Sure but all that you mentioned can be done if you are 5'10, and much faster too and with less drawbacks of it means only lengthening 2 inches compared to 4. You will have more money left as well as being able to make money again faster (time is money and money equals more opportunities etc). If you are interested in being athletic and not just being buff, then less length increase is also a better choice.
Like medium drink of water said, above 5´10 diminishing returns is a factor.
Also of course visiting other countries etc should be done if you want a full life experience, but the fact that you can keep the old friends and social circle and return with even more status there after the long trip away from home.
No there are no famous/succesfull 5'10 people they are all over 5'11 from (2010 and forward), if they are they are most probably wearing lifts like robert downey jr and these other fraudsters. and it's only getting worse,
It is 5'11 after that is diminishing returns.
in 10 years i think 5'11 will be average height for most youth around the world excluding mexicans. Then i promise you will not think 5'10 and over is diminished returns.
at 5'10 you get no benefits, bend your knees a little and you are the same height as a 5'7 guy.... Something about 5'11 gives you that clear height.
But some people just want some more height and continue to live their "boring" lifes. But if you want to be alpha and take charge of your own life then you need 5'11 if you wanna get anywhere, coporations,fashion,tv,magazines,high class women, connections it goes on and on.