As you can guess I am thinking about the LL surgery and I'm considering the possibility, even though I know there might be complications about the lengthening procedure, since I never had a surgery before (lucky me) I am totally scared about one thing only: the general anesthesia. I know myself well enough to imagine how bad my body will react to something that force me to "sleep" (yes I know is not exactly sleep, probably is not sleep at all). As far as I know I am not allergic to anything and I am pretty healthy (35yo).
What I don't understand is why a surgery on a limb must be under general anesthesia, I know there are other kind of, such as regional and local anesthesia, and I know under some circumstances it is possible to perform a surgery on a tibia or so under regional anesthesia. So Is there any surgeon who perform LL under regional anesthesia? if not, why?