic. As the clinic was pretty big, walking across the first time took about 50 seconds. Then the PT pushed me to walk faster while maintaining my gait. I got the time down to 35 seconds after doing 6 laps in total. I also had to do some walking up and down a ramp sideways and the final exercise was walking up and down stairs, though with both feet on the same step before moving onto the next step. Overall, a very tiring session but it was a solid workout.

I left and called an Uber to the same restaurant since I was determined to eat there given two previous misses. I got a meal to go and brought it back to the hotel since it looked like it was about to rain. I set up my table and ate dinner, then sat in bed and watched a little TV. At some point I passed out from a combination of the food coma and tiredness in my legs. When I woke up it was almost midnight so I decided to try and go to sleep. I ate my meds, did my bedtime routine, and then lay down again. I couldn’t fall asleep though and was just laying in bed with my eyes wide open. I decided I should just switch back to US time and ended up stayed awake all night watching TV. I passed out just before dawn.

Surgery Day +4
I let myself wake up naturally in the early afternoon. I got out of bed and go ready for the day. I took a painkiller and drank some water. I thought about whether I should bring my cane with me or not when I went out for food. I noticed last night that my knee flexibility had greatly improved, especially on the right side. I thought it could possibly be because of PT since my knees were very tight after PT yesterday, but got better than before after a full night of rest. I ultimately decided to go with the cane since it has only been four days since surgery. I planned to try giving up the cane after my next PT session. I left the hotel and walked to the nearest restaurant because it was the coldest day of the week and I didn’t want to be outside for too long in a light jacket.

I ate at the restaurant, noticing that I still have a little back pain while sitting down. I think my tight glutes and/or hips are causing this. After eating, on my way back to the hotel I stopped by the grocery store again for some fruit and snacks. After I got back to the hotel I rested for a bit and spent some time reading. Later at night I did a full set of PT exercises which took over 30 minutes. I noticed that my incisions felt a bit more painful at night than they did during the day, but working out and keeping them moving helped with the pain afterwards. I cleaned myself up the best I could without showering, then took my pills and lay in bed. I watched mindless TV until I passed out very late at night.
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #164 on: April 10, 2022, 09:44:34 PM »

It looks like the forum cuts off my entries in mobile mode since they are too long. If you’re reading on mobile and it looks like any of my entries are cut off, just request the desktop version of the site in your browser.

Surgery Day +5
I woke up naturally in the early afternoon again. Looking back I probably could have worked remotely this week and saved a week of vacation to enjoy later on when my legs are fully healed, but it’s actually really nice not having to think about anything else while recovering from surgery. As usual I got ready and went out for food again. I debated if I wanted to bring my cane or not and this time I did not bring it with me. It’s crazy how much faster the body recovers after taking the nails out vs putting them in. I guess putting big metal nails inside your femurs is a very invasive procedure!

I think my penguin sway is now about 10 degrees to the left and 5 degrees to the right at this point, meaning my left hip/glute stabilizing muscles are slightly weaker than those on the right side. Unlike when I was walking with my cane, nobody stared at me on the street. While my gait wasn’t perfect it probably just looked like I had a limp or bad walking posture if observing closely and not like I was a full cripple or something. Most people weren't observing closely enough to notice anything. I ate at the restaurant slightly further away from the hotel and the walk felt way shorter than the first time I had walked over there.

After eating I walked back while focusing on my gait and enjoying the nice weather. At this rate I should be able to hit up one of the tourist spots that I missed before I leave. After I got back to the hotel I took the stairs up to my room and it wasn’t too difficult taking them but I noticed that I still sway significantly more going up and down stairs as opposed to walking on flat ground. I decided to rest for a bit and watch some TV and then do a full set of PT exercises. Everything felt pretty good and I was looking forward to showing the PT my progress the next day.

Later in the evening I took a “shower” again without getting any of my surgical incisions wet and then lay in bed with my phone watching YouTube and other stuff for a while. I actually got hungry late at night for the first time since surgery. I think it’s a good sign that my appetite is back and the snacks I stocked up on came to use. One thing I noticed tonight was that if I kept my legs straight for a while, bending my knees for the first time after that would hurt a bit and if I kept my knees bent for a while then straightening my legs for the first time would hurt for a bit as well. It’s definitely an issue with stiffness near the knee incisions but I don’t know if there is anything I can do about it aside from resting. I laid in bed and eventually passed out.

Surgery Day +6
I woke up to a message from the PT saying that her prior client had cancelled so I could come early if I wanted to. Since I was awake anyway I got up quickly, got ready, ate a snack, and headed out.

During today’s PT session I started with a legit massage, 30 minutes on the legs, which was really nice since everything had been feeling so tight since surgery. After that I did a few walking exercises and a speed walk down the hall and back. It took under a minute, which the PT said was about as fast as a normal person could power walk. Then we recorded a gait video to send to the doctor. She said that my gait looked pretty normal to her, though I could still see a bit of a swing to the left. I’m obviously very sensitive to this kind of thing so I may be nitpicking myself. Nevertheless, I’ve improved greatly since day 1 and I'm still improving every day. I believe I still have some hope for walking completely normally by the time I return to the states.

After the waking exercises we did some sitting exercises and she checked my ability going up and down the stairs. Everything looked great, so she gave me a "pass" for PT. Then when I was leaving, the receptionist said that I had to pay for a whole bunch of stuff, including PT, the pre-op anesthesiologist visit, and the follow up visit after surgery. The last one must have been because it was a different doctor than Dr. Downey. The PT visits cost about the same as they would in the US and the doctor visits were about what a specialist copay would cost in the US. I guess the surgical quote from Dr. Downey didn’t specifically include any of these, but regardless the total cost is still a fraction of what I would have paid in the US, and I would likely have gotten some surprise billing in the US too.

