Temaki Sushi had you ever contacted Dr Giotikas before contacting Dr Dongoon? Did he reject you because of BDD or something else? I am only asking because I do know that Dr Giotikas has specific selection criteria for his patients and I cannot think of any other explanation of your obsession with him except for revenge because of bitterness of rejection.
What a delusion
No doctor reject me for CLL or any kind of treatment or surgery
There have been guiniepigs, then after some cases there are stories of devastating experiences
This kind of history is repeated just too many times here
Look at what’s been happening in India, China, Armenia, Russia, Uklaina,Germany, Spain, Italy etc etc
People don’t need to hide negative information
Why you wanna hear only good things about the doctor you are interested in?
It’s way better to estimate the risks before the surgery is done
Some do surgery without having extra funds
If they’ve known the risks they could have prepared for it
How much will they loose if they cannot walk normally for two years, living without income
Some come from the country which doesn’t provide enough health welfare
Also, many CLL doctors or their staff are reading this site
It should be good for them to learn here to provide better treatments
Rejection of criticism will only produce tragedies
Ignorance and optimism can jeopardize someone’s life