Being unattractive to the majority of the other gender, no matter what the reason is, reduces a lot the quality of someones life. Moreover if he is being disrespected too.
So yes, being short reduces the quality of a man's life.
Sure it's reduced, I mean I wouldn't be on this forum I thought my quality of life would be the same. But I'm disagreeing that if your short you will have a "horrible" quality of life.
Not getting laid, or only getting laid with ugly girls reduces your quality of life. Being unattractive to the majority of girls only reduces your quality of life if you put a lot of weight on what random girls think of you or if you can't get laid with the attractive girls that actually dont mind the height (they're the minority but they are there). You can still get laid with attractive girls if your short. And if your getting laid with (the small minority) of attractive girls that don't mind short guys, then who cares what the others think. Not saying you don't have to try harder and have more things going for you but it's not a "horrible quality of life" by far.
Idk I just get really irked when people here preach that your height defines how your life will be, sure your going to have to improve yourself more in other ways (body, money, charisma etc) to get the same results, but I dont see being forced to improve yourself as a negative thing.
Luckily I know a lot of short guys who hookup with attractive girls regularly,but they all have a lot of things going for them. If I didn't have real life examples I know it would be harder to believe this.