You really think that India > Europe? Why?
Since this current forum has begun, I haven't seen a single bad diary about an Indian doctor in 2 years that i've been on here eventhough if you look, Indian diaries are the most common. Whereas with European diaries, there's been bad diaries about Dr Solomin & Kulesh in Russia, Dr Guichet, Dr Monegal and even more.. [Edit - As soon as you mention an Indian doctor, people will swarm like flies, telling you you're stupid and will become crippled but when you ask them to show you the evidence they tell you to go look at the old forum which is several years old]
It's simple, people are just ignorant and racist. They don't want to go to India for a surgery. If you live in America or Europe there's a 100% chance you've been to an Indian Dr who was educated in India, here in the UK and America 70% of the Drs you will see are Indian yet just because you have to travel to India, people want to say it's rubbish. Literally both the moderators on this website have had their surgery done with an Indian Doctor, in India. Also, you message any Indian Dr, he will give you the emails, numbers of past patients, you message these other Drs and they will send you nothing, they'll even charge you to ask them questions...
So, if that's not enough, once I have my surgery done, let's hope it helps others to finally start going to India and saving $70 000 for the exact same process.