If you go to Europe, except Dr. Baumgart, to have limb lengthening surgery you are f*cking stupid!
If you go to the Americas, except Dr. Paley and Dr. Rozbruch, to have limb lengthening surgery you are f*cking stupid!
If you go to Asia, except Dr. Donghoon Lee, to have limb lengthening surgery you are f*cking stupid!
If you go to Africa, except Dr. Birkholtz, to have limb lengthening surgery you are f*cking stupid!
If you go to any third world sh*t hole country to have limb lengthening surgery you are f*cking stupid!
Some may say that Dr. Parihar is a good choice. After the results of KiloKHAN and Penguinn I would say that if you go to Dr. Parihar to have limb lengthening surgery you are f*cking stupid! Especially when you could go to Dr. Birkholtz for the same price!
The wild card is Dr. Debiparshad. He might turn out to offer a 5 star luxury experience with great results, or be just another worthless quack like Dr. Mahboubian.
That's as simple and clear cut of a list of doctors who will not cripple you that exists anywhere on the internet. You're welcome...