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Author Topic: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller  (Read 9777 times)

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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #31 on: April 13, 2020, 04:50:05 PM »

Than stay strong and do it right. I had to go back to my job two weeks after surgery and it was also a hard time but after surgery there is no way back


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2020, 06:15:14 AM »

Day 25 - Officially 1 week until I have these removed, even though I won’t be walking normally straight away I think it’s going to be a huge improvement to how I feel.
I do really wish I could be home right now and able to walk normally though, as soon as that’s possible I’m going to be incredibly happy.

Day 26 - I’m very much looking forward to being able to sleep on my side again, the last couple of nights I’ve been half attempting it but because of the fixators you can’t quite get the same level of comfort.
My right knee seems to be hurting more as well though this could be because I’m only taking painkillers at night time now but obviously it’s the fixators that cause the discomfort in your ankle and knee joints so theoretically once they’re removed they should start to feel better as they heal.

Day 27 - I forgot to write anything on this day.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2020, 05:23:16 AM »

Day 28 - It’s Saturday now so only a few more days until I can get these off.
My right knee is starting to hurt a bit I think the fixator just disagreed with my right leg more than my left in general because that’s where all the issues have been. Only a few days until they’re out though and I can see where I’m at.

Day 29 - There’s definitely times when I feel this isn’t so bad and I wish I had it in me to last another week to get 3cm but ultimately I know I’d go crazy if I have the fixators in any longer.

Day 30 - 48 hours until they’re out, I’ll probably keep writing how each day after that goes to document how my walking goes.
I’m told I’ll be on the walker for a week after having fixators out and then I assume I’ll move onto crutches.
Onur also cut most of my stitches out as all my cuts have healed (though they’re still a bit scabby) so overall my legs are looking more and more like normal.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2020, 07:23:13 AM »

Day 31 - I’ve found my right foot goes all numb but kind of hurts at the same time when I fall asleep, maybe something is preventing blood flow.
It’s 6pm, I’ll get to lengthen another mm before having fixators removed which will mean I’ve done 2.5cm which isn’t much but the experience in general has helped me get over my height issues one way or another which was my main goal. Also 2.5cm is an inch which is still a solid amount of growth for someone who hasn’t changed height in years.

Day 32 - Didn’t get any sleep last night but that’s alright I don’t feel tired, just excited and for some reason slightly nervous about having the fixators off today.
Fixators are out, took about 2 hours and waking up was probably when I experienced the worst pain I have so far like a 7/10. It hurt down where the pins were in my ankles and I was shaking for maybe 10 minutes, it’s been half an hour and pain is maybe a 5/10 so manageable but not ideal.
Overall though it’s great to look at my legs and see there’s nothing attached to them. 
6pm now pain is steadily going down but walking is an absolute nightmare, it hurts every step but it felt like the pain was going down as I walked. Also my knees can bend perfectly now but the lower half of my shins hurt to walk so my walking is more awkward than ever.

Day 33 - Managed about 5 hours sleep straight last night which was good but I also didn’t get to sleep until about 2am, I can sleep on my side with a pillow between my legs so my knees and ankles don’t touch, I’m hoping they heal over fairly quick and the bottom of my shins stop hurting (already getting less painful) so I can sleep 100% like I normally would.
Just had my bandages changed and the holes from the pins look tiny, not worried about scarring anymore especially once my leg hairs grow back.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2020, 07:26:13 AM »

Day 34 - I have no more painkillers and the pain is quite bad down at my shins.
I’m going to ask Onur about painkillers.
I’ve got some Brufen for the pain, seems to be helping a little, if I take two a day it’ll last me 10 days so hopefully after those 10 days the pain will be more manageable and I’ll be on crutches so I can start to move around quicker.
I don’t care too much at this point about how long I’m on crutches, my main goal is for any pain to stop and to get back home as soon as I can.
I’m a lot comfier in bed now that I can lay down on my side though my lower back seems to hurt because I can’t always roll around or bend my body how I normally would to get comfy but it’s a relatively minor issue.

