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Author Topic: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019  (Read 68683 times)

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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #93 on: December 25, 2019, 01:28:49 AM »

Thank you TheAlchemist for the detailed suggestions and will start following your advice so I can have a successful lengthening. Merry Christmas!


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #94 on: December 29, 2019, 08:52:42 PM »

Day 15 of Consolidation, Day 103 Post Op

Just over 2 weeks from distraction and things continue to get better every day, little by little. Was able to walk around public places like malls, bars, etc with a cane (mainly for balance and support when fatigued.) Was at a bar the other night and left my cane at the front and walked around with a beer in my hand. I'm starting to get used to the height when in front of the mirror now, I'm only reminded of how much I've changed when in the context of other people.

Don't feel much pain at all. The feeling of tightness remains but is only a matter of discomfort when getting up from a chair or laying in bed after an extended period.

I'm still stretching 2x a day and when going through the motions I can feel my flexibility improving every day.

Sleep is normalizing to about 7 hrs a night now. I still take Tylenol PM but I think I can start to lay off it soon.

The biggest obstacle continues to be regaining strength in my glutes and hip abductors. I can tell this is going to be a long process that will take months of daily work to finish.

Mentally I still haven't gotten back into my productive/ cognitive mindset yet. I'm still "hiding" out from friends/co workers as my plan is to return once I've recovered my walk/gait to a reasonable level. I think the laziness lingers as a result of just recently recovering from the painful stage of distraction, physical limitation from weak muscles, and that weird time in between the holidays.

Reflecting on my stretch of time during LL, it feels unreal. I did this alone. It's feels like a blur in between liminal spaces, like airport layovers. No concept of time exists. I wake up when I want. Go to bed when I want. I had ice cream for breakfast. You are your own god. It feels nice but I want to get back on my purpose around my career and hobbies. I've gotten way more comfortable with leisure solitude but I'm eager to get back to work and being productive again. I'll have to update my diary with a focus on the mental aspect of this as it's one of the more unique and fascinating parts of this journey.
Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #95 on: December 29, 2019, 11:34:53 PM »

Going from 5’9 to 6 ft....fking awesome dude.

Do you often feel like the tallest in a room of people?

Since everyone thinks they’re 6 ft these days, how often do you see 6 footers in your day to day life? Only 13% of people in America are 6 ft and over.... do you think that’s accurate?

You will get the “DiD yoU GeT TaLlEr Or SoMeThInG”, how do you plan on handling that with close friends/relatives?

I wear shorts a lot, and hiding the scars on your knees is pretty tough to do. I had a close call with a friend who saw the scar and asked and I just replied with it’s a scab.  My heart honestly dropped because this dude was peppering me with questions. He probably knows something is fishy but whatever  Lol. Be very wary of that!


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #96 on: December 30, 2019, 03:49:53 AM »

Going from 5’9 to 6 ft....fking awesome dude.

Do you often feel like the tallest in a room of people?

Since everyone thinks they’re 6 ft these days, how often do you see 6 footers in your day to day life? Only 13% of people in America are 6 ft and over.... do you think that’s accurate?

You will get the “DiD yoU GeT TaLlEr Or SoMeThInG”, how do you plan on handling that with close friends/relatives?

I wear shorts a lot, and hiding the scars on your knees is pretty tough to do. I had a close call with a friend who saw the scar and asked and I just replied with it’s a scab.  My heart honestly dropped because this dude was peppering me with questions. He probably knows something is fishy but whatever  Lol. Be very wary of that!

5'9 to 6 ft is amazing man - life changing and most importantly got rid of my own personal issues with my height neurosis. I truly feel free.

Yeah I've noticed that the majority of the time I'm the tallest person in the room. When I'm out in a crowded area like a bar, I'm almost always taller than all women now, even in their heels, and I'm probably in the top 20% in height around men.

You're right, I'm probably going to get the "“DiD yoU GeT TaLlEr Or SoMeThInG” from friends and relatives, especially since a lot of them were around my original height. One thing that will help is that I started wearing 2 inch shoe lifts every day about 5 years ago that my family, friends, and co workers have been conditioned to. I plan on throwing those shoe lifts away, so my effective height gain will be just over an inch.

