I began my journey back in May of last year. After months of research, debate, and a consultation appointment with Dr Rozbruch I finally made the decision to go ahead with the surgery.
Background: I had a a bowed radius and shortened ulna as a result of a surgery I had when I was a child. I had a bone tumor removed from part of the ulna (at the base of the wrist) and and the radius healed at a bow.
The LL- surgery was two-fold. Simultaneously straighten the radius and lengthen the ulna to its normal length.
Surgery happened in the beginning of January and the fixator finally came off about three weeks ago. I went into a full arm cast for 10 days and have been totally free for about a 1.5 weeks now.
Up to this point, everything has gone to plan and nothing has really been a surprise. The fixator was on a bit longer than I had anticipated, but what can you do. Nothing has been out of the ordinary and I have felt in great hands with Dr Rozbruch.
Here's where I'm concerned. I'm a high level athlete. I work out nearly everyday in some form. I worked out throughout the entire time I had the fixator on (my legs are huge now, and my upper body is wasting away). My wrist and elbow have always given me issues and I was informed that this surgery would help to relieve the pain as well as make me stronger. I get that my arm has been immobilized for 4 months and my muscles have completely atrophied.
Lifting a 10lb dumbell is SO hard right now. I have some pain in both wrist and elbow, but mostly in the elbow. The tendons and ligaments feel so strechted and tight and its all so difficult. Will I get back to being able to lift heavy? be able to do olympic lifts? This is an important part of my life and a big decision why I went through with the surgery.
*Also, being only 2 weeks out of the fixator and cast, Im still not able to fully use my arm. Not able to pronate/supinate the wrist yet so yes, I'm super anxious about this.