A life experience for Dr. Monegal; should he read posts form the forum as some suggest.
A group of investors I was a part of did this to prove that the unethical CEO of a small cap company was posting BS anonymously on Investment forums in hopes of driving the price of the companies stock up. BTW, he went to jail because the FBI and SEC got involved. The company went bankrupt and we got nil
In any case, we took the following steps.
Message the forum moderator and see if they will cooperate with providing information to identify LonghairedGirl. I would request that they forensically preserve her posts and then remove them. If the moderator will not cooperate, contact Endurance International the owner of the IP / Data Center that hosts this forum,
RTechPhone: +1-213-536-4767
RTechEmail: slindsey75_athenix@endurance.com
They will likely respond and inform the administrative contact for this forum.
If nothing comes of that, get an Attorney to subpoena Athenix (Endurance International) for any information they might be able to provide as the IP block owner.
Athenix Inc.
523 W 6th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Once you get the info, subponea the ISP of that LonghairedGirl used to post to provide information; they can possible even provide her identity if she was naïve enough. it may require another subpoena from the organization utilizing the transmitting IP.
An Attorney may take this case on contingency, once they determine LonghairedGirl has assets; since this is slam dunk on a defamation charge.
If the forum moderator is smart, they will take the this thread down themselves or at least remove LonghairedGirls defamatory posts so I would be sure to take lots of screen shots.