After that was sorted out I left the PT clinic. Technically at this point the doctor would have allowed me to fly home, though since I already had the time off I planned to stay for a few more days before leaving. I think there must have been some kind of local event, but it was really hard to get an Uber and traffic looked congested all over the city in the afternoon. I ate at the restaurant nearby the hotel and then picked up some snacks at the grocery store. Suddenly I had to rush back to the hotel to use the restroom.

Back at the hotel I realized I should not have taken any antidiarrheal medication after surgery because I had been constipated for days and just realized it when I had to go #2. On another note I saw that I had a confirmed business class upgrade on my return flight to the US, which put me in a good mood. Given how uncomfortable sitting down remains for me, having a lay down seat will be much better. I picked a center aisle seat so I could get up whenever I wanted to and wouldn’t have to get up to let anyone else out. I planned to try and go to sleep a little earlier since I wanted to visit some tourist spots the next day. I booked a ticket with a specific entry time at a popular destination to force myself to get up somewhat early. I watched TV in bed for a while and eventually fell asleep.

Surgery Day +7
I woke up to my alarm and fell asleep again. When I woke up naturally it was almost time for my tour to start so I had to get ready quickly and rush out. I didn’t have time to eat so I took a taxi to the city center and started doing my tourist stuff. I think my legs were actually weaker than yesterday, but most people didn’t look at me weird. I spent over two hours walking around stopping to sit down a few times when I had the opportunity. Honestly it didn’t really help to sit since my legs would feel very stiff after sitting with my knees bent for some time. My glutes were also very sore the whole afternoon and evening.

I ate at a restaurant with outdoor seating and local food. The weather had been perfect all day and I felt like this was the perfect send-off to my time spent in this country. After dinner I called a cab and went back to the hotel to figure out my remaining travel itinerary. I would have to get up a little earlier than I did today but everything should go pretty smoothly as long as I pass my COVID test tomorrow. I watched some more TV, finished the remaining snacks in my hotel room, and then took a real shower for the first time.

I’m really glad that I showered because while I was replacing the bandages near my hip incision I noticed that I had a bedsore or some kind of open wound on one side. It might have been related to the position of the previous bandage. I used an extra bandage and covered the open sore by itself. I also sent an email to Dr. Downey’s office to confirm that it wasn’t anything else. The incisions themselves looked fine and were still healing. The incisions are definitely bigger than before, but I’m not sure there’s much I could do about that. Overall, at this point I thought that my recovery was still going well. I passed out shortly after going to bed.

Surgery Day +8
I woke up to my alarm and checked my email. Dr. Downey confirmed that it was a regular sore and told me to disinfect and bandage it. At this point if I’m more concerned I’ll just stop by a clinic in the states to get it looked at. I did my morning routine and then packed my luggage. I was packed pretty light given the length of the trip but still brought more clothes than needed. I debated if I should even bring my cane back to the states since I don’t think I’ll ever need it again. I ended up tossing it in the trash as a sign of confidence in my recovery. I called an Uber and headed to the airport.

I went through security without setting off the metal detector (which used to go off sometimes) and then found a place to eat lunch. After eating I headed to the counter to talk with airline staff because I was reassigned a window seat from an aisle seat. I wanted to tell them that I was at risk of a blood clot after orthopedic surgery but somehow no one spoke English. The airport here is really bare-bones too but at least the chairs by the gate were somewhat comfortable. I was walking with some penguin gait through the airport, but overall I feel like I was in a much better position now than during my first flight back home after initial surgery. However, I was on Xarelto back then so not as worried about a blood clot. Thinking about that reminded me that I still had some ibuprofen on hand, so I took a pill before boarding the flight.

After boarding the plane I wanted to ask a flight attendant about getting an aisle seat, but there was no one in the seat next to me so I decided to stay. I watched TV the whole time and just tried to move my legs constantly in the background. I did pretty much all of the PT exercises given the limited space I had. It was tiring for me to fly, but I think that would have been the case even with no surgery. Eventually I arrived at the city from where I would be flying back to the US the next day. Before leaving the airport I got a COVID test which came out negative. After that I was originally going to go directly to the hotel but it was still early so I took the subway into the city to go shopping.

I returned to the hotel near the airport and dropped my stuff off. Since there didn’t appear to be any delivery services available at the hotel I ventured out to look for food, and the restaurant next to the hotel seemed acceptable. There was also a grocery store nearby, where I stopped by after dinner to pick up a snack for the flight tomorrow. Then I returned to the hotel and prepared everything so I could leave quickly. Before going to bed I checked my sore and it looks like it actually dried or crusted already. I had some liquid alcohol gel from the hotel which I applied to the area and then rebandaged it. At this point I’m not too concerned about it overall. After that, I lay in bed on my phone until I passed out.

Surgery Day +9
The next morning I got up early so I could eat breakfast and run some errands at the airport before my flight. I didn’t know how to get from the hotel to the airport but there was a taxi outside. He ripped me off by €5 but I didn’t even care anymore; I just wanted to go home lol. Everything went smoothly at the airport and I got everything done and arrived at the gate right shortly before it was my turn to board.

Having walked around for a few hours in the morning I felt like I had improved greatly compared to the prior day. From yesterday to today was definitely the biggest single day improvement since the nail removal surgery. Movie also mentioned that his gait returned to normal about a week and a half after surgery. I would say I felt like I was at about 85-90% at this point and compared to yesterday I felt much less stiff in both the near hip and near knee incisions right after getting up from either a sitting or laying down position.

I got on the plane like a normal person. It’s funny to think that I was considering getting wheelchair service for this flight a week ago. I had a lay flat aisle seat, so I was much less concerned about being cramped for space or not being able to stand up and walk around than my flight the day before. I slept about 1/3 of the flight and stayed up for the remainder since it was a daytime flight. I watched some TV shows that I had downloaded on my phone and got up a few times to walk around and use the bathroom. Generally, I was able to move my legs around and do exercises even when laying down, so getting up to walk wasn’t even as important as it would be if I was stuck in economy. After stretching and doing leg exercises I could get up and walk around with minimal stiffness.

