I remember seeing comments here and old forum on some people saying height is not a big factor. I also know that some surgeons do a psychic evaluation of why a LL aspirant wants to do LL.
Wanted to share my mind on this (and this is what I will tell to the doctor, i don't care if they deem me unfit for the surgery based on this reply) - I have won high;profile quiz competition awards where people were dazzled by my knowledge, I have traveled to dozens of countries, had a very interesting life, am highly educated, am very kind hearted (adore animals, kids, people. do lot of charity - like 30% of my income goes to charity), know 5 languages, I never lie (always speak truth), am good looking, I am 5'4". And then I see people who have never been outside of their village/town, average in education, knowledge , cruel minded (beat animals etc.), liers/cheaters but are taller. Guess what? if a random person (read woman/girl) looks at us, the taller guy will look more interesting and I look not interesting, in clubs the taller guy (no matter how insignificant he is in real life) stands out, i don't. Do I deserve this? I am a far more interesting person, a far better soul but my body matters above all? and do these (otherwise useless) tall guys deserve to look more attractive/interesting? no. God is not fair and I want to look like what I am. hence, LL is the 'equalizer' , the one that creates level playing field.