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Author Topic: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013  (Read 74065 times)

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ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« on: May 14, 2014, 10:46:24 AM »

Hi all,

First of all, i had the surgery 7 months ago so this is not gonna be a diary but more like a summary of my leg lengthening journey i'd like to share now since it's still fresh in my mind. I’ll talk about the big steps of my journey, but if u have any specific questions, feel free to ask.

So, to introduce myself:

Age: 30+
Gender: male
Ethnicity: white
Initial height: ~ 1,68 m (~5f6)
Wingspan: ~ 1,74 (~ 5f8,5) / Sitting height: ~ 88cm (~ 2f10,5) for those who care about proportions.
Initial weight: ~66 kg (~145 lb)
Initial flexibility: ~85-90° on SLR
Physical abilities: Close to average, i always practiced many kind of sports but never been an athlete.

For some reasons i was unhappy with my height since i was 15-16. Cuz i have almost always been the shortest male (classroom, family, friends), i really lacked in self-confidence in so many situations, especially for dating.
So when i got 20, i decided to start research about leg lengthening. I discovered how hard and expensive was that process but i was highly determined so i didn't give up n i kept quiet during years.
Eventually after finishing my studies and earning enough money (which took me almost 10 years), i decided to meet Dr Guichet for a first consultation at the end of 2012 in Marseille.
For those who are wondering why i chosed Dr Guichet:
1) He's doing LL since 20 years.
2) He has operated hundreds of patients. 
3) From what i searched, he's using the strongest nail (i was a bit worrying about breaking or bending it)
He measured me, tested my flexibilty and told me what gain i could expect from the LL process. I was aiming at 7-8 cm (knowing that it could be definitely less) and he said it was possible but he told me i had to train a bit first, he also gave me few instructions about what i should do before the surgery in order to have it and to optimize the results post-surgery.
I was quite flexible but not especially muscled so i trained myself during several months to gain flexibility and strength on legs. Body-building and stretching 2-3 times per week, and some cycling.

It took me 3 months to gain 20% of strength on quads on the isokinetic test and 7 months to gain around 40% in total.
I went to 115-120° on SLR test, and i was weighting ~ 73 kg (~ 160 lb) right before the surgery.

I've been mailing Dr Guichet few times during 2013 and we planned the surgery the 30th september.
After making all the medicals exams needed, i met him again in Milano to finalize the administrative part, 1 month before the surgery. Right before that last consultation, i also been able to meet 3 patients who had or were lengthening. I won't go into details, but they seemed pretty good and very reassuring about the LL process.
I organized the whole stuff before going there including the help of a family member for my journey.
I rent a very nice flat in Milano (Desuite Milano) for me and my family member (I recommend it if u ever go there, nicest people i ever met).

30th september, (Day 0)
at 7am i entered the clinic Casa di Cura Colombus.
at ~ 8am i entered the operating bloc
5 hours later operation ended.
1 hour after the end of operation, i woke up with that weird feeling i'll never forget, "broken femurs effect". And Dr Guichet was here to tell me that operation went well and that it was time to do bike. And i was like wtf, half asleep, very thirsty, legs stiffed as if i ran a marathon the day before and dr wanted me to do bike?
Well, the begininng was strange and a bit hard but after few minutes i got accustomed to
my new broken femurs and eventually i did 30 mins of bike.
After that i had like 1 million medical visits including, physiotherapist, nurses and other various doctors checking how it was going.
Dr Guichet also showed me how to make clicks, he made me 1 on each side, it’s been quite easy n painfree.
First sleepless night due to stupid mosquitos in my room. From all the inconveniences it’s possible to have during a LL, i must confess that i was not expecting the mosquitos.  (get some lemon if u get operated during summer or beginning of autumn, this is not a joke!)

Day 1,
I used my walker n walked during ~15 mins in the clinic. Some cycling n first x-rays.

X-rays ~ +1 cm


Bunch of medical visits again, “tutto va bene” (=everything is all right) as they’re used to say.

Day 2,
Same story as the 2 first days, except that i took my first shower alone^^
But since i needed my walker, it took me like at least 30 mins ( for not a even a 5 mins shower) n i couldn’t  wash my feet.

Day 3,
Last medical exams, n i left the clinic in the afternoon. I had densitometry test in another clinic. I also bought a bike in the center of Milan. Eventually back to my flat.