Before I knew it the flight landed and I didn’t feel weak at all walking around the arrival airport. I went through customs without a hitch and called an Uber to take me home. Although my legs were more than strong enough to take the subway I wasn’t really in the mood. After I got home I started catching up on all the stuff I left behind in the states when I flew out of the country for the nail removal procedure. Seeing my giant to-do list made me snap back to reality and mentally I instantly left the surgery recovery bubble that I created for myself in the last two weeks.

I would say at this point I’m feeling great. While my legs are not yet back to 100% of their pre-nail removal level, I’m confident that I’ll get there in a few days at most so I’m going to end my daily nail removal updates here. It doesn’t seem like the forum is very active now so I doubt many people are reading this anyway. I might come back at some point to give a final update when I’m feeling back to 100% but if this is my last update then I want to end it on a good note.

I’m pretty happy with getting CLL overall. While it was frustrating at times the process has made me appreciate my life a lot more and helped me discover some other important goals that I want to achieve, which may even be worth more to me than the height gain itself. Of course I wouldn’t take back those three inches either as I’ve already incorporated them as part of my identity, and the height itself gives me greater mental fortitude and confidence in pursuing my goals.

Again, I wish everyone here the best of luck on their height seeking journey. Please remember that any type of surgery poses risks and to be careful with your one and only body. I hope that everyone here ends up satisfied with whichever path they choose in this journey.

Until next time,
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #165 on: April 11, 2022, 10:35:12 PM »

Happy to hear you made it back home safe BTM ! PM me a means to stay in touch with you once in a while, since I'm not on the forum either bro!
Starting height: 167cm Now 175cm With Strydes Femurs with Dr. Mahboubian 09/01/2019
Nails removed 10/06/2021
My Video Logged Diary:


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #166 on: April 24, 2022, 12:44:30 AM »

Hi BelowTheMean,
Just got a chance to check this forum after months.
I am glad you are doing well.
Starting [Morning] Height: 172.5 cm, Ending: 180.5
SNC - Femurs' Stryde Nail Diary:


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #167 on: April 24, 2022, 07:02:48 PM »


You went to Spain alone and checked into the hospital. they must have asked your for your passport as identity proof during check-in. So before you were knocked out did you leave your phone wallet passport at the hospital for them to keep it safely for you while you lost consiousness?

what would you do if they had lost your items upon your awakening?


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #168 on: May 06, 2022, 09:07:40 PM »

As always, great to hear from you guys, Movie and SNC!


You went to Spain alone and checked into the hospital. they must have asked your for your passport as identity proof during check-in. So before you were knocked out did you leave your phone wallet passport at the hospital for them to keep it safely for you while you lost consiousness?

what would you do if they had lost your items upon your awakening?
SpeedDialer's alt..? Why are you worried about this? Have you never traveled before? Maybe try doing a regular vacation abroad before you do international CLL. I just put my stuff in the hospital room after checking in and before surgery, and then after surgery they wheeled me into that same room. How would I lose my stuff?


As for an actual update I don't really have anything to update right now. A month after nail removal and it doesn't even feel like I ever did CLL anymore. However, I'm also pretty sedentary right now and can only walk around. I suppose my legs don't feel weak at all but I know I still have some empty screw holes in my femurs. The two guys on here (that I'm aware of) who fractured their legs after nail removal both did so while stretching so I'm always paranoid while stretching. I haven't tried anything athletic yet, but once I do I'll come back and update you guys. I don't expect to recover 100% athletically, but I do hope that someday I will be able to do everything that I still want to do physically.

On a social note I met a few more people who I haven't seen since the pandemic started and none of them showed any signs of realizing that I grew taller, although one of them tried to set me up with her friend (who everyone knows is a height queen) so I'll take that as a subtle sign of success lol. I think because I timed the entire process during the pandemic and because I look and act completely normal hanging out with other people, no one can even conceive of the notion that I broke my legs to grow taller. If I was limping around hanging out with my friends I think there would be a lot more people who were suspicious, even if I had a good cover story.
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #169 on: May 06, 2022, 09:34:32 PM »

I actually find it weird that so few noticed such a great increase. 8cm is a lot (atleast, I think it is). And you went from somewhat shortish to a hair above  average. Maybe people notice but don't say anything as the vast majority don't know of the possibility to grow after puberty.

Anyway it is nice to see everything is going smoothly for you.

Take care


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #170 on: May 29, 2022, 05:04:05 AM »

I actually find it weird that so few noticed such a great increase. 8cm is a lot (atleast, I think it is). And you went from somewhat shortish to a hair above  average. Maybe people notice but don't say anything as the vast majority don't know of the possibility to grow after puberty.

Anyway it is nice to see everything is going smoothly for you.

Take care

It's a lot, but it also isn't. Most people don't know about CLL or can't imagine that you did CLL and they also know that adults can't grow, so they just experience major cognitive dissonance and you can even see the gears in their head turning when they see you taller. You'll be gaslighting them without saying a single word. Of course, that's just the people that know you well; those who don't know you well aren't going to remember how tall you were whatsoever.

Here are some more recent social encounters:
  • Met friends of my parents who have known me since I was a child. One of them kept saying that I looked skinnier than before and that I was staying in great shape for my age.
  • Met a relative for the first time in a while and he actually called me out on it. I just gave him a blank look and said that I haven't grown since college and he dropped the subject after that.
  • Met a short female friend for the first time in 2 or 3 years and I actually don't remember how tall she was and she definitely didn't remember how tall I was either.
  • Was at a party and there was a guy around my starting height who was talking to the same hot girl as me. I thought both of us would have had about the same chance of getting her but he just randomly gave up and left her with me. Probably grasping at straws here, but I wonder if he would have tried harder if we were the same height.
  • At a social event, randomly ran into a girl who rejected me for being short 4-5 years ago. She said I was looking good and checked to make sure we still have each other's numbers. She clearly doesn't even remember how tall I was before.
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #171 on: May 29, 2022, 02:54:16 PM »

It's a lot, but it also isn't. Most people don't know about CLL or can't imagine that you did CLL and they also know that adults can't grow, so they just experience major cognitive dissonance and you can even see the gears in their head turning when they see you taller. You'll be gaslighting them without saying a single word. Of course, that's just the people that know you well; those who don't know you well aren't going to remember how tall you were whatsoever.