Day 35 - My legs can feel a bit stiff in the mornings and when I go to straighten my knees there’s a bit of tension when they’re about 90% straight but it isn’t painful and I can push them to go straight relatively easy.
Pain in my lower shins is also slowly fading.
Onur just visited and changed my bandages, I’m definitely not worried about any scarring, all the cuts and holes look tiny already. He showed me some exercises to do which help with flexibility and movement and said to keep up the walking. I don’t regret having the fixators removed early, I feel way better mentally but can still tell I’m taller.

Day 36 - Mornings are still the worst, legs are always really stiff and you can’t just stretch them out like you normally would.
Once I’m up and about I feel a lot better, do my stretches, walk to the toilet and my legs feel about as good as they can, pain isn’t too much of an issue aside from in the morning but that also makes it frustrating not being able to walk normally because everything feels fine.
So I was just introduced to a new physio. This guy showed me a bunch of new exercises and after I did them all which took about 30-45 minutes then I took a few definitely awkward steps but there was barely any pain it just felt awkward. It’s made me feel great though, like I’m already making good progress in walking again.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2020, 10:19:43 AM »

Day 37 - Woke up feeling fine this morning, my knees weren’t stiff and painful, doing my stretches now and it’s crazy how quickly they seem to be helping.
Every time I do the stretches and exercises I can feel myself getting better, I can confidently take small steps with both feet, though I’d still look like a baby taking it’s first steps.
I’ve walked around my room without a walker a couple times just while doing stuff like getting some food or whatever.
I can tell I’ve lost a lot of weight, I don’t particularly care but when I put my undies on today they were really loose around my thighs. Hopefully once I can walk around normally they’ll start to go back to their normal size.

Day 38 - My lower shins were hurting a little bit more than yesterday when I woke up but nothing major, just need to do my stretches and they’ll be fine.
I’m finally getting crutches on Friday so I’ll be able to work on my walking even more.
Just walked up and down the hall and I was carrying my walker in front of me in case I needed it but I managed to walk without putting it on the ground! My right calf hurts now as I think it’s weaker than my left and my lower back is also sore but I think that’s a good thing, like I’m using the muscles to walk again after not using them for so long.
Been a few hours since my little walk and I was gonna go again but my legs are so tired so maybe I shouldn’t overdo it.
While I don’t regret stopping the lengthening early if I could go back I probably would push myself to do 3cm, I think being stuck in another country while crippled and with the coronavirus going on didn’t help the whole mental side of the surgery.

Day 39 - One of my exercises I do now is see how far I can squat, a few days ago I couldn’t balance or bend my knees at all while standing but after a few days of doing the stretches it’s getting better, I still can’t barely squat more than a few centimeters lower but it’s still progress.
Went for a short walk and it felt slightly more natural, I didn’t have my butt sticking out as much and focused on standing up as straight as I could when walking. It feels good, I’m pretty optimistic about a fast recovery seeing as I didn’t lengthen much.
I’d really like to measure myself, I don’t have any of my familiar surroundings to compare, I do feel taller 2.5cm is still an inch and that’s a noticeable difference, I think I have to go to the hospital in a week or two so maybe I can measure there.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2020, 07:26:21 AM »

Day 40 - Okay so last night I decided to take my bandages off my right leg as I felt they were really tight and cutting off circulation and half an hour after taking them off my right leg felt perfect, obviously not strong enough to start jumping around but before I couldn’t stretch it out straight without feeling a little tension and now it feels exactly how it used to.
Everyday is definitely getting better and better.

Day 41 - Not sure why but I haven’t been able to sleep until 3am the last few nights, it’s currently 3:40 and I’m going to stay up all night/day and try get a regular sleep pattern going again.
Took a shower standing up for the first time and I think the hot water helped relax the joints at my ankle because it feels a bit more flexible.
Just got given crutches and it makes walking feel so much more normal. I feel like a regular cripple now. 
Went for about an hour long walk which was good just because I’m capable of it but bad because now my legs are sore especially in like the top of my butt/bottom of my back. I think the muscles are just weak so I’ll have to gradually build them back up.

