Hi all,
First of all, i had the surgery 7 months ago so this is not gonna be a diary but more like a summary of my leg lengthening journey i'd like to share now since it's still fresh in my mind. I’ll talk about the big steps of my journey, but if u have any specific questions, feel free to ask.
So, to introduce myself:
Age: 30+
Gender: male
Ethnicity: white
Initial height: ~ 1,68 m (~5f6)
Wingspan: ~ 1,74 (~ 5f8,5) / Sitting height: ~ 88cm (~ 2f10,5) for those who care about proportions.
Initial weight: ~66 kg (~145 lb)
Initial flexibility: ~85-90° on SLR
Physical abilities: Close to average, i always practiced many kind of sports but never been an athlete.
For some reasons i was unhappy with my height since i was 15-16. Cuz i have almost always been the shortest male (classroom, family, friends), i really lacked in self-confidence in so many situations, especially for dating.
So when i got 20, i decided to start research about leg lengthening. I discovered how hard and expensive was that process but i was highly determined so i didn't give up n i kept quiet during years.
Eventually after finishing my studies and earning enough money (which took me almost 10 years), i decided to meet Dr Guichet for a first consultation at the end of 2012 in Marseille.
For those who are wondering why i chosed Dr Guichet:
1) He's doing LL since 20 years.
2) He has operated hundreds of patients.
3) From what i searched, he's using the strongest nail (i was a bit worrying about breaking or bending it)
He measured me, tested my flexibilty and told me what gain i could expect from the LL process. I was aiming at 7-8 cm (knowing that it could be definitely less) and he said it was possible but he told me i had to train a bit first, he also gave me few instructions about what i should do before the surgery in order to have it and to optimize the results post-surgery.
I was quite flexible but not especially muscled so i trained myself during several months to gain flexibility and strength on legs. Body-building and stretching 2-3 times per week, and some cycling.
It took me 3 months to gain 20% of strength on quads on the isokinetic test and 7 months to gain around 40% in total.
I went to 115-120° on SLR test, and i was weighting ~ 73 kg (~ 160 lb) right before the surgery.
I've been mailing Dr Guichet few times during 2013 and we planned the surgery the 30th september.
After making all the medicals exams needed, i met him again in Milano to finalize the administrative part, 1 month before the surgery. Right before that last consultation, i also been able to meet 3 patients who had or were lengthening. I won't go into details, but they seemed pretty good and very reassuring about the LL process.
I organized the whole stuff before going there including the help of a family member for my journey.
I rent a very nice flat in Milano (Desuite Milano) for me and my family member (I recommend it if u ever go there, nicest people i ever met).
30th september, (Day 0)at 7am i entered the clinic Casa di Cura Colombus.
at ~ 8am i entered the operating bloc
5 hours later operation ended.
1 hour after the end of operation, i woke up with that weird feeling i'll never forget, "broken femurs effect". And Dr Guichet was here to tell me that operation went well and that it was time to do bike. And i was like wtf, half asleep, very thirsty, legs stiffed as if i ran a marathon the day before and dr wanted me to do bike?
Well, the begininng was strange and a bit hard but after few minutes i got accustomed to
my new broken femurs and eventually i did 30 mins of bike.
After that i had like 1 million medical visits including, physiotherapist, nurses and other various doctors checking how it was going.
Dr Guichet also showed me how to make clicks, he made me 1 on each side, it’s been quite easy n painfree.
First sleepless night due to stupid mosquitos in my room. From all the inconveniences it’s possible to have during a LL, i must confess that i was not expecting the mosquitos. (get some lemon if u get operated during summer or beginning of autumn, this is not a joke!)
Day 1,I used my walker n walked during ~15 mins in the clinic. Some cycling n first x-rays.
X-rays ~ +1 cm

Bunch of medical visits again, “tutto va bene” (=everything is all right) as they’re used to say.
Day 2, Same story as the 2 first days, except that i took my first shower alone^^
But since i needed my walker, it took me like at least 30 mins ( for not a even a 5 mins shower) n i couldn’t wash my feet.
Day 3, Last medical exams, n i left the clinic in the afternoon. I had densitometry test in another clinic. I also bought a bike in the center of Milan. Eventually back to my flat.
Day 4, First weekly visit in the isokinetic center with Dr Boldrini. SLR test, back to 85° after only 1,2 cm, but apparently “tutto va bene”.
Then first stretching exercices with physiotherapists, Stefano and Andrea, both cool and very professional.
After that, i can say that almost all days looked the same. If u do LL, IMO get ready to live like a zombie, doing things w/o even thinking about it, during several weeks. Clicking, eating, walking, cycling, sleeping (when i could), clicking, eating, walking, cycling, sleeping n again, n again, n again...
Day 14,X-rays ~ +2,7 cm
Day 21,Had to wait a bit before having the results x-rays (misunderstanding with the administration of the clinic).
Anyway x-rays were ok so i’ve been allowed to use the crutches. Little exercices of walking, n using stairs with it. After 10-15 mins, i got accustomed to it.
From that day except in my flat, i didn’t use my walker anymore.
Few days after, i was using the subway on my own. I can say that people in Milan take care of people with less mobility, i don’t remember how many times i heard “una mano?” (=need help?) while i was using stairs in the subway.
Day 25,~ 55-60° on SLR test. Until the end of my lengthening it stayed like this, i didn’t lose flexibility anymore.
Day 29,X-rays ~ +4,5 cm
Day 34-35,I gained ~ 5cm n probably for the first time of my life i didn’t feel short anymore.
If for any reasons i had to stop here, i think i would have been happy already.
Day 45,X-rays ~ +5,7 cm

Day 46,First exercices in swiming-pool.
Around 2 months post-op,I decided to stop LL when i would reach 7cm. Missing family and friends, i wanted to go back to my home before Xmas.
Day 70, X-rays ~ +7,3 cm

Day 72,First walk w/o crutches with a little duck-ass.
Day 73, 11 pm, last clicks.
1132 clicks and 7,547 cm later (and 6-7 kg less), it’s time to enjoy my new height^^
2 days post-clicking, Going back home.
4-5 days post-clicking, I completely get rid off the crutches.
2 weeks post-clicking, (3 months post-op)My duck-ass disappeared n my walk looked pretty normal, but i still felt stiffness in my back while walking.
1 month post-clicking, Walking as i used to do it before the surgery. No more pain, no more stiffness.
4 months post-op, X-rays

Bone r fused, it probably happened 1 month post-clicking.
6 months post-op,X-rays


Bones r strong enough to run n start gradually body-building of legs.
At first try, jogging has been quite easy, running and body-building have been harder causing pain on higher part of quads.
I don’t worry it about since it’s getting better and easier every week. I might give more details about my recovery later.
What i'm doing
6 months n 3 weeks post-op, (i posted videos on youtube under the name "shyshyflyfly" )
Running frontview
Running sideview
To conclude, more than the lack of sleep and the pain, for me the hardest thing during this LL has been the boring aspect. Cuz yea, it’s been boring to do almost everyday the same things. Fortunately, it’s been only 2 months and a half. I kept confident, smiling and very positive during the all process even if it was not easy everyday. I’m pretty sure that this positive attitude has been one of the key of my successful LL. Getting those little millimeters everyday kept me happy n reminded me that the end was getting closer.
When i look back, remembering how i was sad and how i was lacking in self-confidence cuz i felt short before the surgery, i don’t have any doubt that it was definitely worse it n that i made the right choice by doing this LL.
Now that i don’t feel short anymore, my big pleasure is only to put my coat and my sneakers and hanging out in the street.
I feel good, i’m just happy