To current and past limb lengthening patients,
I have messaged some limb lengthening patients directly but have got mixed answers. So I thought I would open this thread to have all views of people that are currently going or have gone through limb lengthening, especially LON femur.
I am planing to have LON femur in Istanbul soon. I’m not Turkish and am travelling from Europe. I plan to stay in Istanbul for both the lengthening and consolidation period, so 5/6 months in total. I am travelling alone with no family member. I plan to have the surgery and after the initial hospital stay, move into a rented apartment by myself for the whole 5/6 months. I plan to have a therapist visit me 5 times a week and have someone bring food, groceries, medicine etc once a week.
I just wonder, is this feasible. People from experience, do you need someone with your 24/7 to look after you?
And I mean practical help. Not talking about mental or emotional side. That I can cope with. But do you need someone physically helping you all the time?
Or can you function with walker/crutch to just move around the apartment, go toilet, do your stretches, and like put food in microwave. Small stuff like that.
Some patients I have asked say yes, it’s absolutely possible. Some say it’s better to have someone.
Just want to know if it is possible practically speaking.
Would appreciate input / advice of people that are currently going or have gone through FEMUR LON procedure especially.