This is a warning for those, who wanna get the heightism out by lenghtening and risk your portition. Yes if you have short arms to your body people will notice it and you cant hide it. So when you are uncomfortable of your height, dont change your propblem to a even worse one. I do understand 90%, why a man would lenghten hes legs if they are short.
We are all human and the laws of animals exist within us. Its natural. Just saying as a guy, who gets oggled a lot in a bad way. Its disturbing and it really makes me wanna stay inside or keep my hands in my pockets when outside. People will rarely say anything about my disportionate body, well who would? But if you are like me and really selfaware, you can really feel the impact.
I am not saying people are not nice to me, they are 100%. But its clear they seem like they do a effort when they are nice. Also if normal body people feel bad, you can be sure its on you more often than not. Its natural and not fair. I know a person with average build would not agree with me. But to be clear even the people that only check my portition they dont want bad to me. I suspect they just feel strange and its natural. I dont blaim em, i do the same when i see people like me or worse. Then i try not to look em just to make sure they dont feel uncomfort.