Day 42 - Had my first proper 8 hour sleep in a long time which felt great.
I tried walking without crutches and felt like my balance has gotten a bit better but in no way perfect.
My days are mostly spent doing my stretches and walking around a bit.
I stretch my ankle as much as I can using the band, going up, down, left and right. Then bend my foot up towards my while bending my knees. Then I put a pillow under each knee and push my knee down. Then using one crutch to balance I stand on 1 foot at a time. Then I see how far I can squat.
When I had the fixators removed my legs had no shape it just went straight from my ankle to my knee but now most of the swelling is going down so my ankles look more normal and my calves are starting to have some shape to them though they’re still very skinny.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #38 on: April 20, 2020, 08:15:45 AM »

Day 43 - I’ve been doing the stretches for a full week now and walking with crutches for a few days and my balance and strength in my legs is definitely coming back more and more each day. The only things that would be an issue in everyday life is stairs and I can’t walk long distances and I walk about half as fast as I used to, but I’d still be capable of doing things for myself.
Last week I could barely rotate my feet/ankle but it’s gotten a lot better, I can’t move my foot up towards me though which I think is normal, it causes pain in the front of my shins which is a result of the calves being tighter.

Day 44 - I can bend my toes downwards more than I could yesterday before I feel pain in my shin.
I can rotate my right ankle a lot better than my left but it’s my left leg that feels more sturdy and easier to walk on.
I feel like I’ve got a couple more aches and pains today but nothing major, just muscles getting tired from not being used properly I imagine.
I was just doing some of my exercises and when I went to do a squat (using crutches for balance) I felt/heard a slight crunch in my right leg where the shin bone was broken, I can still walk but it hurts a little. I’m confused with what could have been crunching as there’s a gap there and I doubt any bone has started forming so soon.
The pain from that crunch I felt earlier isn’t terrible, more like a bruise that someone’s pushing on and I only feel it if I lift my leg up though that makes walking a bit more annoying but not impossible.

Day 45 - That pain in my shin has gone away, I’ve been doing some more research to help with walking and am going to incorporate some exercises for my glutes and my core.
Just took a video of myself walking and I’ve got a bit of that ‘duck ass’ but it’s gotten better in the last week and I sway quite a bit in my upper body.
I’ve found this site and am going to pick out some exercises and see if they help my glutes.
The only ones any of us recovering from LL are likely to be able to do is the lunge stretch, side lying leg lift and maybe the single leg glute bridge though I’m going to change that one to starting with having both feet on the ground while I do it.
The lunge stretch is a bit tricky as it hurts my knees so I put a pillow under my knee but I’m also a bit wobbly doing that one.
Side lying leg lift is probably the best, it’s easy and you can feel it working your glutes.
Glute bridge is also easy though I don’t know for sure that I’m doing it right, I feel it more in my lower back than my glutes.
I’m also going to do these exercises for my core. Planking and something called dead bug.
Planking is a bit hard to do but i think that just means it’s a good idea to do it.
Dead bug was a good one to do, very tiring but in a good way.
Might take a video of myself walking once a week to track my progress, I don’t want to upload them on here but if you want to message me we can sort out a way for me to show you.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #39 on: April 20, 2020, 11:17:48 PM »

Buddy not once did you post x-ray, a pic of you, nor the fixatifs or the medication.

So at face value this is just wannabe-taller doing another scheme of marketing.

Also, Halil no longer works for them, so don't know how he did the surgery for you.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #40 on: April 21, 2020, 05:05:19 AM »

Buddy not once did you post x-ray, a pic of you, nor the fixatifs or the medication.

So at face value this is just wannabe-taller doing another scheme of marketing.