Day 4,
First weekly visit in the isokinetic center with Dr Boldrini. SLR test, back to 85° after only 1,2 cm, but apparently “tutto va bene”.
Then first stretching exercices with physiotherapists, Stefano and Andrea, both cool and very professional.

After that, i can say that almost all days looked the same. If u do LL, IMO get ready to live like a zombie, doing things w/o even thinking about it, during several weeks. Clicking, eating,  walking, cycling, sleeping (when i could), clicking, eating,  walking, cycling, sleeping n again, n again, n again...

Day 14,
X-rays ~ +2,7 cm

Day 21,
Had to wait a bit before having the results x-rays (misunderstanding with the administration of the clinic).
Anyway x-rays were ok so i’ve been allowed to use the crutches.  Little exercices of walking, n using stairs with it. After 10-15 mins, i got accustomed to it.
From that day except in my flat, i didn’t use my walker anymore.

Few days after, i was using the subway on my own. I can say that people in Milan take care of people with less mobility, i don’t remember how many times i heard “una mano?” (=need help?) while i was using stairs in the subway.

Day 25,
~ 55-60° on SLR test. Until the end of my lengthening it stayed like this, i didn’t lose flexibility anymore.

Day 29,
X-rays ~ +4,5 cm

Day 34-35,
I gained ~ 5cm n probably for the first time of my life i didn’t feel short anymore. 
If for any reasons i had to stop here, i think i would have been happy already.

Day 45,
X-rays ~ +5,7 cm


Day 46,
First exercices in swiming-pool.

Around 2 months post-op,
I decided to stop LL when i would reach 7cm. Missing family and friends, i wanted to go back to my home before Xmas.

Day 70,
X-rays ~ +7,3 cm


Day 72,
First walk w/o crutches with a little duck-ass.

Day 73,
11 pm, last clicks.
1132 clicks and 7,547 cm later (and 6-7 kg less), it’s time to enjoy my new height^^

2 days post-clicking,
Going back home.

4-5 days post-clicking,
I completely get rid off the crutches.

2 weeks post-clicking, (3 months post-op)
My duck-ass disappeared n my walk looked pretty normal, but i still felt stiffness in my back while walking.

1 month post-clicking,
Walking as i used to do it before the surgery. No more pain, no more stiffness.

4 months post-op,


Bone r fused, it probably happened 1 month post-clicking.

6 months post-op,


Bones r strong enough to run n start gradually body-building of legs.

At first try, jogging has been quite easy, running and body-building have been harder causing pain on higher part of quads.
I don’t worry it about since it’s getting better and easier every week. I might give more details about my recovery later.

What i'm doing 6 months n 3 weeks post-op, (i posted videos on youtube under the name "shyshyflyfly" )



Running frontview

Running sideview

To conclude, more than the lack of sleep and the pain, for me the hardest thing during this LL has been the boring aspect. Cuz yea, it’s been boring to do almost everyday the same things. Fortunately, it’s been only 2 months and a half. I kept confident, smiling and very positive during the all process even if it was not easy everyday. I’m pretty sure that this positive attitude has been one of the key of my successful LL. Getting those little millimeters everyday kept me happy n reminded me that the end was getting closer.

When i look back, remembering how i was sad and how i was lacking in self-confidence cuz i felt short before the surgery, i don’t have any doubt that it was definitely worse it n that i made the right choice by doing this LL.

Now that i don’t feel short anymore, my big pleasure is only to put my coat and my sneakers and hanging out in the street.

I feel good, i’m just happy ;)
From ~168 to ~175,5
6 months post-surgery, sprint, jump and squat


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2014, 11:58:25 AM »

hi ShyShy!!
thank you for this summary!! your personal experience is just what every soon-to-be-limb-lenghtener wishes his journey to be! :)
i saw your videos before, and i was honestly impressed not only by your physical ability but mostly by how proportionally good you look!
i also want to do 7,5 but i'm a little concerned if it is not too much for me. i'm a little shorter than you (167cm).., i may do only 7 cm because of that.
could you help me by telling me how tall your knees stand without shoes when you are seated in a sofa? mine stand at around 50cm..
i was also concerned about Dr. Guichet failing to put the screws trough the lesser trochanter like i happened with leechlet's right leg.. but from what i can see, he apparently failed in both of your legs and you didn't had any problem with that!! i hope he fails in both in me too!! :D
also, what is about lemons!? i didn't get it  :P
amitiés :)


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2014, 02:25:46 PM »

Kudos to ShyShy, who shows up not be shy at all :)

I thank you for this thorough report of your experience of physical (and spiritual as well) growth after your 30ies!