Here are some more recent social encounters:
  • Met friends of my parents who have known me since I was a child. One of them kept saying that I looked skinnier than before and that I was staying in great shape for my age.
  • Met a relative for the first time in a while and he actually called me out on it. I just gave him a blank look and said that I haven't grown since college and he dropped the subject after that.
  • Met a short female friend for the first time in 2 or 3 years and I actually don't remember how tall she was and she definitely didn't remember how tall I was either.
  • Was at a party and there was a guy around my starting height who was talking to the same hot girl as me. I thought both of us would have had about the same chance of getting her but he just randomly gave up and left her with me. Probably grasping at straws here, but I wonder if he would have tried harder if we were the same height.
  • At a social event, randomly ran into a girl who rejected me for being short 4-5 years ago. She said I was looking good and checked to make sure we still have each other's numbers. She clearly doesn't even remember how tall I was before.
Sounds like things are going well for you. Happy for you bro


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #172 on: June 10, 2022, 10:52:33 PM »

Sounds like things are going well for you. Happy for you bro
Yes, life is great!

Nail Removal Surgery +2 Months

Hey everyone, I'm back will a full update! This one will have some information on scar removal for those interested!

Walking: No issues, 100%. Not even worth talking about.

Running: I have only run briefly a few times to catch the train or rush across the street, but nothing like distance running on a track or treadmill yet. I was thinking about waiting it out but decided it would be better to find an orthopedic surgeon and get X-rays and have him clear me for sports. I really don't feel like explaining why I did CLL to yet another doctor and I'll have to pay for the consult and X-ray but if I can get a definitive date for when I can resume sports it would be worth it. I'm not sure if I will still have leg pain when running but I won't be able to find out until I try running fast.

Weight Lifting: My upper body is more or less back to peak physique and I'm very happy about that. I haven't been doing any squats or deadlift yet though (even with zero weight). Like running, I want to take it easy because the doctor said my screw holes could take up to 6 months to fill after nail removal (though most peoples fill in way sooner than that). Once I get that X-ray I will know if I can squat or not yet yet.

Cardio: Because I haven't been running I haven't really been able to push my cardio levels to the limit. I can get my heart rate pretty high though walking uphill at a brisk pace on the treadmill or using the elliptical. I think I might still have some issues with my heart rate, but I will give myself a bit more time to recover before I start worrying about it.

Sports: No sports yet. I've had friends invite me to play tennis and I had to decline because I wasn't sure if I could sprint and change directions quickly without looking goofy yet.

Nerve Issues: My shins have full sensation now, but they still are a little more tingly than they should be when I touch them. Even if it stays like this I don't mind, but I feel like it should recover back to normal.

Lower Body Physique: My butt is decent right now, but I think it could be better. I've been doing more butt exercises lately, but I think it will fill in completely when I can squat again. My legs look great otherwise as they've returned to pre-surgery thickness even though I haven't squatted or deadlifted in months. My calves never atrophied even while lengthening.

Dating: I'm completely comfortably with my new height in dating now. I don't give a crap about height in dating at all. Of course, it helps that I'm taller than almost all girls now, but recently I went out with a 5'9" girl who was taller than me in heels and I just didn't care. Does being average height help me in dating? I don't actually think so; LL just removed the penalty from being short. I have never had problems getting girls anyway, my problem was getting past the perceived height hurdle in my head, which LL was able to address perfectly. Now when a girl asks me how tall I am on a dating app, instead of being triggered I just take it as a sign that she's interested enough in me to actually care what my height is. I've got some pretty good responses for this now (without even saying how tall I am) and in fact almost all of the girls that asked this question have actually agreed to meet me in person ;)

Social: I met a few more people for the first time since LL who knew my original height but nothing interesting to report. No one noticed, even the ones who I surpassed in height. I'm not worried at all about people noticing the change in height because so few people have. Once my scars are faded I won't even be worried when I'm wearing a swimsuit.

Scars: I've seen people on the forum asking about scar treatments recently so hopefully this is helpful. I got a consult from a dermatologist in a skin and cosmetic surgery practice about 2-3 weeks after my nail removal surgery. She said that it was great that I reached out so soon after surgery because it's actually easier to fix a scar that's currently forming than a scar that's already been around for a while. At the consult she gave me injections of some sort (steroids?) into each lumpy part of every scar, so I got poked about 20 times by a small needle which kind of hurt. The injections were $150 and the consult was $200. I also bought a bottle of silicone gel to use as a topical scar cream and scheduled a followup to do laser treatments. The next day I noticed that some of my scars were already smoother. I forgot about it until a month or so later when I went in for my second appointment and at that point noticed that all of my scars were less bumpy and two of them were actually very smooth. She did a second round of the same injections and then I got two types of laser treatment. The first was the ExcelV laser which cost $350/session and is supposed to fade the color from the scar. The second was the Fraxel laser, which cost $500/session and can actually reduce the scar itself. The ExcelV laser did not hurt at all, but for the Fraxel laser they had to apply Lidocaine as a topical anesthetic first. Even with my skin numb, the Fraxel laser hurt like hell on my legs and the doctor went over each scar 2-3 times with a few minutes in between. After the lasers I noticed that my scars were super red, like they were sunburnt. The doctor gave me a cream to apply over the scars twice daily and told me that the redness would go away in 7-10 days, but the full effect on my scars wouldn't be seen for a good 1-3 months. She also said that I should come back for another round of the ExcelV laser in about a month. In total, I anticipate that my scar treatments will cost about $1800 in total, which is nothing compared to LL. However, I probably won't be able to say what the final scars will look like for a long time.