I also plan on getting a haircut, I've had a pretty vertically high (about 3 inch) side part quiff hairstyle (kinda Johnny Bravo ish) and I plan on getting a short buzz cut that should hopefully give off the illusion of less height, or at the very least distract people away from my height and re focus on my new hair. I'm hoping the combination of the removal of shoe lifts and shorter hair cut will distort people's perceptions and memory but I wouldn't be surprised if curiosity and stares persist to which I'll just brush it off, smile, and say I've been working on my posture. I think my ex girlfriends would likely notice and possibly my parents. Not too concerned other than my parents worrying about it/freaking out about my health.

Thanks for the reminder with the shorts! I love shorts these days as my primary goal has been staying comfortable but I'll be sure to ditch them when I get back home.

How has your experience been with integrating back at home with family/friends outside of that close call with your friends in shorts? Have people consistently called you out on the height?

Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #97 on: December 30, 2019, 05:29:08 AM »

Man I’m so happy for you...

I Only told immediate family of the procedure.

I starting seeing friends towards the end of my lengthening and it’s been annoying with the comments. Every single one of my friends has obviously noticed and i just awkwardly blame it on these hideous shoes that I’ve been wearing with a bit of a heel until I stop getting pestered with questions. Or I blame it on shoe lifts for my back

Most people have no clue this procedure even exists, so they’re just in a confused state as to how it happened anyways. Oh well. Lol.


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #98 on: December 30, 2019, 05:36:49 PM »

Interesting take away from all of this is realizing how distorted everyones perception of height is. I've measured myself at home as exactly 6 ft. It's crazy when I'm out...the handful of girls I've talked to all think I'm over 6ft, one girl thought I was 6'3.

I've realized that women's perception of height is distorted because in general men inflate their height by a couple of inches or at least tend to round up to the next inch. I wouldn't be surprised if most guys who claim 6 ft are actually 5'10 or 5'11 barefoot. Hell I'm guilty of this, pre-LL I was around 5'9, maybe just under in the evening, and I self listed myself as 5'10 on my drivers license. Bottom line is women with shallow height standards probably perceive "6 ft" as a guy who is 5'10 or 5'11 in real life, hence their superficial standard of "only dating guys over 6 ft."
Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #99 on: January 01, 2020, 03:21:24 AM »

I am really happy for you guys. Cant wait to see y'all land safely.

We will cross this finish line around the same time. (give or take 1 to 3 weeks)



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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #100 on: January 07, 2020, 02:57:24 PM »

Hey alchemist....
Any updates??
Hope you are doing good!!!


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #101 on: February 11, 2020, 08:48:53 PM »

Thanks for writing this diary! How are you doing now?


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #102 on: February 14, 2020, 06:47:31 PM »

Interesting take away from all of this is realizing how distorted everyones perception of height is. I've measured myself at home as exactly 6 ft. It's crazy when I'm out...the handful of girls I've talked to all think I'm over 6ft, one girl thought I was 6'3.

I've realized that women's perception of height is distorted because in general men inflate their height by a couple of inches or at least tend to round up to the next inch. I wouldn't be surprised if most guys who claim 6 ft are actually 5'10 or 5'11 barefoot. Hell I'm guilty of this, pre-LL I was around 5'9, maybe just under in the evening, and I self listed myself as 5'10 on my drivers license. Bottom line is women with shallow height standards probably perceive "6 ft" as a guy who is 5'10 or 5'11 in real life, hence their superficial standard of "only dating guys over 6 ft."

Nearly EVERYONE lies about their height.  I'm 5'7.5" and NO ONE believes me, everyone thinks I'm taller, sometimes I even get people guessing I'm 5'10" or 5'11" makes me laugh. Flattering though.  Just goes to show how everyone inflates their height.  When i do LL and God willing I become 5'10.5" I'm gonna say I'm 6'0" might as well since that's what everyone else does.  I'm probably gonna wear boots with a thick heel anyway to bring me to 6'0" when I'm outside.  Mostly gonna say I'm 6'0" for dating purposes above all else though.  Women percieve you so much more differently when you say 6'0" as opposed to 5'11".  I'm sure being an even 6'0" barefoot after being 5'9" must be great.  Definetely a lil jealous of you.  IMO 5'9" is the perfect height to do LL, you basically go from being percieved as average to being tall, I'm glad you're loving life, and hope to be right there with you in a year and a half. 


