Does anyone think their height dysphoria was caused or made worse by people lying about their heights? I'm sure it's the case for me.
I'm 5'11" and I have seen guys my height and a bit shorter say that they were 6'. If pressed on the issue they might try and weasel out of it by saying they're "6 foot in shoes" even though that's BS. For a while I thought that they guy who looked like they were my height must be slightly taller if they said they were 6'. Now, I know better.
Women do this too. According to something I read, women are now considering their height in heels they're actual height for Tinder and other online dating. The women would say that since they wear heels all the time it "makes sense" but the real reason is to filter out short and even average height men.
When it comes to sports; there are so many cases of people lying about their heights, that it almost goes without saying.
When I first realized this I thought it would help with my height dysphoria, but it hasn't.