I understand what bodybuilder is saying - people over 6ft usually have a difficult time filling out naturally. Mr. Olympias who have won the title multiple times tended to be closer to 6ft. I believe Arnold was the tallest at 6 ft 2 and either Jay Cutler or Phil Heath shortest at 5 ft 9 (Jay claims 5 ft 10 but nobody believes him).
The part about being too tall being unattractive also makes sense as being around normal height can mean the person is/grew up healthy. Genetic/chromosomal disorders like Klinefelters, 47 XYY, 47 XXX, marfans, homocystinuria, MEN 2B are associated with tall stature in addition to other things.
Also, there's truth to what both Winter and Handsome said b/c a bit of research shows that like top x% (was 20% or so?) of males dominate most of the dating market. It is also true that for most of us, height isn't the only thing lacking (money, job, etc). Nonetheless, in the position of Handsome who seems to be in college where girls want to date, but have to choose guys based on potential, height is a retardedly big factor. When girls get older, and men get older, height matters less and less as you can actually provide evidence of your success (ex. job title, car), but that is if you don't mind dating older women.
If you are talking about intimacy satisfaction beyond dating, well, guess what research shows taller guys get married earlier on average. Most certainly don't want to encourage LL but if you have it all and missing height at least we have LL. For clubs, getting abs and a retarded big V-taper/shoulder width will help as it has been shown to be almost as important as height for sxx appeal. But this is not normal V-taper I'm talking about but nothing that proper diet and cycling with dat dere good whey can't fix. If you are as crazy about getting the full college experience and willing to do LL its really up to you to decide which way you go as both have consequences.
Also, about the constant trolling, I remember now - when I was doing my LL, I was on another LL forum in another language - there was this guy who started out normal then became weird. He couldn't afford LL and instead haunted the forums.