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #103 on: February 15, 2020, 04:55:40 PM »

UPDATE: 151 days post op, 63 days post distraction

Life is good. My focus continues to be regaining strength in the glutes and hips along with a bit of stretching each day. My walk ranges anywhere from 70 to 90% depending on a variety of factors. On a full tank of energy, with my legs warmed up, my walk looks fairly normal. If you were to look really closely you might notice just a bit of an arch down my back (duck ass) and a very slight waddle. For context, in public people don't seem to notice anything off about my walk, and I've been on a handful of dates and they didn't mention anything about the walk.

I had my 1 month consolidation x rays reviewed and the doctor says I'm progressing as expected. I should be fully consolidated at the 3 to 4 month post consolidation mark, or in other words the 6 to 7 month post op mark. In the mean time I'm avoiding any running, jogging or high impact activities.

Mental and cognitive abilities are at about 90 to 95%, almost normal. I believe that cognitive abilities are a bit limited throughout consolidation as your body still needs to dedicate resources to regenerating the bone. Libido and sxx drive is at about 70% due to bone not consolidated and fatigue.

My height dysphoria is completely gone. Pre LL I was consumed with thoughts about height for at least 1 to 2 hours a day, and now I'm completely free of any body dysphoria.

Areas for Improvement

-Stamina - After walking at about the 2 mile mark fatigue starts to set in due to the weak glutes and hips. I'll either have to take a quick rest or resort to a bit of a waddle walk. When the fatigue sets in I would describe my walk at about 70%, some waddle with a wider gait.

-Strength - Glutes and hips are still a bit weak. A few practical real life scenarios where this comes out is getting up from seated positions where I still use my hand to push off. Another example is going up and down stairs where I still need to use the hand rails for support.

-Stiffness - I feel tight after getting up from a seated position throughout my hips and quads and as a result have a bit of a waddle walk. After walking for about 10 to 15 seconds to warm up the legs my walk begins to normalize.

-Speed - My normal walking pace is about 80%. Although it looks normal, I can't walk as fast as I did pre- op. It's fine for casual settings. For example, I went on a couple dates and the pace of my walk was fine in a relaxed environment where me and the girl were just casually walking around and enjoying the scenery, but in other scenarios that require a speedy walk, for example, crossing a cross walk when the meter is counting down or speed walking to and from meetings, is tough.

- Nerve pain / numbness - Unfortunately still have a bit of nerve pain and numbness in my left shin lingering around. It's improving every week and barely noticeable now. I suspect it will be completely going in the next few weeks.

Overall, I'm still very happy with the outcome and am thankful that I did this, pushed through the pain and conquered my dysphoria. Freedom of height dysphoria is a powerful thing. At times I still have those random moments where I say to myself "this was crazy, I can't believe you did this....." but for the most part the whole experience starts to become a distant memory and you get used to the new height fairly fast, life goes on and you just feel normal in your current state.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2020, 06:41:13 PM by TheAlchemist »
Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #104 on: February 16, 2020, 03:58:35 PM »

I just love this feedback, so accurate !

Thank you and well done


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #105 on: February 16, 2020, 04:29:11 PM »

I can relate so much to the “I can’t believe I just did this” aspect.

I wish I can tell my story sometimes, but then remember the negativity on the other side. We have such a unique story to tell lol.

Glad you’re on track brotha!


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #106 on: February 16, 2020, 10:11:44 PM »

Nearly EVERYONE lies about their height.  I'm 5'7.5" and NO ONE believes me, everyone thinks I'm taller, sometimes I even get people guessing I'm 5'10" or 5'11" makes me laugh. Flattering though.  Just goes to show how everyone inflates their height.  When i do LL and God willing I become 5'10.5" I'm gonna say I'm 6'0" might as well since that's what everyone else does.  I'm probably gonna wear boots with a thick heel anyway to bring me to 6'0" when I'm outside.  Mostly gonna say I'm 6'0" for dating purposes above all else though.  Women percieve you so much more differently when you say 6'0" as opposed to 5'11".  I'm sure being an even 6'0" barefoot after being 5'9" must be great.  Definetely a lil jealous of you.  IMO 5'9" is the perfect height to do LL, you basically go from being percieved as average to being tall, I'm glad you're loving life, and hope to be right there with you in a year and a half.