Final Thoughts: I plan to stick around for at least another month or two. I will check back in after my X-ray and final laser scar treatment to let you guys know how things are going. Maybe I'll even stay until I hit the 9:00 mile mark and am comfortable squatting. I really don't have much interest chatting about LL or height anymore; I just want to finish this journal to leave a complete record for any future lengtheners to refer to and I'm basically ready to move on.
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #173 on: June 11, 2022, 12:09:06 AM »

"Does being average height help me in dating? I don't actually think so; LL just removed the penalty from being short"

I dont understand the phrase. When you say penalty you mean the percieved penalty YOU thought you had with regards to height?


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #174 on: June 11, 2022, 01:36:41 AM »

I think he meant LL didn't necessarily help him get more girls. However, it cures his height neurosis when it comes to dating game.

@Op: Why did you wait more than 1y to get the nail removed? If I remember correctly, there was 1 patient of Dr. Debiparshad on this forum also lengthen femur ~8cm, removed his nail after exactly 1y and snapped his femur. Bad enough it happened to him when he was back home in Canada (again if I remember correctly). So did you wait longer than 1y to ensure sufficient bone healing?
Asian male age 30-36; 163cm -> Gained 4cm tibias & 5.6cm femurs
Tibia surgery 01/18/2022; Femur surgery 02/01/2022
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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #175 on: July 10, 2022, 09:54:53 PM »

"Does being average height help me in dating? I don't actually think so; LL just removed the penalty from being short"

I dont understand the phrase. When you say penalty you mean the percieved penalty YOU thought you had with regards to height?
What I'm trying to say is that I don't think being taller helps as much we want to believe it does when we go through with this. Since I've been at my current height I don't feel like I've actually met any girls with a strict height requirement, but maybe it's because I'm just tall enough now not to trigger that topic. However, no girls have called me tall or anything like that, so I don't think I have an advantage from height, I'm just not crapped on for being short. I'm also more acutely aware of short guys with girls walking around in the street and it reminds me that height isn't everything. I suppose you could say that after LL it's not immediately apparent that height helps with dating even if we believe it does. However, with that said, I'd still rather be my current height any day versus my original height, and I don't regret doing LL even one tiny bit.

I think he meant LL didn't necessarily help him get more girls. However, it cures his height neurosis when it comes to dating game.

@Op: Why did you wait more than 1y to get the nail removed? If I remember correctly, there was 1 patient of Dr. Debiparshad on this forum also lengthen femur ~8cm, removed his nail after exactly 1y and snapped his femur. Bad enough it happened to him when he was back home in Canada (again if I remember correctly). So did you wait longer than 1y to ensure sufficient bone healing?
I removed my nails when it was convenient for me. I mentioned in my journal that I leaned on the later side so my bone would be stronger rather than weaker, especially since I didn't have any lysis issues from the Stryde nail.

Nail Removal Surgery +3 Months

Bone Strength: I was too impatient to keep waiting for the conservative 6-month mark to resume sports, so I booked an appointment with a local orthopedic surgeon (trauma specialist) to get X-rays. He was surprisingly not judgmental at all about me having done CLL. On the X-ray I could clearly see the half of a screw (probably a good 2cm long) left in one of my femurs above the knee. I'm not too concerned about it since it doesn't set off metal detectors. I guess it's the remaining evidence from my procedure that I'll never be able to get rid of. The remaining screw holes were almost, but not entirely filled out. The surgeon said he didn't see any problem at all with me returning to sports, but to start off easy because my muscles were probably weak, having not been exercising my legs for a few months.

Weight Lifting: I've started doing squats and deadlifts again with weights. I'm also doing other leg exercises and overall I'm much weaker than before. I've only gotten in 3 leg days since I was cleared to resume weight lifting, but my estimated 1RM right now is only about 40% of my historical 1RM on both squat and deadlift. It is going up quite fast though, and I expect after a few weeks or months of heavy leg workouts I can get fairly strong again.

Running: I have not started timing my runs yet, but I have been jogging occasionally when I'm outside. I need to record a video of myself running on the treadmill because I'm a bit afraid that it might look awkward when I run. The pain that I felt when I ran with the nails still in was 100% because of the nails. I don't feel any of that pain now when I run, so I'm very happy to say that it was not an issue with my body, but the nails inside.

Cardio: Since I haven't started doing timed runs on the treadmill I don't have any new data here. I noticed that doing fast uphill walks on the treadmill still gets my heart rate up pretty quickly. I'm not sure how to recover from the high heart rate issue at this point, but I think once I start doing timed runs hopefully I will be able to quantify it better at least.

Sports: I have not done any impact sports yet. Maybe I'll try playing some tennis once I'm confident my run looks good.

Nerve Issues: No noticeable changes.

Lower Body Physique: Looks normal now, but once I can increase the weight on squats and deadlifts I think any problems I have here will be solved.

Dating: I'm 100% back to my old self in the dating game (with the addition of more height). I've even hooked up with some 5'9"-5'10" girls recently and none of them said a thing about my height. I haven't encountered any girls calling me short lately, and I haven't even met any height queens, just a few girls who said they would only date guys taller than them. I can't say for sure if being taller has helped with any individual girls, but I do believe it has expanded my dating pool (which is not something easy to measure). I haven't gotten a single comment from any girl about my scars, even though they are still very obvious due to the color.

