I'm updating my diary title to reflect the country and the Doctor I chose. Also reflecting on my past life and my decision to take such a huge risk in this surgery. I'm taking the risk of loosing my fitness and everything if something happens! Sport is in my DNA, I grew up since age 7 playing tennis soccer volleyball handball swimming running and any sport that I came across. Besides an 11-year break from 2007 to 2018, I've been running around 10km almost every single day for the last 30 years! I don't expect to ever recover my pre-surgery athleticism and I'm fine with that. I'd rather reach my dream and live the rest of my life a couple inches taller than spending the rest of my life wondering "what if". I know my times on 5km and 10km so if one day I'll ever be able to run again, I'll know exactly how much athleticism I lost.
Couple last pics before I'm put to sleep by the anesthesia. The surgery takes place at a pretty late hour in the day, around 5:30 pm!
My pre-surgery frame

Oh and a last pic with Doctor Buldu before he changes my life forever, don't know if it's the angle of the camera but my torso looks way disproportionate to my legs and I look way taller than my 5'8"/173 cm 😂

August 5th
Surgery day!!
Tomorrow I'll wake up to a new life. Tomorrow my frustration since age 18 will be behind me...forever!
I'm now in my hospital room, laying on the bed watching tv and waiting for surgery time.
It's now 5pm, the nurse and Doctor Buldu knock on the door. The nurse dresses me with a gown and Doctor Buldu gives me a last briefing about the surgery. He says the Precice-procedure is very easy 😂 way easier than LON!
I'm fully dressed now with the cap on my head and wearing the gown, laying on my bed, waiting to get taken to the operation room.
5:30pm two nurses knock on the door and take me to the operation room. There are so many staff in there.
Doctor Buldu is talking to me. I ask him how long it takes for the anesthesia to kick in. He says oh don't worry, just count from 10 to 1 and you'll be in Wonderland 😂🤣 I tell him I usually have a hard time falling asleep lol. He says don't worry, just count. So I oblige and start counting counterclockwise 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 !! I'm still awake!!🤣I hear the anesthetist say Congratulations! Doctor Buldu laughs and says Congratulations, you're a very tough guy lol. He asks now do you feel something? I start feeling a sharp rising pain at the back of my hand where the anesthetist plugged in the intravenous tube. I guess he increased the amount of anesthetic. I tell Doctor Buldu Yes I feel very painful, pointing my eyes towards my hand. Doctor B. asks me Do you feel dizzy now? The pain is rising, I start to close my eyes and sleep, at last!! He says NOW you're sleeping 😂
August 6
My eyes open slowly, I'm not sure where I am. I feel sharp throbbing pain coming from 1 leg after another. The pain keeps going away then coming back the next second! It's so painful! My head turns and I think I hear voices around me, probably nurses. I'm not sure if I'm in a post-operation room. I fall asleep on and off. I wake up again later and found the energy to grab my phone laying close by. It's 1:30 am !!
My new life starts today!

A nurse brings me a meal but I couldn't eat anything, I just don't feel hungry.