Do it man! I think it'll be as life changing for you as it was for me.

I just love this feedback, so accurate !

Thank you and well done

Thanks man!

I can relate so much to the “I can’t believe I just did this” aspect.

I wish I can tell my story sometimes, but then remember the negativity on the other side. We have such a unique story to tell lol.

Glad you’re on track brotha!

Thanks brotha! Really happy for you too. I totally know what you mean about wishing we can tell our stories. The LL journey becomes such a huge part of who we are, beyond just the pure length, the journey from conceptualizing our new height all the way through enduring the pain and pushing through to the finish line to actualize our height makes us mentally tougher and builds so much character. Every time I meet someone and they ask about what I've been up to I keep LL private, that's why I value my LL friends that I met at Paleys so much, as well as this online community, because we have a deep connection through this rare, unique experience.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 12:09:15 AM by TheAlchemist »
Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #107 on: February 16, 2020, 11:55:54 PM »

Awesome update! I love reading LL success stories like this. Glad it turned out well
Your friendly neighborhood Cyborg spreading LL awareness


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #108 on: February 17, 2020, 03:27:14 PM »

Quick update: Just tried getting up from a seated position independently without using my hands to push off the seat and I did it. Also, last night had dinner with a few friends and was able to climb up a few sets of small stairs without using the handrail.

Never thought something so simple like getting up from a chair or climbing stairs independently could feel so good. Could have probably done it sooner but stayed cautious.

Guys, I'd highly recommend doing stretch and strength exercises during consolidation with the same amount of dedication and intensity as you did during distraction. I myself have slacked off, during distraction I did physical therapy 5 to 6x a day, and now I only do it 1x a day and I wish I did more. Life goes on fast and during consolidation we tend to want to integrate back to our normal lives again and slack off on the physical therapy but I believe dedicated physical therapy is still a worthy investment of our time at this stage. I believe that I'd be in even better shape now if I had a more rigorous routine throughout distraction. Keep pushing!

Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #109 on: February 17, 2020, 04:10:59 PM »

I was looking back, but unclear -- how long was it post-lengthening before you could walk without a cain?


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #110 on: February 17, 2020, 05:06:38 PM »

I was looking back, but unclear -- how long was it post-lengthening before you could walk without a cain?

I started walking without a cane during distraction/lengthening. Here's a rough timeline:

During distraction 5 cm to 8cm - Walked without a cane for very short distances with abnormal gait (e.g. room, kitchen, around hotel lobby etc.) otherwise took cane with me everywhere

3 weeks post lengthening - walking without a cane for up to a quarter of mile with an 80% decent gait. Only brought cane with me when going out for precautionary safety purposes and when walking > a quarter mile.

5 weeks post lengthening - walking without a cane with normal ish 90% gait for up to a mile.

7+ weeks post lengthening - walking without a cane with normal ish 90%  gait for up to 2 miles.

Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #111 on: February 19, 2020, 05:25:14 PM »

Bro I totally feel you on wish we can tell our story and can't believe I did it sometimes, I think to myself I'm crazy with a smile on my face, because I'm the good kind of crazy... the crazy that doesn't let fear stop me from conquering my wildest dreams and desires, the crazy that knows I can achieve anything I want really, I've confirmed that to myself by doing LL lol. Only LL brothers might relate, I'm happy you're progressing I remember the first time standing up with my own two legs again, it's awesome, keep pushing bro. Rooting for ya
Starting height: 167cm Now 175cm With Strydes Femurs with Dr. Mahboubian 09/01/2019
Nails removed 10/06/2021
My Video Logged Diary:


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #112 on: February 22, 2020, 02:47:55 PM »

Bro I totally feel you on wish we can tell our story and can't believe I did it sometimes, I think to myself I'm crazy with a smile on my face, because I'm the good kind of crazy... the crazy that doesn't let fear stop me from conquering my wildest dreams and desires, the crazy that knows I can achieve anything I want really, I've confirmed that to myself by doing LL lol. Only LL brothers might relate, I'm happy you're progressing I remember the first time standing up with my own two legs again, it's awesome, keep pushing bro. Rooting for ya

Movie I feel you bro! We are the good type of crazy that does whatever it takes to self actualize our dreams and desires.