Social: Since LL I think I've met all of my extended family and old friends now, except for a few living outside of the country. I think I can conclude now that I got away with not telling a single person that I did this. I don't think anyone suspects me, especially now that I've completely recovered. If you do this, don't tell anyone. Apparently it's pretty easy to get away with because no one will remember your height in enough detail to confidently say that you grew taller in your 30s and call you out on it. They'll just think that they remembered incorrectly.

Scars: I saw the dermatologist one more time to get another round of ExcelV laser treatment (the one that removes color). This time she turned up the intensity so it hurt a little, but not quite as much as an injection. I think she has been doing a really good job because all my scars now have the same texture as the surrounding skin, the only difference is the color, which should fade over time. For me it has definitely been worth it to pay for laser treatment, even if only to make the healing process faster.

Final Thoughts: I've got about one more journal entry left in me before leaving this forum for good. I feel like my journal is complete enough already. I just want to hit that 9:00 mile goal that I mentioned in my first post so I can say I hit all my recovery goals and then peace out. If you have any questions, it's your last chance to ask! Overall, I'm 100% happy that I did CLL, no regrets at all. If you have the time and money to do internals and have a pretty good life outside of your height yet feel the need to be taller, then I would say just do it. Just be prepared that it might take 1.5-2 years per segment to fully recover. If you have other issues with your life outside of height, it might be more cost effective to fix those first.
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #176 on: July 12, 2022, 05:26:07 PM »

Thanks a lot for your diary! A good amount of deep thoughts in it  ;)

You talked about not having your height neurosys anymore. However, for long time you (we) have built your personality in this dysforia, between many other things. Do you think that now your mind is focusing in another kind of personal complex? Such as skin colour, tone of voice, amount of hair…

My fear is that after “solving this problem” I wont be satisfied because any other complex, or find psicological excuses to everydays matters throw it.

Thanks in advanced! Kind regards


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #177 on: September 19, 2022, 05:49:18 AM »

Thanks a lot for your diary! A good amount of deep thoughts in it  ;)

You talked about not having your height neurosys anymore. However, for long time you (we) have built your personality in this dysforia, between many other things. Do you think that now your mind is focusing in another kind of personal complex? Such as skin colour, tone of voice, amount of hair…

My fear is that after “solving this problem” I wont be satisfied because any other complex, or find psicological excuses to everydays matters throw it.

Thanks in advanced! Kind regards

Hi mtaker,

I think it's impossible for anyone to feel like they're perfect, so yes, even after LL there are still things that I want to change about myself. However, I don't have the same burning intensity for anything else in my mind as I did for height. So yes, it certainly can't cure all your psychological issues with your body, but it's one giant step toward being more satisfied with yourself. Ultimately I spent over $90K on everything associated with the surgery and a lot of time that I could have been out enjoying life but I still think it was definitely worth it.

Btw, two comments about this journal:
  • I will try to write a new journal entry in about two weeks. I seem to have hit another snag in my recovery and I don't think I can run a 9:00 mile this year, so I guess I still might be on this forum for a while. Otherwise, everything else is going fairly well.
  • I'm deleting the YouTube channel associated with this journal. It seems like CLL is getting more and more mainstream and while I don't think there's anything in the videos that can out me, I'd rather not have it floating out there, esp. as the channel is tied to my main Google account.
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #178 on: September 19, 2022, 06:07:32 PM »

Hey BTM..Do you think Dr Debiparshad has a lot of tech workers as his patients as he is claiming in that GQ article?
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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #179 on: September 25, 2022, 01:17:53 AM »

Were pretty similar in that Im a tad over 5'7 and will end about your height.  I have surgery in January (Betz) and I'm really interested in your scars.  Any chance you could post pics?  I know its a pain but it would be a huge help.  And you detailing your treatment is already super helpful. Thank you.

Also what do you think about tattooing the scars?  Normally I wouldnt like this idea but the idea you can go in and have them gone in a day is appealing rather than waiting years.  Might look weird with sun though.
Gained 3.2CM on femurs for a final height of 5'8.5-5'8.75.


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #180 on: October 20, 2022, 04:23:21 PM »

Hey Everyone,

I haven't been thinking that much about LL recently so I haven't been on the forum much. I will try to find time to write an update when I get a chance. In the meantime I'll answer some questions here.

Hey BTM..Do you think Dr Debiparshad has a lot of tech workers as his patients as he is claiming in that GQ article?
Yes, I fully believe that. Just based on this forum you should know that there are a lot of tech workers with more money than height doing LL in the first place.

Were pretty similar in that Im a tad over 5'7 and will end about your height.  I have surgery in January (Betz) and I'm really interested in your scars.  Any chance you could post pics?  I know its a pain but it would be a huge help.  And you detailing your treatment is already super helpful. Thank you.

Also what do you think about tattooing the scars?  Normally I wouldnt like this idea but the idea you can go in and have them gone in a day is appealing rather than waiting years.  Might look weird with sun though.
Regarding posting scar pics: No, absolutely not.
  • I don't want any potentially identifying pics of me on the internet. In fact, I just deleted all my YouTube videos from this journal too.
  • I don't want to contribute to the pool of internal femur scar pics already online. I don't want more and more people knowing what the scars for an IM rod installation look like.
  • Pics and videos don't work for me on the forum so I can't see what I or anyone else posts anyway.
Regarding tattoos I don't have any so I think it would look weird if I had them just on the scars. The ones around my knees are the only ones I'm concerned about anyway. While I'm kind of nervous about them, none of the girls I've met so far have cared yet. I just tell them it's from a sports injury.

I wanted to follow up with two more questions, if you don't mind. In your reply, you said:

"And I've noticed some circumstantial evidence that the physical aspect of the change is causing some differences in how I'm being perceived."
 I'm curious if you could elaborate a little bit more on the circumstantial evidence here. (I think in your diary you mentioned that you were speaking/flirting with a woman at a party with another man present, that he eventually left, and the question crossed your mind how much your present height may have had to do with that- perhaps this was part of that?)

