the good: I have been able to get over my dependence on Oxycodon and replace it with tylenol as the pain killer but still taking both so as to avoid getting hooked to any one.
the bad and ugly: i was doing awesome and felt like 90% back to normal one week back when suddenly something happened, at PT they gave me too many exercises , like TOOOOOO MAAAANNNYY and too tough, and I was like huffing puffing at the end, anyway Tuesday morning i go to college and by evening when i come back I started getting pain (4 level) on left femur muscles and at late night it goes upto 7 forcing me to take another painkiller (before that i was taking only 2 painkillers a day) next morning (wednesday) I wake up with 6-7 pain and take pain killer and shower and take rest which brings down pain to 3, remain on bed tilll 1 PM, then I walk to PT and tell her what happeneded, she does investigation and concludes that the too much exercise on monday had made my IT band MAD and that is what is causing the pain, she gives me massage which brings down pain to 1.5 but then she gives me exercises which bring up pain to 3 again. and at night it goes up to 6, but with painkiller and hot shower i bring it down to 2-3 and go to college but by end of the day even aftter painkillers, the pain reaches 8 and I drag myself back to my house and with rest, after 24 hrs now the pain is 2.5-3. lets see if it goes away in 1-2 days.