My gf's father's height is 6'1 so here is your theory going down the drain (like all stuff said here).
Do you guys know what women also like? Chizeled jawline... I bet all the milions of guys who don't have chizeled jaw are having a hard time with women... You guys should check the reddit/incel... It's full of tall fellas who blame all their misery for the lack of a chizeled jawline.
I sincerly think that the vast majority of guys here suffer from some sort of Aspergers... This white and black thinking, not being able to look at things without absolutes is a major symptom of Aspergers...
Tibike as you claim you are a 5.7 man in Italy who feels about average height, has plenty of gfs etc etc.
Everything you say is on the contrast of what I see in my everyday life and from what my experience taught me.
So either you are lying or you are the exception to all rules.
In both circumstances, what you say are the exception and not the rule so we are not having any asperger syndrome but we are very honest and dont live in denial.
I will be one of the few people that, if things go ok with my second LL, have lived as short, average and almost tall (because 1.81-2 imo is definitely more than average and close to tall) so I would have the clearest view of what is going on with height and the imoortance of it.
From now, what I see is exactly what I thought when I was short and I'd never trade the 7.5cm I gained even for 1 million dollars as they were completely life changing. But still they are not enough to don't have a drawback on height, not crucial for the majority of women but still drawback.
When I'll become 1.82 I'll write if this gain was really lifechanging like my first LL. My experience says that an 1.82 man compared to an 1.75 has a way easier job on dating most of all but and his everyday life (how people perceive him, the respect he receives etc) too .
So I will be one of the few examples of the exactly same person living as short, average and (almost) tall.
After my second LL I am sure that I will be the one of most suitable persons to talk about the significance of height, as my life will be a living example of all these.