hi medium drink of water thanks for answering my previous question do you recommend doing more than 5 cm for tibia or femur in the prospective of tendon and aging
The less you do the better. Best for all of us not to do the surgery at all, right?
But if you're going to do more than 5 cm on a bone, it should probably be femur. They have more biological infrastructure around them - thicker tendons, more blood supply, bigger muscles, etc. I think the thighs can better handle the increased bone length.
what do you mean by get tired easily if concidering daily activites does it bother you every day and night . feel free to answer any time sorry for my poor english
By get tired easily, I mean it's harder to perform those movements, so the muscles get fatigued. I need to stop and rest more often. Lengthening a limb makes it more difficult to move that limb; this is a property of physics that applies to any object. So it's harder work for me to walk now because of the longer tibias.
Imagine being a weak person who can't get any stronger through exercise. That's what I experience with my tibialis anterior muscles. They can't grow any more. They can't get any stronger than they are now.
It doesn't bother me often. I don't live a very active lifestyle anyway. Not before LL and not now.