Secondly, do you think that this feeling of improved comfort in your own skin has improved your confidence in interpersonal interactions unrelated to the dating sphere? I know you said that there were never any issues in e.g. the workplace or in platonic friendships with your height, but I'm curious about, for you, what this improved comfort & confidence has meant to you day-to-day.

Feel free to copy and paste these answers into your diary thread if you like, if you'd rather 'get more mileage' out of the time you spend on this forum -- to which you've already given many hours of your time. Thanks again for your contributions to this community.
Really, to both your questions I think it's the small and novel things that you notice that make a lot of the difference, whether it's internal or external. Things such as girls going on their tiptoes to kiss you, more people moving out of the way when you are walking toward each other on the sidewalk, etc. I don't really have specific things to point out anymore since it's been a while and I don't think of my height as my "new height". I've already totally adjusted to it and I can't even imagine being 3 inches shorter anymore.

Anecdotally I'm still reminded about height as a concept often. Recently I was having dinner with some acquaintances and one of the guys was single and pretty cool and the girls kept saying they would set him up with their friends. Then after we all got up to leave I saw that he was about 5'6". I texted one of the girls later out of curiosity to see if she actually introduced him to anyone and she told me something along the lines of "No. He's a good guy, but as soon as he stood up I knew none of my friends would ever consider dating him."

Another girl (around 5'4") who I hooked up with recently said I was barely tall enough to date her. She said she has a friend around her height that doesn't date any guys under 6'1" and preferred 6'3"+ guys. She then said that she herself was more "generous" on the height of the guys she dates. I would feel bad about it but I'm guessing pre-LL this girl wouldn't even look at me. Plus after LL I just don't care what girls things about my height anymore. It's like someone complaining about how their life sucks because of some mundane issue to a veteran who lost an eye in combat.

Recently I went out partying with a 190cm (6'3") and a 198cm (6'6") guy and saw quite a few girls throwing themselves at these guys. The 190 guy is pretty good looking but the 198 one doesn't even have an attractive face. It was interesting seeing the 190 guy feel short and looking up to the 198cm guy though.. I guess feeling tall or short is definitely a relative thing as Dr. Paley talks about in his interviews! At the club we visited over 60% of the guys were 6'+. Admittedly I was wearing lifts (knowing that I was going to be hanging out with these guys) and I was still below average height in there. All I can say is just don't visit these types of places. I don't feel short at all when I'm with the general public, which is what counts I guess. It's not like I'm out trying to pick up girls in the club every night lol
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #181 on: October 20, 2022, 04:44:48 PM »

Americans are really height fetishists I must say. Even though height is considered an attractive trait globally, thr stories from the U.S are like a different planet when it comes to height cutoffs


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #182 on: October 20, 2022, 04:48:53 PM »

Fair enough and good reasons for no pics.  Do you get embarrassed being around family knowing you had this procedure or have they just kind of accepted it?  Glad you're in a better mental spot after the process.  I understand how being short just seems like a distant memory.  Looking forward to getting there myself.
Gained 3.2CM on femurs for a final height of 5'8.5-5'8.75.


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #183 on: October 20, 2022, 04:54:41 PM »

Thats because many American women are extremely materialistic and clout competitive.  It really comes from nonstop advertising and media indulgence and they get into competition with their girlfriends.  The height preferences does comes from some natural preference, but its increasingly more to do with impressing people....because they have been told that impresses people.  These are also the same women that will leave you when you lose your job though.  Any women who treats you like a piece of jewlery to show around is not going to be loyal down the road.  So after LL I will still be avoiding the height centric women like the plague.  Its reasonable for women to have a height preference, but the "only 6ft and over" girls are the ones you actually want to avoid if you want to be happy with someone in the end.
Gained 3.2CM on femurs for a final height of 5'8.5-5'8.75.


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #184 on: October 20, 2022, 05:00:06 PM »

Thats because many American women are extremely materialistic and clout competitive.  It really comes from nonstop advertising and media indulgence and they get into competition with their girlfriends.  The height preferences does comes from some natural preference, but its increasingly more to do with impressing people....because they have been told that impresses people.  These are also the same women that will leave you when you lose your job though.  Any women who treats you like a piece of jewlery to show around is not going to be loyal down the road.  So after LL I will still be avoiding the height centric women like the plague.  Its reasonable for women to have a height preference, but the "only 6ft and over" girls are the ones you actually want to avoid if you want to be happy with someone in the end.

I live in a European country with an average height of 176 177 !)and I dont know of any 175cm guy and up who thinks he struggles because of his height. Neither many women say they only date 183cm and up.
You americans are really fked up


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Re: BelowTheMean – Stryde Femurs w/ Dr. Debiparshad – Nov 2020
« Reply #185 on: December 06, 2022, 09:19:43 PM »

Yes, I agree with the posts above. Certain American girls can be very obsessed with height, and not just from mainstream culture. It's something you just have to deal with.

Nail Removal Surgery +8 Months

It's been so long since I updated my journal. Life has definitely gotten in the way as I've simply moved on from this whole process or from thinking about it very much. I will probably not be making any updates for a long time, though if I have a major progression in recovery I might come back and check in.. or maybe years down the line if I'm bored someday.

Bone Strength: I have had no issues here, I stopped worrying about my bone strength or even about hitting my leg against things a long time ago.

Weight Lifting: I still have some trouble doing deadlifts and squats. I'm weaker than before and don't think I will ever get back to my previous 1RM on either. My squat positioning is very different as well, though I can still squat. I just don't care enough about lifting right now to make increasing weights a priority. My vertical is terrible now. I tried jumping a bunch at the gym and I can't jump very high and get worn out quickly.

