I don't know much about precice and if I'd be wheelchair bound for any significant amount of time I wouldn't even consider it because that would lengthen the recovery time a lot (muscle atrophy etc).
I compared the nails available and I went with stryde mainly for the comfort it brings and of course also cause it's weight bearing. LL involves a lot of pain and discomfort, sleepless nights, long recovery times etc. So when I learned that stryde can lengthen with a simple push of a button on the stryde remote controller as opposed to twisting my broken swollen sore legs in weird angles that many patients say can take up to 30 min to complete a mere 1 mm, I became very interested on stryde. Then I had to ask and Dr Pili also said that currently stryde is the best nail on the market.
Regarding the 8cm stryde limit, it's there for a good reason. I watched a presentation on youtube given by Dr Paley where he explained the 8cm limit was intentionally added to stryde because complications increase exponentially if you go over that amount. So for my case I actually saw that limitation as a plus, a sign that the manufacturer of the nail was really concerned about the results I'd get from it.