so, I was supposed to be about average height (projected to be 5’9). My father is 5’10 and my mother is 5’3. I turned out barely 5’6, which I attribute to a combination of being avoiding healthy foods my mom would make, not being active enough and lack of sleep. My fraternal grandfather is 6’0, haven’t met my fraternal grandmother, but my aunt on that side is taller than me so maybe she is taller too. My maternal grandfather is very short now because of scoliosis but apparently used to be 5’10, and my maternal grandmother was maybe 5’3 (same as my mom). So being tall isn’t really in my genetics, but neither is being really short.
Interestingly my half brother is already taller than me, about the same height as his bio father who is only 5’8. My brother was kind of a picky eater as well but he has always very sporty so that makes sense.
Since me being 5’6 is more a result of my childhood than my genetics, would this mean that my children would be predisposed to being short like me? Or would my genetics carry them over to an average height hopefully. I have a fear of having a son who I would submit to being short and have him face the same kind of major self esteem issues I’ve struggled with off and on my whole life.