Running: I don't think I'm going to reach my 9:00 mile goal. I barely managed to do 800 meters in 4:30 on one attempt and that'll have to be good enough for me. I can run 1-1.5 miles at a slow pace before I get tired, and even then I have to stop 1-2 times in the middle. It still feels a little awkward to run, though not painful. I wouldn't recommend doing this surgery if you want to be able to run fast afterwards. Or maybe do 6cm instead of 8cm? I think the last 2cm really stretched my soft tissue beyond full athletic recovery. I'm personally okay with the tradeoff though as every bit of height was important to me at that time.

Cardio: I still have the same heart rate problem. Once I start running for 5+ minutes at a moderate pace my heart rate shoots up to dangerous levels. I'm not sure if my heart is actually beating that fast, or if there's something wrong with the sensor or rhythm but after my surgeries I've definitely had major issues with cardio. I should probably consider getting it looked at, but I don't really want to open up to another doctor about LL, especially one that's not an orthopedic surgeon.

Sports: I got a chance to go skiing for the first time after nail removal. It pretty much feels the same as it did pre-LL, and I'm even less concerned with falling now that the nails are out and I'm fully consolidated. I will say at a high level the reduced leg strength and flexibility, and higher center of gravity really does wear you out faster, but I can still ski at 95% of my previous level and I'm still learning new things, so I would say this hasn't impacted much. I played tennis a few times as well and I almost fell trying to stop myself quickly while running. Fortunately I didn't, because that would have been embarrassing. Golf and swimming are just like before as well. I definitely have some work to do here, but I'm feeling good about all the sports that I play.

Nerve Issues: No noticeable changes. There is still a tinge of numbness on my shins, but I've long learned to deal with it. I get reminded of LL when someone touches my shin, but so does seeing all the giant scars on my leg. Numbness is not a big deal, especially since no one else knows.

Lower Body Physique: There was one girl who said my butt was kind of flat, and I do agree to an extent. I need to work it more, but I definitely have some limits in the gym. I think this is something that'll have to be done long term. Hopefully I can get an ideal rear end, but my current butt hasn't stopped me from anything yet (including sleeping with the girl who complained about it).

Dating: I don't think there's much else to say here that I haven't already mentioned. LL will certainly help with dating whether it's psychological (internal) or in actuality (external). As for how much it helps.. probably not that much. It just gets you over the minimum barrier for some girls who care about it. After that your looks, physique, and wallet matter way more! After all, you can't survive in the dating world on height alone (though some guys certainly try). I think I overestimated how much height is worth in dating when I first got taller, but now I'm more of a realist. I've been back to my original dating life for a while now; I feel like I'm more successful with girls, but who knows if that's actually the case. Regardless, no complaints here and I'm still happy being taller than not in regards to dating.

Social: I met some other friends whom I hadn't seen in about four years. None of them noticed that I grew taller, though one said I looked skinnier. Pretty much par for the course compared to all the other people from my past that I met. I think everyone has seen me with my new height now and I managed to get away with not tell a single other soul (IRL). In general when I go out in public I feel like I'm slightly above average height and when I'm out partying with the yuppie crowd I'm slightly below average height. I'm pretty happy at this height and it really is not a concern to me. I can always wear small lifts with the yuppie crowd to reach average height if I'm concerned about it.

I was partying again with the good looking 190cm bro I talked about in an earlier post, and this one hot girl that we were both chatting with actually went with me over him. I asked her about it later and she said his hair was too long. Yea, it's anecdotal, but height is not the be-all end-all of dating.. sometimes people have random preferences or just click. There's another 188cm guy who was at a party I was at a few weekends ago (with way more girls than guys) and he was just playing on his phone the whole time. Since he didn't show any interest, none of the girls talked to him (though there were definitely some eyeing him). He actually complained to me later too that no one wanted to socialize with him. I think with or without LL, we can make the best of our social lives by being confident and outgoing. While I'm definitely an introvert, I go out with purpose and actively try to override my tendency to stay quiet. LL has help me take the focus off height in all my social interactions - whether related to dating or not.

Scars: My scars have probably faded a little over the last half a year, but I haven't really noticed it day-to-day. I'm still protecting them 100% from the sun. Girls that I hook up definitely all notice, though they don't seem to care that much.

Proportions: The scars are way more of an issue than the proportions. I'm not concerned about the proportions at all. None of the girls I've dated have noticed any issues with my proportions so I don't think it's a concern.

Final Thoughts: I don't have that much more to say about CLL. It's so internalized for me now I just don't remember being my original height. It's probably the same thing that people feel during at the end of their natural growth phase. I think my current height is good enough and it's not limiting me anymore. It's at that level where I neither get any benefits from being tall nor any drawbacks from being short. I don't really envy taller guys anymore, though I still feel a little bad for short guys sometimes, especially now that I live in a taller city. Most short guys don't care though, they don't have ambitions to date someone out of their league, want to make a living from their physical appearance, or let their height affect them. I think we on this forum are the ones who care the most about height by far.

I know in this post I'm not really being super positive, but that's because I'm used to all the benefits and changes in height now and it's all internalized and I have more time to think about the issues instead. I know I sacrificed some physical function to gain this height, but I'm okay with the amount sacrificed. Maybe I would be more athletic if I only did 6cm instead of 8cm, but there's no point for me to think about it. Overall, I'm 100% happy that I made the decision to do CLL; I don't regret that I'm less athletic since I'm still able to play my favorite sports with my friends. I suck at running and jumping now, but the only time I run outside of the gym is when I need to catch the train and my extended legs can still handle that sprint.

My final review - I think CLL (with a weight bearing nail) was a very good solution for me. I didn't really have any issues with my physical self or my life aside from my height, and now after LL I don't really have any major issues with myself at all. If someone else is in a similar boat then I think LL could be a good solution for them too.

Thanks for all your support over the years and again I hope you all achieve your goals or find peace with your height.
Stryde Femurs - Debiparshad - Nov 2020
Nail Removal - Downey - Apr 2022
Journal (169cm -> 177cm)

Current Status: Recovered, moving on
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