As long as one has height nerousis and it impedes their confidence in a significant way, that's more than enough of a reason to get LL. Height neurosis doesn't discriminate. You can objectively tall or average and still feel short and feel bad everyday about it. the decision is quite personal.
And usually some men complain about height in a short of "non-important" way. Like they would prefer to be taller, but its not something they OBSSESS about. Similar to how I usually sometimes tell my friends "oh my god I'm so ugly haha" but it's more casual and for fun and I don't mind it, I don't want plastic surgery, I don't obssess over it daily. Whereas someone with body dysmorphia would say "I'm so ugly" and constantly be checking themselves out, planning for plastic surgery, comparing themselves, constantly be upset and depressed over it, hide their face or be camera shy, wear hoodies.
It's the same with complaining about height. Some guys complain but it's not in a serious way. It's more like "ohh mee goodness I'm Soo short I wanna be 6'3" but they don't obssess over their height. Meanwhile someone with height neurosis would be like "I'm so fking short, I'm so fking depressed, this shiet drops my confidence so much, why dad why you had to be short ughhh oh my god I feel inferior in the street 24/7"
Some people complain, but it doesn't really hinder their life. They just complain in nonchalant manner.
Of course there's gonna be the 6'0 men who actually do have height neurosis and complain to the same severity as us. Like batman saids, let them be.
After all, height nerousis is a psychological thing. I guarantee you there's at least a few 5'5 men that ACTUALLY don't give a shiet about their height (at least to the point where it doesn't hinder their confidence one bit). Few, but they exist. Anyone of any height can or can't have height neurosis. And they should have the right to do LL without judgement or this being the "who has it worse" battle aka oppression olympics.
Read my signature. I don't gatekeep anyone from getting this surgery, no one should. Freedom baby.