Also, Halil no longer works for them, so don't know how he did the surgery for you.
I just don’t want to post personal stuff like pictures of me but I can post x-rays, I know the less evidence makes it look like a bit of a scam so if that puts people off so be it, doesn’t really affect me.
That’s what I thought as well  but it was definitely him that I met and was told he was doing the surgery


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #41 on: April 21, 2020, 05:08:52 AM »

Right after surgery

8 days of lengthening

Right after fixator removal

I should be getting another X-ray soon to see how bone consolidation is


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #43 on: April 22, 2020, 05:57:04 AM »

Day 46 - As far as recovery goes I know my flexibility and joint movement is improving everyday so I’m not worried about that. The only thing I feel that could go wrong is non union though I’m hoping since there’s only a 2.5cm gap that may reduce the chance of that? I don’t know, I think everything is going as well as can be expected but I read things on the forum and it makes me second guess myself.
When trying to flex my toes up towards me I can only get my right foot to about 90 degrees so basically how it looks when standing. My left foot is a touch better and can flex upwards a little bit not much though.
My glutes and stomach feel more sore today so I guess that means I’m engaging them and they’re getting stronger.

Day 47 - I haven’t really been able to measure how far I walk but I think it’s probably only been 100-200m about 8 times a day. I’d like to start doing more but it’s hard with the coronavirus, I’m mostly stuck to walking up and down the halls of my hotel.
After I do my stretches and exercises I can walk fairly easy without crutches, I still sway around a lot and my butt sticks out but less so than if I don’t stretch.
Maybe in a week or two I can try move onto using one crutch.

Day 48 - The pain in my lower shin is so annoying when I wake up, it’s not super painful but it’s an inconvenience.
Getting back to my own country once the planes are operating again will be good, just to be in a familiar environment.
Haven’t walked much today, I fell asleep for a few hours and just went for a 20 minute walk to make up for it.
Took a few steps in front of the mirror before bed to check how straight my back/butt was and while the steps were awkward everything looked straight, I could feel my glutes really working though to keep it that way.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #44 on: April 23, 2020, 07:16:11 AM »

My days are mostly the same now, just doing the stretches and walking around so I probably won’t post anything more until something significant happens.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #45 on: April 23, 2020, 04:01:52 PM »

LOL at this diary, it is so fake it is laughable. How dumb does Wannabetaller think we are? This diary is clearly written by someone at Wannabetaller like an advertisement, even putting their name in the subject line and detailing their prices. Halil Buldu is not even listed as one of the doctors that collaborates with Wannabetaller on their own website. Many people can confirm this.

What Wannabetaller does is that they pretend that they cooperate with Halil Buldu to lure patients in, and after you paid for the surgery they lie through their teeth to persuade you to do the surgery with Özgur Karakoyun or Yuksel Yurttash instead. It is a classic bait and switch. Those two doctors are dangerously incompetent, yet Wannabetaller keep using them even after they hurt so many people. Profits before people, that is the motto of the unscrupulous people behind Wannabetaller.

@Olli170, if you already wrote the whole diary already like you said, why don't you post the whole thing instead of a few posts at a time? Because you want to keep this advertisement at the top of the forum, that is why. 

Beware of Wannabetaller, to keep costs down, they not only set you up with cheap inexperienced and incompetent doctors, but also cut down on the amount of time spent in the operating room, so that surgeons have to rush through surgery. Plus they use badly designed and inferior Turkish-made hardware that fails easily. It is a recipe for disaster that have left many of their patients facing life-long problems.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #46 on: April 23, 2020, 05:03:35 PM »

its confusing how so many people post diaries with DR HALIL and wannabetaller but DR HALIL is not on their website. he has moved to a new company called "livelifetaller" it looks. this is the 3rd company in turkey which offers packages for this procedure.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2020, 06:06:13 PM »

LOL at this diary, it is so fake it is laughable. How dumb does Wannabetaller think we are? This diary is clearly written by someone at Wannabetaller like an advertisement, even putting their name in the subject line and detailing their prices. Halil Buldu is not even listed as one of the doctors that collaborates with Wannabetaller on their own website. Many people can confirm this.

