Paley said he was 182cm in his Rambam presentation. So I'd just say he's 6 feet. He's closer (0.8cm) to 6 feet than to 5'11 (180cm - 2cm difference).
Why "of course"...did you suspect that most doctors are tall or most orthopedic surgeons? What's the reason?
Paley is 5'11" (according to his own statement), so is Donghon Lee in that case. Parihar could be well over 6 ft. Nothing unusual in my opinion. Doctors come in all shapes and sizes.
I wasn't trying to imply most doctors are tall (though, I'm sure you can find a Western study correlating attainment of medical degrees with height these days).
It's just that I am somehow not surprised at all the people making the most money off these ""little pain"" procedures are not fellow shorter doctors who understand a bit better that wish to be taller, even if only cosmetically...