Here's the run down, I'm around 173-175cm right now and I'm 18 so hopefully my growth plates haven't fused but assuming I go visit the doctor and they tell me it has fused and I'm done growing, how much height can I achieve without becoming paralyzed. Assume I have unlimited funds available (within reason) and I don't care about being athletic afterwards, I just want the height. We'll assume I'm 5'8 exactly, and I don't care about proportions, I could come out looking like a fkin bar stool. Would it be reasonable to assume I can get 16cm, or 6.2 inches, which would put me at 6'2? On top of that I'm thinking I can wear socks that are like 2cm thick and raised shoes that are give me 4 inches. If my math is correct, I would be at 201cm, or 6'7. Obviously I would look like a clown but to be honest, I really don't care. Do you guys see any issues here or would it, in theory, work? Note: I'm not delusional or height-impaired, if it is risky or uncertain I obviously won't do it, I care more about my well-being than my appearance.