To have gone from short, to bed ridden in pain, to a gimp, and now just simply tall to the untrained eye is wild. LL is a powerful, life changing experience. I remember conceptualizing the idea of being tall back when I was 5'9, to now walking around tall at 6 ft, having girls tell me I make them feel small and petite, is mind blowing.

I'm more confident and excited about the world than I have ever been in my entire life. Not so much due to the height, but more so  having conquered my dysphoria, putting in the immense amount of work every day and night, and fighting through the pain to get here. It takes a ton of mental and physical strength, pain tolerance, discipline, dedication and faith to successfully do LL and the gift you get in return is the confidence and mindset that you can do anything you put your mind to!

Before LL I would have described myself as a risk averse person, always taking the safest route, always opting for deferred gratification instead of living in the moment, the guy who would work his ass off just to say he will wait to enjoy it all in retirement in old age...LL changed me, doing something as crazy as this makes you realize that we should all live a life that is true to our purpose and dreams. I can't wait to see what the next chapter of my life brings....
Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #113 on: February 24, 2020, 01:48:13 PM »

Update: Regressed a bit these past few days.

Overworked my glutes and hips with too many side leg raise exercises and strained my hip abductor muscles. Muscle is sore and weak now to the point where I'm waddling a bit more again.

Going to rest for the next few days and recover. Going forward I'll listen to my body more and do exercises in moderation.
Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #114 on: February 24, 2020, 07:41:16 PM »

Similar thing happened to me couple of weeks ago, overdid it with squats and somehow managed to injure my knees and hips, feel like it's set me back about 2 months in terms of mobility. Like you say it's soooo important to listen to your body and not push beyond its current limits, it's not like exercising when your body is normal, you really have to be super careful.


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #115 on: March 04, 2020, 02:38:45 AM »

Recently met with immediate family members and some other acquiantances and didn't get a single comment on height. I attribute this to the 2 inch lifts I've been wearing for the past 5 years that are now in the garbage :)

I ended up telling my immediate family and they were of course initially shocked, but ultimately supportive.

Felt amazing finally sharing this secret that I've been living with for the past 6 months with my family. Once they knew what I had done they looked at me again and registered the increase in the height. They explained that they initially thought something was different about me but in a good way, possibly lost weight or was more confident......

For those prospective LLers worried about friends, families, and coworkers noticing your height increase, I'd suggest wearing 2 inch lifts for at least a year before your surgery. Ideally you want to gradually increase the lift height (1 inch, 1.5 inch, 2 inch) over time to ease into it. Post LL get rid of them and you'd have a good chance of hiding it and even then if someone registers an increase in height you can probably get away with explaining it away as an improvement in posture.
Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #116 on: March 05, 2020, 11:49:54 AM »

Recently met with immediate family members and some other acquiantances and didn't get a single comment on height. I attribute this to the 2 inch lifts I've been wearing for the past 5 years that are now in the garbage :)

I ended up telling my immediate family and they were of course initially shocked, but ultimately supportive.

Felt amazing finally sharing this secret that I've been living with for the past 6 months with my family. Once they knew what I had done they looked at me again and registered the increase in the height. They explained that they initially thought something was different about me but in a good way, possibly lost weight or was more confident......

For those prospective LLers worried about friends, families, and coworkers noticing your height increase, I'd suggest wearing 2 inch lifts for at least a year before your surgery. Ideally you want to gradually increase the lift height (1 inch, 1.5 inch, 2 inch) over time to ease into it. Post LL get rid of them and you'd have a good chance of hiding it and even then if someone registers an increase in height you can probably get away with explaining it away as an improvement in posture.

Awesome man....when I read something like this, somehow I get a feeling that ....bro it's possible....the dream height that I have been wanting to have all these years...maybe I can fit into the world the way I want to...maybe it's all possible.....

Happy for you man!

Wanted to ask about your physical status....
Are you back to w.r.t. walking and running?

Would be really nice if you could give an elaborate answer to that!



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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #117 on: March 06, 2020, 01:11:33 AM »

Awesome man....when I read something like this, somehow I get a feeling that ....bro it's possible....the dream height that I have been wanting to have all these years...maybe I can fit into the world the way I want to...maybe it's all possible.....

Happy for you man!

Wanted to ask about your physical status....
Are you back to w.r.t. walking and running?