What Wannabetaller does is that they pretend that they cooperate with Halil Buldu to lure patients in, and after you paid for the surgery they lie through their teeth to persuade you to do the surgery with Özgur Karakoyun or Yuksel Yurttash instead. It is a classic bait and switch. Those two doctors are dangerously incompetent, yet Wannabetaller keep using them even after they hurt so many people. Profits before people, that is the motto of the unscrupulous people behind Wannabetaller.

@Olli170, if you already wrote the whole diary already like you said, why don't you post the whole thing instead of a few posts at a time? Because you want to keep this advertisement at the top of the forum, that is why.

Beware of Wannabetaller, to keep costs down, they not only set you up with cheap inexperienced and incompetent doctors, but also cut down on the amount of time spent in the operating room, so that surgeons have to rush through surgery. Plus they use badly designed and inferior Turkish-made hardware that fails easily. It is a recipe for disaster that have left many of their patients facing life-long problems.

That was quite the essay chief. It’s not exactly uncommon for people to put the doctor and who they’ve worked with in the title so not sure what you’re on about there, I thought it was just basic common sense.
If you read the entirety of my diary you’ll see wannabetaller are barely; if at all, mentioned beyond that first post and the rest of it is about how it wasn’t an easy experience and I wouldn’t recommend doing it.
To everyone else reading I know this may sound crazy but if you do the surgery you don’t have to go through wannabetaller to do it if you don’t want to. Do your research on doctors, look for the good and bad reviews, make a decision for yourself and be safe.
As for how I had Dr Buldu I really don’t know how that happened and was probably more confused than anyone else about how that came to be.
I didn’t post the entire thing in one day because I was at the 1 month mark when I decided to post and thought it would be more convenient to post a few days at a time rather than an entire month so that people could read it at their leisure.
I understand yourself and a few others had a rough go of things and have every right to take action but my diary isn’t an advertisement, I was just bored and needed something to do during the lengthening stage and decided to write down my thoughts.



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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #48 on: May 12, 2020, 05:23:32 PM »

As much as we hoped that our team Wannabetaller has helped and continues to help all those patients suffering from short stature and height related problems; we are being distracted by continuous defamation and verbal abuse by a couple of aggrieved patients who choose not to follow medical guidelines and rather than letting us and their doctor to find a solution to their problems; would rather engage in verbal defamation and lay fault without proof; whilst their grievances are still in the courts of law, which have not found any faulty practices, whatsoever, till date.

We have been the first and most experienced team in Turkey, providing and arranging limb lengthening surgery related services. We are not the “middlemen”, whose job is done once they redirect the patient to the doctor and get their payment. “Middlemen” are not in power to arrange every major and minor service and fulfill every single request of patient, who is going through tough things (we all know LL is a serious, painful and long procedure). However, throughout different times of our existence, we have always had people in our team who have had the surgery themselves, and know this surgery better than many people in this forum. Wannabetaller is a fully equipped and experienced team who is beside the patient from the very beginning of the procedure till the end. Those who have had this surgery themselves should know better how important it is to make pre-surgery and post-surgery arrangements, and that doctors on their own are not able to always be around and reach out whenever the patient needs help. In limb lengthening, everything does not end with a properly executed surgery. The post-surgery period is equally important. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of our patients (with very few exceptions) have been grateful for our assistance after they left Turkey or finished their procedure. These people have personally seen how important it is to have a caring team of people around.

Any patient knows that, apart from the surgery, the importance of pre and post-surgery care and arrangements; and the fact that doctors are not available all the time and thus we reach out whenever the patients need any help. With such a hard surgery as limb lengthening, all does not, usually, depend on the surgery itself; in fact the most important phases is the aftercare and recovery process. Despite a few of our aggrieved patients, our track records are clean and provide countless testimonial of happy and successful patients, after their departure from Turkey and the end of their recovery process. These patients stand fact to the importance of our care and comfort of our hospitable and welcoming team.