About proportions, me too would like to know how long are your legs (i.e., the segments of our lower limbs which span from the knee to the ground, feet included...)

Thanks in advance and thank you for the tip about the flat in Milan as well.

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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2014, 05:54:34 PM »

Thanks for the very informative and interesting summary!  Your running looks great by the way.  The strides don't look too long, and your gait doesn't look at all like you're stomping.


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2014, 03:45:28 AM »

dude doesnt even look like he had surgery. also is it safe to be prancing around like that in 6 months. honestly i would have waited a little longer just in case. maybe he was just too happy n wanted to show off. 7 cm phessh. i going for the full 10 baby. so if i clicked to 10 cm on the nails then they would stop and i would know i was at 10 cm, right?
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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2014, 03:53:35 AM »

This is an incredibly strong testemonial for this dr. lol
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
My Diary for those who want a real play by play to know what to expect:

Starting height: 5 8
End Height-:5 11 +


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2014, 04:38:51 AM »

hi ShyShy,
Well Done. Can you please tell me how much it cost with Guichet and please breakdown the cost and Extra Cost I should plan for.


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2014, 01:06:39 PM »

Hello, this is my very first post. I have to admit I could not refrain myself first from congratulating you on your journey because it takes a lot of guts (not even mentioning money, time, etc.) to start such one and second because you helped me make up my mind on whether should I start my own journey or not. It's been a while since I wanted to do it but somehow there always was something to stop me from doing the final step towards it. Now it's time to make things become real, should it fail or not.
Initial : 172cm, 186cm, 70kg
Target: 182cm, 186cm, 75kg
Target Doctor : Betz


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2014, 03:47:04 PM »

hi ShyShy,
Well Done. Can you please tell me how much it cost with Guichet and please breakdown the cost and Extra Cost I should plan for.

+1 on this, beat me to it.
Could you please outline all the necessary costs for the whole proces such as accommodation, the surgery, food, isokinetic centre training and etc.
Guichet seems like a great option with rather quick recovery but the cost seems to be a factor for most people such as myself.


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2014, 04:52:38 PM »

thank you for this summary!! [...]
amitiés :)
I thank you for this thorough report of your experience of physical (and spiritual as well) growth after your 30ies!
I have to admit I could not refrain myself first from congratulating you on your journey

De rien les amis, u're all welcome^^

i also want to do 7,5 but i'm a little concerned if it is not too much for me. i'm a little shorter than you (167cm).., i may do only 7 cm because of that.
could you help me by telling me how tall your knees stand without shoes when you are seated in a sofa? mine stand at around 50cm..
Unless u have completely abnormal proportions, u shouldn't worry too much about it :D
But if u do, IMO things that people might maybe notice are:
1) the length of your arms compared to your total height. Mine from finger to shoulder is ~ 73 cm for a total height of ~ 175,5 cm
2) Your sitting height. ~ 88 cm for me
3) the height of your knee. mine (starting from the ground including feet while sitting on a chair) is ~ 50,5 cm
4) the ratio femur/tibia (i don't know mine, anyway with clothes it's very hard to estimate femur length and very easy to hide it)

i was also concerned about Dr. Guichet failing to put the screws trough the lesser trochanter like i happened with leechlet's right leg.. but from what i can see, he apparently failed in both of your legs and you didn't had any problem with that!! i hope he fails in both in me too!! :D

Yea, i remember that leechlet was in panic that day, but he felt better when i sended him my x-rays via skype.
If u ask guichet, for him puting screws like this is completely normal and it's not related to the pain u might feel during the process.

also, what is about lemons!? i didn't get it  :P

Very simple, i hate mosquitos and mosquitos hate the smell of lemons so since the enemies of my enemies r my friends, lemons r my friends hahaha  :o

dude doesnt even look like he had surgery. also is it safe to be prancing around like that in 6 months. honestly i would have waited a little longer just in case. maybe he was just too happy n wanted to show off. 7 cm phessh. i going for the full 10 baby. so if i clicked to 10 cm on the nails then they would stop and i would know i was at 10 cm, right?