Would be really nice if you could give an elaborate answer to that!


Thanks man! It IS possible! I remember last year being on the other side and questioning the decision to possibly do something as drastic as LL, analyzing all the "what ifs", all the possible negative outcomes, worrying about what OTHERS might think, many times I felt overwhelmed by it all and talked myself out of it. Looking back now it was one of the best decisions of my life.
In its entirety the LL journey almost seems impossible, but when you break it down to its core processes, and design a system where you can chip away at it one day at a time, little by little, it's definitely possible with the right mindset, dedication, and consistency. I hope you get to experience your dream height one day man!

As for my physical status (Day 170 post op, 82 days post distraction) I'm great! It gets incrementally better each day.  My walk is normal on a full tank of energy with my legs warmed up.

If I've walked over >2 miles fatigue will start to set in and my walk declines to about 70% (wide gait, bit of a waddle) due to weak glutes and hips.

When I get up from a chair or when I wake up first thing in the morning my walk is a bit stiff, but it normalizes within minutes. I haven't tried running or jogging yet because I'm still waiting on Paley's review of my second set of x rays, but I feel like I can lightly jog right now. Playing it safe though so I'll keep you guys posted once I hear back on the x rays.

I'm still actively working on the above by stretching and doing light glute and hip exercises every day. Overall it's been great and I'm at a point where there are times that I forget I've had anything done.
Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #118 on: March 06, 2020, 05:15:16 AM »

Interesting take away from all of this is realizing how distorted everyones perception of height is. I've measured myself at home as exactly 6 ft. It's crazy when I'm out...the handful of girls I've talked to all think I'm over 6ft, one girl thought I was 6'3.

I've realized that women's perception of height is distorted because in general men inflate their height by a couple of inches or at least tend to round up to the next inch. I wouldn't be surprised if most guys who claim 6 ft are actually 5'10 or 5'11 barefoot. Hell I'm guilty of this, pre-LL I was around 5'9, maybe just under in the evening, and I self listed myself as 5'10 on my drivers license. Bottom line is women with shallow height standards probably perceive "6 ft" as a guy who is 5'10 or 5'11 in real life, hence their superficial standard of "only dating guys over 6 ft."

This is the funniest thing I noticed after LL. I became 5'9" and a lot of people said I looked 6ft. I lot of dudes who said they were 6 ft (and I assumed they were) were suddently my height now. Its hilarious that you noticed this too.
Had LL in Sept 2017 with Dr. Paley.
Starting height: 168.5 cm (5'6.5"); Ending height: 175 cm (5'9")


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #119 on: March 06, 2020, 11:58:58 AM »

Thanks man! It IS possible! I remember last year being on the other side and questioning the decision to possibly do something as drastic as LL, analyzing all the "what ifs", all the possible negative outcomes, worrying about what OTHERS might think, many times I felt overwhelmed by it all and talked myself out of it. Looking back now it was one of the best decisions of my life.
In its entirety the LL journey almost seems impossible, but when you break it down to its core processes, and design a system where you can chip away at it one day at a time, little by little, it's definitely possible with the right mindset, dedication, and consistency. I hope you get to experience your dream height one day man!

As for my physical status (Day 170 post op, 82 days post distraction) I'm great! It gets incrementally better each day.  My walk is normal on a full tank of energy with my legs warmed up.

If I've walked over >2 miles fatigue will start to set in and my walk declines to about 70% (wide gait, bit of a waddle) due to weak glutes and hips.

When I get up from a chair or when I wake up first thing in the morning my walk is a bit stiff, but it normalizes within minutes. I haven't tried running or jogging yet because I'm still waiting on Paley's review of my second set of x rays, but I feel like I can lightly jog right now. Playing it safe though so I'll keep you guys posted once I hear back on the x rays.

I'm still actively working on the above by stretching and doing light glute and hip exercises every day. Overall it's been great and I'm at a point where there are times that I forget I've had anything done.

First of all thanks for the reply man!
Its people like you who inspire me day in and day out....on some days i question this life worth living.....then i think about people like you movie and puru....and i think....yeah! its something more than that.... ultimately its in our hands to make this life worth living for.....

congratulations once again on your progress...a few months from now you will be jogging and sprinting....also it would really be nice if you could keep us updated about what paley thinks on your progress and xrays....and yeah... would it be too much if i ask you to post the xrays...?.....its like im very curious to see how the bone looks like at this point of recovery!!!

btw im very happy that you replied! congrats once again and best of luck!


