Yup... you look good mate. Besides the scars you look great. I can't even complain or find fault in proportions or anything like that, despite me being such a hard-ass with proportions. I think that's just a deep-rooted inner hatred I have of having to change my natural body in someway...
But you really do have a great physique even after lengthening man; looks like many other people I see in the gym. Congrats! Thanks for the picture reference. It does help clear up some worries I normally have!
Your tibias look like if they were natural, not long at all.
Proportionally speaking tibias look great so does your torso to leg ratio. Legs don't look skinny at all either maybe not muscular but definitely not skinny
5 more cm on femurs would look still proportionated.
Looks good and your proprtions look natural too.
I guess my tibia were pretty short even for my height before CLL. I'm not sure what the average length is for tibias but mine pre-op were 31.5 cm and post-op are 37.5 cm based on x-ray measurements.
I'm okay with my calves but my thighs are still a bit flabby and lacking in muscle. I guess that's to be expected though since pre-CLL I was close to 220 lbs, and even after going down to my current weight of 160 lbs I've got some extra flab to take care of.
Looking great man! No problems whatsoever in your torso/leg length ratio. You could definitely do another surgery for 6cm on the femur. Any plans to go back to Dr. Parihar and lengthen your femurs with PRECICE?
Those are some bad ass scars and chicks dig scars so make the most of them
That would be a long way off. Maybe after I pay my remaining $20,000 in student loans I can think about it. If I decide to do femurs later I'd go back with Dr Parihar, but I figure I can wait some years before a second round since I was slightly under 5'5" for about 10 years and have only been 5'7" for 2.
Girls seem to love the scars. Probably won't do any scar revision.
Kilo when you got your frames removed did you notice a big difference in your leg tightness? Once the frames were removed was it easier to stretch etc? Thanks
Also you say you are struggling to get your quads back, why do you think that is? Has your dorsiflexion improved any since frame removal?
My ankles immediately felt better and were far less stiff. I did have some slight ballerina left to take care of but even then my ankles felt less tight than when I had the frames on. Definitely easier to stretch when they're off. With the frames, my ankles and feet would swell up good if I exercised them with stretching too much.
Dorsiflexion has improved, though I'm not really a flexible person, even pre-op. I think I just need to change my routine and blast my quads harder than I've been in order to jump start muscle hypertrophy. I go to the gym after work but it's taken longer since my work requires me to sit at a desk from 10 to 6 most days.