I only respected my surgeon recommendations. Since guichet allowed to run n use body-building machines, i did it^^

The maximum gain on Gnail is 10 cm so i guess yea the mecanism will just stop if u max out the nail. Anyway, with the clicking-count, it's hard to make mistakes, n i never planned on doing 10 cms so...

hi ShyShy,
Well Done. Can you please tell me how much it cost with Guichet and please breakdown the cost and Extra Cost I should plan for.

For the cost, it really depends on your living habits. In my family, we can live like monks but we r all different so for me its been around ~ 55 000 euros.

Operation ~ 42 000

Isokinetic Center ~ 4500
2000 per month (i paid only for ~ 2 months cuz i didn’t go there everyday the last 3 weeks) + an extra of  ~ 500 euros for hydrotherapy (i asked for swiming-pool, but it’s up to u, u might want it or not)

The rent of flat ~ 4500  (for 2,5 months, with all necessary, and 2 beds)
It’s been 1800 per month. U can find cheaper but they have been very arranging with me.
As u know, i had to go the isokinetic center 5 times per week which is ~ 2,5 km away from my flat. Considering i had my walker, that meant cabs everyday at least at the beginning while i was not able to use the subway. (keep in mind that Guichet strongly discourages the use of wheelchair, so 2,5 km in wheelchair, just forget it)
So i asked the person in charge of the residence (Selene) if she knew a taxi driver so i could have bargained a global price for a daily ride to go to the rehab center and come back to my flat.
She didn’t know any but she asked the guy who was in charge of the cleaning of the residence (Gerry) if he could drive me to the center and get me back 4 hours later (it’s like 10mins of driving). Gerry said ok.
Normally the rent of this flat includes a weekly cleaning. So instead of that, i said that my family member could do the washing cuz Gerry been arranging doing the taxi.
Of course, i paid him 150 euros per month and sometimes (very rarely) he was not able to drive me to center so i had to take a cab or the subway (when i started to use crutches).
I also told the rehab center that i would only come from 8am to 12am cuz Gerry was working in the residence only during the morning and could only drive me there and get me back at those hours.

Eventually, i took cabs only 6- 7 times.
When i left the clinic 3 days pot-op, when i had second x-rays 14 days pot-op and maybe 2-3 times during the first 3 weeks when Gerry was not able to drive me to the center or get me back 4 hours later.

After the first 3 weeks, when i had a medical appointement as for example, i managed with the subway.

Transports cost in Milano ~ 500 euros.
300 for Gerry
less then 200 for the cabs
I cheated for the subway (not that i wanted to but i was too lazy to make a suscription card only for 2 months, anyway it’s like 35euros per month), if u’re walking with crutches subway’s supervisors will just open the doors and let u go in or out the subway.  yay like 70 euros saved  ;D

Others costs ~ 2500 euros
Including the medical appointements (x-rays every 2 weeks and 3 densitometry tests), food for 2 persons and few other stuffs (like an inside bike for 80 euros) .
Milano is kinda cheap town, at least compared to Paris. I remember that i was getting my daily pizza for 5-6 euros (don’t ask me how a pizzeria can make money selling so cheaply), and pizzas r good in Italy^^

Pre-op costs ~ 1200 euros
Blood tests and first isokinetic test ~ free since i did it in my country n my health insurance paid for me. (ofc i pay for my health insurance like everyone else, so i didn’t count it)
Bunch of drugs, walker, crutches less than 100 euros (drugs r cheap in France, and many things been paid by my healthinsurance since i had medical prescription)
First consultation with Guichet in Marseille: 200 euros
Second consultation in Milano : 150 euros
Isokinetic test in Milano: 150 euros
First x-rays in Milano ~150 euros
First bone densitometry in Milano ~ 300 euros
Psychiatrist consultation  ~ 200 euros

What i didn't include
Pre-op training and professional coach
I've been going into a gymclub with a coach who made me a personal training program but i also worked a lot on my own during several months.
So far it didn't cost me a lot but if u wanna gain time u'd better go with a highly skilled coach who gonna kick your ass to improve your strength and flexibility.
From ~168 to ~175,5
6 months post-surgery, sprint, jump and squat


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2014, 10:47:33 PM »

thanks for the reply ShyShy!!
its great to know that we have similar proportions.. our difference in height is exactly on the seating height! i'm at 87 cm.. but i was more worried about how my legs would look, but now i feel much more comfortable in going for 7,5 cm!!! many thanks!! :D
i didn't knew that about lemons!! i also hate those motherf**rs! loool .. and in a hospital i wouldn't definitely not sleep, those places are full of multi-resistant bacteria,.. maybe i'm saying something foolish but i don't know if a mosquito could carry them..
it was very cool what you did for leechlet, i knew about that but i didn't knew that the patient was you!!
thanks again and make the most of your new height!! salut!! :)