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #120 on: March 06, 2020, 01:51:47 PM »

This is the funniest thing I noticed after LL. I became 5'9" and a lot of people said I looked 6ft. I lot of dudes who said they were 6 ft (and I assumed they were) were suddently my height now. Its hilarious that you noticed this too.

There was a study once of drivers licenses height that found that people reported a height of something like 1.5-2 inches higher than their actual height.

That said, I think I've yet to be mistaken for being six foot. :)


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #121 on: March 09, 2020, 06:34:48 PM »

This is the funniest thing I noticed after LL. I became 5'9" and a lot of people said I looked 6ft. I lot of dudes who said they were 6 ft (and I assumed they were) were suddently my height now. Its hilarious that you noticed this too.

There was a study once of drivers licenses height that found that people reported a height of something like 1.5-2 inches higher than their actual height.

That said, I think I've yet to be mistaken for being six foot. :)

It cracks me up man! It's interesting across genders as females tend to accurately report their barefoot height on things like driver's licenses and dating apps whereas men tend to overstate lol.

I'm going to do a social experiment and round DOWN to the next inch on my height whenever it gets brought up in social settings to distort it the other way lol.

First of all thanks for the reply man!
Its people like you who inspire me day in and day out....on some days i question this life worth living.....then i think about people like you movie and puru....and i think....yeah! its something more than that.... ultimately its in our hands to make this life worth living for.....

congratulations once again on your progress...a few months from now you will be jogging and sprinting....also it would really be nice if you could keep us updated about what paley thinks on your progress and xrays....and yeah... would it be too much if i ask you to post the xrays...?.....its like im very curious to see how the bone looks like at this point of recovery!!!

btw im very happy that you replied! congrats once again and best of luck!

Thanks man! Will try to post  x rays when I get my third set done in April. The X ray files are huge and have to be downloaded  to CD so I actually don't have pics of my previous set right now, but I'll take some pics of the upcoming third set.

As for my second set I finally heard back from Paley and my bone is healing as expected so I think I'm on track to be fully consolidated at the 6 to 7 month post op point I hope! For those interested in the x rays to date, for the most part my consolidation look similar to others at this point (2 months post distraction) and its pretty much textbook average, not exceptionally great or bad.
Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #122 on: March 10, 2020, 07:32:38 PM »

Pleasant surprise when I went to the hospital to see my general practitioner for something non LL related today.

They took my height and weight and of course were surprised when they needed to update my height in their records. I didn't tell them about LL and just said "whoops must have been a typo before."

What caught my attention was my height at the hospital from before LL recorded in early 2019 was listed in their database as 5'9.25 or 176 cm. This was measured barefoot in the afternoon. If you read the beginning of my diary I listed myself as 174 cm or 5'8.5 in the evening which was per Paley staff measurement during my consultation.

I think there is a pattern of Paley staff measurements being a bit off, or at least a bit understated during the consultation stage, I've read other diaries who had the same experience. Not a huge amount and height fluctuates throughout the day but just something I figured I call out for those going to Paley.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2020, 07:57:25 PM by TheAlchemist »
Dr. Paley Patient: Femurs (Stryde) / 8 CM gained
Surgery: 9/17/19 / Distraction completed: 12/14/19
Start height: 5'9 or 175cm / Endi Height: 6'0 ft or 183 cm
Rod Removal: Dr. Debiparshad 6/16/21


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Re: Diary: Stryde Femurs with Dr. Paley September 2019
« Reply #123 on: March 10, 2020, 09:21:41 PM »

hey man,
did Dr. Paley prescribe xarelto or give you aspirin instead.

I think I read somewhere that Paley gives Asprin instead of xarelto as blood thinners when it comes to lengthening with Stryde. Since stryde allows early weight bearing and xarelto can cause major internal bleeding
currently 179 cm with a 6'2 wingspan
Goal: 182-183
top 5 LL surgeons: Paley, Rozbruch, Mahboubian,  Donghoon Lee, Giotikas

- planning to have LON tibias with dr donghoon lee in summer 2021
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