The latest BetzBone is full weight bearing. You can walk with crutches the day of surgery as long as you don’t bounce. I am in the consolidation phase now and my xrays look perfect, according to Betz and also my primary care physician I’ve been seeing for over ten years. I repeat, the BetzBone is full weight bearing. You just cannot jump or run until the consolidation phase and X-rays showing sufficient consolidation.
That's great to now inchesmatter! I'm happy for you, it seems you had a much better time than I did during my femur LL.
Would you mind answering some questions?
1) Did you length the femur or the tibia?
2) How much did you length?
3) How much did you weight then? Do you know how many kilos the new Betzbone can stand?
3) Did you use the current 12.5 Betzbone nail?
4) Did you see any Betz tibia patient walking without crutches there? Or is that only for femur patients?
5) Do you know if Betz considered using Stryde?
I'm torn between Stryde in the US or going back to Germany with Betz for my tibias.
I'm leaning towards Betz because I know the drill already and had great results with him, but Stryde seems very appealing.