Hello All!
I’m finally chasing my dreams after a decade of trying new things to overcome my height dysphoria.
Thank you for all the diaries I’ve read and watched them all. Movie your videos are awesome and made me even more confident in doing this.
I would really like to text and chat with people that have gone through this when times are tough or if I have any questions and advice I won’t bug I promise
I’m 32 years old, and about 5’8.5” or so (I’ve always thought I was a little taller then that until I pulled out the tape measure) lol
I’m going to do my best and shoot for the full 8cm’s
I’m a little on the heavy side probably about 200 pounds of some muscle and fat lol. I’ve been on and off with the gym for years now, but haven’t gone for about 4 months or so and been slacking using the excuse of the pandemic.
Anyways I live in SoCal and was going to go with Dr. M but the lack of communication and service I ended up going with Dr. Debiparshad. (I’m not really going to get into it, they’re both great doctors)
I’m happy with my choice and everyone seems great and friendly. I have done a lot of research about Dr. D and I’m fully confident in him.
My surgery is this Friday August 28 2020! I’m super excited and nervous at the same time.
I haven’t stretched much I’ve just tried to loosen up my leg muscles, my upper strength is great since it was arm day and chest day every day at the gym lol
I contemplated back and forth on writing a diary, but figured why not even if it helps the one person out I’m happy.
I’ve been praying and working hard for this, so I’m all in!! I’m a pretty tough guy and my pain tolerance is pretty good so I’m going to do my best to get through it, even though it will probably kick my ass.
This is pretty much kept as a secret from everyone other then my family, mom, dad brother and sister.
I have been wearing shoe lifts for at least 6-7 years and I hate them so they’re all getting burned when I get back! I’ve always had blisters because of them.
Anyways wish me luck I’m going to need it!