Just had my second post op with Dr. Rozbruch, I have distracted 3.4 cm.
In the last few days, I've really started to feel the muscle tightness and knee stiffness other diaries have associated with lengthening and it has been a couple of difficult days lately. I feel like i spend 5-10 minutes stretching to get 15-20 of "not stretching" life, then I have to get back to 5-10 min of stretching to get another 15-20 min of "not stretching" life and repeat all day which gets tedious and boring. And I keep it up at night as I have to wake up to stretch every 15-20 min (really crap sleep). I was also gonna try to sleep opposite my headboard, so when i need to stretch i wont have to leave the bed, I can just rest my feet on top of my headboard and push my knees down to get a good stretch right in bed. Also, I can sleep on my side now even though I can kinda feel the screw spot, but the tightness makes it tough to sleep for long.
As a result, Dr. Rozbruch recommended reducing to .66 mm/day for a week before going back to 1mm/day. I'm only on day 1 of .66 mm/day and wow do I feel a lot more comfortable! Sometimes, I think it might just be placebo but it makes sense that soft tissue handles smaller lengthening per day better. My xrays today looked great, good bone formation but not too much such that I need to speed up my distraction rate to prevent pre-consolidation, and my range of motion is still pretty good at 3.4 cm.
I think I might do 6.5 cm max, just because I really do think the less you do, the better your recovery will be, but again it has to be enough to make this whole experience worth it (min = 5 cm, in my opinion).