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2014, 03:53:54 AM »

man if 55K euro is all it took, i have enough...yeah. it seems that ur cost is a lot cheaper i noticed. guichet was charging me 44300K euro for surgery n 300 euro for consultation. man so the subway was basically free? dude thats better than the wheelchair. but i dont see how wheelchairing around for 3 miles a day is hard. its all hands anyways. Do you HAVE to get an x-ray every 2 weeks? thats seems like its stealing, i mean every 4 weeks seems reasonable. Also what if you run out of money during the operation...? Is anyone here from USA, if so does guichet take credit card or bank transfer, since wiring is like an xtra 3%. 6'1 here i come
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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2014, 07:59:14 AM »

Just like to ask, would it be possible to get the nail removed by a different LL doctor other than Guichet? $10,000 for nail removal is a robbery, just greedy if you ask me but then again he is arguably the best in this field


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2014, 05:13:32 PM »

thanks for the reply ShyShy!!
its great to know that we have similar proportions.. our difference in height is exactly on the seating height! i'm at 87 cm.. but i was more worried about how my legs would look, but now i feel much more comfortable in going for 7,5 cm!!! many thanks!! :D
i didn't knew that about lemons!! i also hate those motherf**rs! loool .. and in a hospital i wouldn't definitely not sleep, those places are full of multi-resistant bacteria,.. maybe i'm saying something foolish but i don't know if a mosquito could carry them..
it was very cool what you did for leechlet, i knew about that but i didn't knew that the patient was you!!
thanks again and make the most of your new height!! salut!! :)
No worry, the only thing a mosquito can do is preventing u from sleeping, nothing more^^
Anyway, best of luck for your LL ;)

man if 55K euro is all it took, i have enough...yeah. it seems that ur cost is a lot cheaper i noticed. guichet was charging me 44300K euro for surgery n 300 euro for consultation. man so the subway was basically free? dude thats better than the wheelchair. but i dont see how wheelchairing around for 3 miles a day is hard. its all hands anyways. Do you HAVE to get an x-ray every 2 weeks? thats seems like its stealing, i mean every 4 weeks seems reasonable. Also what if you run out of money during the operation...? Is anyone here from USA, if so does guichet take credit card or bank transfer, since wiring is like an xtra 3%. 6'1 here i come
When i booked the surgery i paid ~ 47 000 euros (via Bank Account Transfer), this price is made to cover extra costs in case of complications during or right after the surgery. Since i had no complications, the clinic gave me back ~ 5000 euros like 10-15 days post-op (which is more than the 3500 euros which is written in the contract) .
55k is what it cost me in total but i had around 61-62k, u need to stash a bit more than the average expected cost for the all process, just in case, u might never know what could happen.
About x-rays, thats LL guichets procedure.  Maybe he wanna check the ossification to manage with the rythm of click, or check if the nails and screws r ok and do sthg more quickly in case of problems, idk. Im not enough skilled to argue about it but u can ask him ;)
For the wheelchair, i don't think the problem is the distance and the energy u need for it. I was neither afraid to do 5-6 kms evryday with a wheelchair, that's why i also asked for it n he refused to give me 1 arguing that he had his own reasons. I'm not sure but  i think what he dislikes the most is the sitting position which can end in phlebite/thrombose, but there r probably other reasons. Anyway, i trusted him n i didn't use a wheelchair.

Just like to ask, would it be possible to get the nail removed by a different LL doctor other than Guichet? $10,000 for nail removal is a robbery, just greedy if you ask me but then again he is arguably the best in this field
Maybe some low-cost indians surgeons would do it for 100 usd  ;D

Honestly idk, since he is creator of the nail n probably the only surgeon using it...
Til now evrything went well so i think it's better to keep the same surgeon for the all process.
From ~168 to ~175,5
6 months post-surgery, sprint, jump and squat


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2014, 06:15:02 PM »

Wow, what an inspiring story! Thank you for sharing it here.
Congratulations!  :D

I have a few questions:
-you seemed to be achieving your height very quickly (2.7cm after 14 days) - did you do more than 1mm per day?
-you seemed to be off crutches very quickly (a couple days after lengthening) - I was under the impression that one must wait for the bone to fully consolidate before going off crutches, no?
-are your scars very visible?
-reading other diaries I got an impression that for most people in order to gain height they sacrificed their physical ability. Some are OK to pay such price, some had difficulties accepting it. Do you feel like you lost a lot of physical/sport ability? Do you feel that 100% recovery is possible?