As for the patients operated by Dr. Halil Buldu, who is NOT one of our surgeons at the moment: We had a number of patients who had booked a surgery with Dr Halil, long before he and our team stopped cooperation. Does it mean the patient would not get the surgery with the doctor they want? Of course not. These patients had their surgery with the doctor they had booked.

How it can be possible to arrange the surgery with one doctor, then deceive the patient and invite another doctor to the surgery?
Is there a way or a purpose of actually doing this in medical practice without getting significant consequences?

This accusation is plainly baseless and defamatory, softly speaking. Also, does it mean whoever is advertising their services from Turkey is always Wannabetaller? That is simply a false accusation.

“Ollie” is and will continue to be our patient, till the very end of his procedure, no matter if his Doctor is Dr. Halil or not. He was one of the many patients who had totally refused to have his images taken and did not give permission for his information to being shared, the decision which we respect very deeply. We were actually surprised in a positive way, when we saw him sharing his experience here on the forum. Only when he made his diary public, we asked a permission to share this diary on our website as well. It is so disrespectful to blame an author of a genuine diary, while being in alliance with fake diary owners. Simply multiplying false accusation and complains with numerous fake accounts to wrongly defame WannaBeTaller, is a sad thing we hardly expect any of our patients to do but there are always exceptions, as we are ourself shocked to learn.

How can you think you have the rights to blame a person’s diary to be fake, and verbally assaulting him, while not having a single shred of evidence?

Also attacking the other diary (the one with nickname Jeraldo), which is true that we have created, with real images and real and correct information, only with the exception of our patients name to protect their privacy, what is wrong with that? The patient is facing pain and struggling, so we have written a diary on behalf of him with his permission. If there wasn’t such thing as patient privacy, we would very easily publicly prove to anyone who is interested in what is true and what is not, and whether the diaries are genuine or fake.
Moreover, who decides that all other diaries on this forum are 100% genuine? Maybe there is a genuinity detector plugin on the forum and we don’t know?

Finally, regarding the accusation that we stopped replying to our patients once they have trouble: In fact, reality is quite the opposite. We have always called and wrote to our patients, even when they never updated us on their progress for long periods of time. There have been a number of patients who got rid of their complications mainly thanks to the immense care, guidance and effort from our team. If not us, some of these people wouldn’t even know they have complication, or how to handle them, and would have much worse consequences. We made it easy for those patients to express themselves easily to their surgeons, to get minimal prices everywhere: hotel, hospital, x-ray imaging centre, taxi, restaurant etc. We have always intervened when needed:  negotiated, offered solutions, helped to communicate, while some people had one thing in their mind: robbing our patients. Those who always stayed in communication with us and listened to us and mainly their doctors, got rid of their complications. But how it is possible to keep communication when the patient is not listening or accepting any of the offered solutions, not taking their own doctor’s opinion seriously, or prefers to threaten instead? It makes the communication impossible. It was never us who stopped communicating.

We would go on and on, but those who really want to know what and how we operate, can at least try to get into contact with us and we will do our best to set their mind at ease and prove them our honest work, spanning for years.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #49 on: May 12, 2020, 10:06:40 PM »

i was extremely fit before surgery and did physio everyday and followed the guidlines, you absolutely sicken me! i am walking around now in pain after so many complications from ozgur and thousands of euros ,and extra surgeries to fix the complications he has caused me, and still to this day you advertise ozgur on your website as a experienced surgeon!
 you call this defamation after i posted my xrays and supported it with evidence!. now i am walking around in extreme pain as the top of the nail is tearing my glutes. i have professional reports to prove negligence its just a shame it takes time before you will be sued and everyone will know the results.

several patients of dr giotiksas saw me go through rehab in greece after what you did to me and a couple of them lashed out at you on this forum to in disgust!

