Sry for my writing.
Dr betz said that the patients need 3 to 6 months after lengthening in order to walk without crutches.
in my case (category 10cm+) it should be the 6 months. A patient who might have don only 6cm could do it probably in 3 months.
But i dont consider my walking normal. i can walk 5 minutes, with pressure on my lower back due to the duckass. I also have to concentrate a lot on my hips and that my feet are close together. But i guess its not a good idea to train that too often in my situation.
The biggest improvements you usually get directly after you stoped clicking.
In my case it was the time when i went for 6 weeks straight to rehab. I was 174cm max tall when i entered the clinic, when i left the clinic, my bending knees got better and i was 181cm.
At rehab, i had twice a day 25 min pt, 1x gym training, 20 min cycle training, 30 min kinotherapeutic, 25 min massage for legs and it bands, walk training etc..
the first 2 weeks where hell. I was so exhausted i fell right into my bed. I cyceld pretty slow and i was the worst patient in the pool. i could walk only 300 meter with crutches.
Remember when you had pt with peter and you had to lie at the edge of the pt bench and he took one leg on his shoulder and pressured the other one down. and with his legs he also tried to stretch the quadriceps. He teached me that all this muscle groups somehow are connected and for a good result its important to stimulate and stretch them together
But the Pt at the rehab was a little different then usual pt. Most of the time they tied my upper body with 3 plane seat belts to the physio bench, one leg was tied up with an adjustable rope system to the wall bars to eliminate the duckass completely.
They also tied up my pelvis in such a way that it could not move.
The other free not tied up leg was pressured with force to the bench.
Since we had only 25 minutes, after pt was over they tied my other free leg with another seatbelt to the bench. After 5 minutes the pt came back again and adjusted my upper leg more towards the direction of my upper body. usually after 15 min max 20 min the pain was to strong and i untied my self. I was sweating like a dog during each session. The Pt's said that there might be something wrong with my pain feel.
I also visited betz for x rays on april. and he said I had a huge duckass but besides that everythink was fine.
The second jump i did again at the rehab after i came back from elke.
My bending knees/duckass angle went from 45 degree to 20 (they measured the angle of my femur from the bench while i was lying straight.)
other than that, my improvements are to slow to measure it weekly. I add new stretching and training methods to trick the body somehow.
You should also try new stuff for a couple of weeks. Pts, chiropractors, osteopaths have all different solution for the duckass. I guess there is a bit truth in all of them. Dont try to find out which one works best for you, just do all of them to give your body new incentives.
How do you measure your duckass angle? I stand next to a wall with my butt and shoulders lean to it and i raise with some pressure both of my hands. Then the pt makes a mark on the highest position of my fingers. I measured it today and i was 4 cm higher then two months ago.
The reason why i think you will do fine in 2 months is that not only the duckass also your weak legs make you walk only 5 steps.
you can fight on two different problems. and leg strength is coming back even if u dont do anything for it