Thank you!


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2014, 09:17:35 AM »

You didn't say but it feels like you are psychologically very prepared for this long haul and it showed.

Very strong recommendation for Dr Guichet. Wow!


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2014, 01:01:13 PM »

-you seemed to be achieving your height very quickly (2.7cm after 14 days) - did you do more than 1mm per day?
- Its 1 cm during the surgery, 3 days (including the day of surgery) with few clicks and then it's 21 clicks during 2 weeks so around 1,4mm everyday, then the rythm decreases to 15 clicks for a certain period depending on how your body reacts.

-you seemed to be off crutches very quickly (a couple days after lengthening) - I was under the impression that one must wait for the bone to fully consolidate before going off crutches, no?
- No need to w8 the bones to be fused before starting to walk w/o crutches, apparently guichet is confident about the solidity of his nails and screws. When i was in Milano, there was an another patient who wanted to do 10 cms in 2 times (5+5), so he got his first surgery beginning of november (1 month after me), did his his 5 cms n started to walk w/o crutches 1 or 2 days before me, roughly 35-40 days post-op. N i'm pretty sure he was heavier than me.
-are your scars very visible?
This r the scars at 7,5 months post-op but i let u judge by yourself^^
For some reasons the scar which is 10 cms above the knee is more visible on the right side than on the left. Anyway when they'll get white, i guess it will be very hardly noticeable.

upper knee scar on left

upper knee scar on right

-reading other diaries I got an impression that for most people in order to gain height they sacrificed their physical ability. Some are OK to pay such price, some had difficulties accepting it.
Before the surgery, i accepted the idea that i might never recover completely my physical abilities since the most important to me was to be taller.
Do you feel like you lost a lot of physical/sport ability? Do you feel that 100% recovery is possible?
Obviously i'm not jumping as high and running as fast as i used to do it before, but im fast enough to steal a bag from a grandmother in the street so she couldn't catch me up  ;D (plz note that ofc i would never do that^^)
Im only at 7,5 months post-op n i got allowed to do those things again (jump, run, body-building) only since 1,5 month.
So i would say since it's getting better everyday i feel that i will completely recover soon or late, but probably sooner than i expected.

You didn't say but it feels like you are psychologically very prepared for this long haul and it showed.
I don't wanna tell lies about LL. It's kinda hardcore process so it's very important to keep highly positive. From the first day and during the all process i told to myself that i needed to endure this LL during few days more, til the day (the day 73^^) it eventually ended   :)
To me, all the efforts (financial, physical and psychological) i made to achieve my LL r nothing compared to the happiness of being taller :P
From ~168 to ~175,5
6 months post-surgery, sprint, jump and squat


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2014, 03:25:16 AM »

Thank you for posting pictures. Very informative.

So it is 3 scars on each leg: 2 smaller for the screws and one bigger for the Albizzia nail? How many days post op were the stitches removed? Did you treat them with any cream?

I was also wondering whether at this point you are still in any pain / discomfort?
If so, how would you describe it and is it constant or temporary?
(One of the patients described that recovering from LL is like wearing a heavy belt around the hips at all times. There are things in life that aren't painful but could make a person very unhappy if they are constant, e.g. buzzing of a mosquito or having a feeling of ball and chain attached to legs).

Do you think it is necessary to stay near the doctor for the lengthening period or you think it is OK to go home soon after surgery for someone that has easy access to a gym/physical therapist/orthopedic surgeon?

Finally, you obviously sound very happy with the result, which is great, but would you change anything if you were to do it all over again and are you considering doing tibia?

Thank you! The info you are providing is priceless and much appreciated! :)



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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2014, 07:32:33 PM »

Dr Guichet must be very happy with your journey.

Also, the importance of psychological preparation showed in you. Again, kudos!


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2014, 09:15:27 PM »

So it is 3 scars on each leg: 2 smaller for the screws and one bigger for the Albizzia nail?
yep exactly, 3 on each leg, no more, no less. (as far as i know albizzia is no longer use, its gnail now)

How many days post op were the stitches removed? Did you treat them with any cream?