I will never ever forget what you done to me and now you right this bull ! i know exactly who is writing this and he said to me when i was having problems sorry we are just a medical tourism company, we are not responsible. take it up with dr ozgur
You are liars and you really fked me up, i will not forget or forgive you for this


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #50 on: May 12, 2020, 10:37:44 PM »

Wannabetaller, company. Company that makes money. It is in their best interest to appear professional to make $$$

Individual who complains about wannabe taller. What does he have to gain ? Money ? No, so I trust the consistent trend of people complaining about wannabetalller.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #51 on: May 13, 2020, 06:09:14 AM »

I believe you seriouslyinjured. I hope your legs will be okay and that you will be able to bring down these turkish scammers.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #52 on: May 13, 2020, 12:23:11 PM »

thanks snowpiecer, it sickens me how they right this crap above, 3 patients i have been in contact with one with permanent injury have told me about their pain and anguish and wannabe taller are boasting 2 succesful surgeries, and customer satisfaction. 1 which isn't even a doctor they use on their website!

Giotikas and Paley are examples of doctors that do a lot of surgeries and are well respected doctors in the LL community. wannabe tallers  doctors have done no where near as many surgeries with high complication rate due to negligence and no one has even heard of their doctors, until now for the wrong reasons.


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #53 on: May 14, 2020, 10:33:27 PM »

i think wannebetaller is not safe choice. they are amateur. According to what I've heard, if something goes wrong, they won't help you. These are simple brokers who find accommodation and provide transportation for you. You don't need any of them.  They demand a lot of money from people. Also i think their doctors aren't responsible enough . Also, I won't believe this diary is real until I see a few pictures and x-ray films.

Hey, please send us a x-ray film after your fixator removed. i want to see your 2.5 cm gap while your fixators removed.
Location: Turkey, Istanbul Height:170cm Target:177-180
Weight:79kg Birth date:1993 English isnt good.

Edit: I just had this surgery on 9 october 2019. My doctor is Associate Professor Ozgur Karakoyun. LON Femur with Ortovia Fixators(%100 turkish made) 4 schanz screw. My lengthening goal is min 8cm


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #54 on: May 15, 2020, 06:48:25 AM »

This has to be a joke. 2.5cm really.  All the pain and cost of surgery for 2.5cm.  But oh well believe what you believe. 
Be careful of Wannabetaller.  They are just out to get your money and have no regards for your legs nor life.  I don’t know them but I did meet not one but two  of their past clients whom got their legs messed up by their doctors. I can’t even say patients cause they are not doctors.  They are just businessmen so you are their clients not patients.
Don’t fall for their trap people.
If they mess up your legs and you only have one shot at this, then what?
Imagine life without being able to walk or walking on crutches or being cripple for the rest of your life on one stupid decision.  Being short is one thing being half a man is a whole different story.
Do your research, your legs and life depends on it!!! 
This forum should ban wannabetaller and all their self promoting dairies.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 08:44:37 AM by azman »


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #55 on: June 02, 2020, 01:23:41 PM »

ban wanna be taller there is no room for scammers


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #56 on: August 31, 2020, 03:25:21 AM »

Hey Ollie how is the recovery going

currently 179 cm with a 6'2 wingspan
Goal: 182-183
top 5 LL surgeons: Paley, Rozbruch, Mahboubian,  Donghoon Lee, Giotikas

- planning to have LON tibias with dr donghoon lee in summer 2021


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #57 on: May 27, 2021, 11:30:22 PM »

As fake as f... Incredible the way your fake ollie posts, and then the wannabe taller team post because they could get thru fake ollie. So no no no no serious


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #58 on: May 30, 2021, 02:48:48 PM »

just go VIET NAM, tibias LON in my country only cost 15k for EVERYTHING. Simple, effective, and SAFE. I got the fixtator nails onto my tibias in 21st March, the journey has been great,


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #59 on: September 02, 2023, 06:35:12 AM »

Who knows how many doctors has WannaBeTaller changed? Do they change doctors every time they disable people? Then they can set aside all responsibility and evade compensation This money is too easy to earn, isn't it? There's no risk at all!


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Re: LON Method on tibia with Dr Halil Buldu through Wannabetaller
« Reply #60 on: September 16, 2023, 05:28:13 AM »

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