There r no stitches, its a different procedure. U have few recommendations about the incisions, mostly to keep them dry as much as possible.

I was also wondering whether at this point you are still in any pain / discomfort?
If so, how would you describe it and is it constant or temporary?
(One of the patients described that recovering from LL is like wearing a heavy belt around the hips at all times. There are things in life that aren't painful but could make a person very unhappy if they are constant, e.g. buzzing of a mosquito or having a feeling of ball and chain attached to legs).

On very specific movements, i can feel pain on hips.
I also feel little pain if i run (not jogging), lets say at 12 km/hour and over, during the first 2-3 mins on the upper part of quads, then it disappears.
But the hardest for me is when i do squat, i feel pain on the hips in the sitting position and at the end of movement when i almost standing up on the upper part of quads. I also had pain on upper part of quads the first 3 times i did leg extension but now it's over so i hope it will be same for squat soon.
I find that this description of wearing an heavy belt is quite fair, but only for sport activities, n the belt is getting lighter everyday so thats more than acceptable to me^^

Do you think it is necessary to stay near the doctor for the lengthening period or you think it is OK to go home soon after surgery for someone that has easy access to a gym/physical therapist/orthopedic surgeon?

Guichet is kinda obssessed with results, before the surgery he showed me some figures about the rate of fracture during LL process.
If i remember good it's like 5% when patients leave before the end of lengthnening n 0% if they stay in Milano til the end of process.
Anyway i don't think it would be reasonable to go back home before the end of the 1rst month. LL is very special surgery, i doubt that physiotherapist/doctors in general oftenly treat patients doing LL, so they might not know what's the best solution in case of complications.

Finally, you obviously sound very happy with the result, which is great, but would you change anything if you were to do it all over again

I don't think i could have done sthg differently to improve significantly my LL so i guess no^^

are you considering doing tibia?

Gaining 7,5 cm, that makes a huge difference!!! Where i live (in France) i'm now average or very close to it so i just can't feel short. To sum up, i would say that only maybe 25% of men r significantly taller than me, but idc since i never wanted to be the tallest, i only wanted not to be the shortest anymore^^ And its very very rare to see a girl taller than me, to me thats just perfect.
IMO i wouldn't gain any benefits from doing tibias, i feel too comfortable like this :)

Thank you! The info you are providing is priceless and much appreciated! :)
Np, i remember the time when i was kinda desperate about my height. Im happy to share my LL experience, n to those who suffer from their short stature, i can say yes there is hope!!! :)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 10:50:02 PM by ShyShy »
From ~168 to ~175,5
6 months post-surgery, sprint, jump and squat


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2014, 09:16:30 PM »

Dr Guichet must be very happy with your journey.

Also, the importance of psychological preparation showed in you. Again, kudos!

Actually, guichet always talks about his marvellous japanese patients who have the best results^^ Idk if they're human or not lol but it seems that japanese r psychologically stronger and have much more discipline than average patients. But well i guess he's not ashamed of me, thks for the kind words ;)
From ~168 to ~175,5
6 months post-surgery, sprint, jump and squat


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2014, 03:42:40 AM »

since i'm from america, would it be better to go get a consultation with guichet and train at the isokinectic center for 3 weeks and get surgery or go home for a month or so and train. honestly i think it would be more expensive if i stay since i would have to get an appartment, but im afraid that if i dont meet the requirements back home, then hell make me train at the isokinectic center, which would cost even more money. AHHHHH damnit guichet.
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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2014, 09:29:19 AM »

Hey Shyshy!! awesome man! you are doing great!) congrats! you look amazing and already running and jumping, I wish to be on your shoes one day! You have a good height now)) my respects my friend and I wish you all the best!
Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2014, 03:57:19 AM »

Hi Shyshy, congratulations on your incredible achievement! I'm sure your experience brought you many new perspectives in many ways. You definitely inspire me. Also, I'd like to sincerely say that your running is the best I've seen of any former LL patient..EVER!!!

Would it bother you to post some pictures showing the proportions of your arms and torso in relation to your legs and also what your body looks like when you sit down? You can blur or cover the face/head for anonymity. I'd love to get a better idea of what ~7.5CM of femoral LL looks like on a person since that is my height gain goal as well. Let me know what you think.

Also, if you don't mind, could you talk about how people have reacted to your increased height, especially those who knew you before your surgery? Do people treat you differently now that you're taller?

Last question, I promise:  you clicked 7.5CM and gained 7.5CM as well, correct? Do patients usually gain less actual height than what their bone gap shows as the result of the femur being at am angle?

Again, thanks, and congratulations on your incredible journey!

« Last Edit: May 22, 2014, 04:07:51 AM by Tall »


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2014, 11:35:16 PM »

since i'm from america, would it be better to go get a consultation with guichet and train at the isokinectic center for 3 weeks and get surgery or go home for a month or so and train. honestly i think it would be more expensive if i stay since i would have to get an appartment, but im afraid that if i dont meet the requirements back home, then hell make me train at the isokinectic center, which would cost even more money. AHHHHH damnit guichet.
It depends on the gain u expect n the requirements asked for guichet to obtain it. But it shouldn't be a problem to train yourself near your home and make few SLR and cybex tests in USA to check your progress.

Hey Shyshy!! awesome man! you are doing great!) congrats! you look amazing and already running and jumping, I wish to be on your shoes one day! You have a good height now)) my respects my friend and I wish you all the best!
Ty man, i feel good but u're still the casanova^^

Would it bother you to post some pictures showing the proportions of your arms and torso in relation to your legs and also what your body looks like when you sit down? You can blur or cover the face/head for anonymity. I'd love to get a better idea of what ~7.5CM of femoral LL looks like on a person since that is my height gain goal as well.
To give u an idea, it looks like this!!!

I also got asked about flexibility, what it looks like at 7 months n 3 weeks post-op

Also, if you don't mind, could you talk about how people have reacted to your increased height, especially those who knew you before your surgery? Do people treat you differently now that you're taller?
My family and my friends knew about my surgery so there has been no change with them. For the others who knew me before the surgery, i noticed different reactions when people were looking at me. Some just didn't pay attention as if there has been no change, some noticed (i saw it in their eyes) a change but probably couldn't name it, others probably noticed i was taller but were too shy to ask me how that was possible lol. Anyway it's my life, i don't feel like i need to give them any explanations^^
I couldn't say for sure that people treat me differently but i can say for sure that i treat myself differently n i definitely feel more attractive.

Last question, I promise:  you clicked 7.5CM and gained 7.5CM as well, correct? Do patients usually gain less actual height than what their bone gap shows as the result of the femur being at am angle?
I clicked 7, and i know about the natural angle of femurs.
All i can say is that i was ~ 1,68m (evening height) and i'm now ~ 1,755 (still evening height) so if i didn't grew up by 7,5 cm, it must be close to that. But yea there might a 1 or 2 mm difference, i just couldn't tell u for sure.
From ~168 to ~175,5
6 months post-surgery, sprint, jump and squat


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #25 on: May 25, 2014, 12:36:25 AM »

Great photos Shyshy. Is it a lot more difficult for you to bend over and touch the ground after having lengthened?
Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
My Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Experience


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #26 on: May 25, 2014, 01:59:24 AM »

Wow man, looking sexy there! Lol. Thanks for sharing those pics and vids. They really gave me a ton of hope. You don't even look like you had LL! You look completely natural! And 175,5CM: what an awesome height to be for the rest of your life! Congratulations!


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #27 on: May 25, 2014, 03:32:14 AM »

Sexy legs, I like  :o
Hope you continue posting your recovery phase, great insight for us potential future LLer's, thanks

I'd like to ask if you dont mind, how many trips in total as in flights, have you had going back and forth to Dr Guichet already?


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2014, 04:31:55 AM »

Your legs look fantastic, thanks for the pictures!!  ;D

Also extremely impressive that you can touch the floor flat-handed given everything your body has been through.  Keep up the great recovery!


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #29 on: May 25, 2014, 11:20:34 AM »

hi ShyShy!
you look awesome!! :)
great proportions, nice physic and great flexibility!!
i honestly couldn't put my palms on the floor before starting training for limb lengthening, and it didn't cross my mind it would be possible to do it after limb lengthening!!
how long it took after finish lengthening to put your hands on the floor?
was Dr. Guichet that push you to continue training and stretching to this level!?


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Re: ShyShy - Internal femurs - Dr Guichet 2013
« Reply #30 on: May 25, 2014, 08:53:29 PM »

Palms on the floor WITH his shoes on!!  He's just showing off! :)
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