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Author Topic: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this  (Read 2122 times)

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LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« on: August 26, 2017, 08:45:27 PM »

Patientprivacy said that there are some drama seekers in the forum who aren’t interested in LL, but in some patients’ drama, and it’s true, but I have also noticed that some people in the forum try to dismiss those dramas as bullcrap. That’s equally concerning.

While people searching for drama are abhorrent, people who make others think this surgery is a walk in the park are also annoying. What I’m telling is that when some real patients complain about their complications, their experiences shouldn’t be dismissed as those of a negative, toxic complainer because these patients complain for a reason, and I can confirm you that these complications exist, and that many complications go unreported in this forum.

LL is major surgery and should be taken seriously. Don’t underestimate the fact that some guys exaggerate when talking about their recovery processes because testosterone doesn’t allow them to admit that they used to cry like babies when they were in pain. People who have the guts to admit they have been suffering a lot deserve all our admiration.


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2017, 08:51:53 PM »

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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2017, 09:02:40 PM »

Not enough for all the pain that comes with complications, additional surgeries, and emotional distress.


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2017, 09:39:33 PM »

When something is worrying you a lot and making you depressed, no pain will stop you from seeking what will clear your mind and make you happy again. As long as it doesn't kill you, it's bearable.
Original height: 176cm
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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2017, 10:48:04 PM »

I want to renew the discussion of permanent effects because I think people on here are too optimistic -naive- even about what this surgery means. The general consensus seems to be: "I'tll be tough but I'm going to get through it and then I'll enjoy being tall for the rest of my life -who cares about muscle stiffness or knee pain I was never into sports anyway."

Not only will this mindset lead to a rude awekening but it can be outright dangerous as stated in this thread:

Limb lenghtening is dangerous, it can even be life-threatening here are a number of common complications that can occour. Each one is quite unlikely but altogether there is a very real chance that one or more of these will happen to you:

The scary part is that this can happen to anyone regardless if you pay a million euros or 5 thousand. It has happened in Germany and the US so we aren't safe just because we go with a respected surgeon.

Even if you make it through unscathed you will never recover fully -well you might if you only do 2CM but then what's the point?
No you will have hurt your body in a very real sense and in such a way that no doctor can ever fix it. I know a lot of you might think that you can deal with some issues and that it's a worthy trade-off for that extra height but will you think that 6 years from now, or 10? -Remember this is forever it can't be undone.

Some of us think it's possible to recover completely -100%- you're just as good as you were and you've still got all the potential you once had- Well maybe it can be done afterall Shyshy says he had but for every success story there are three other like Sweden who feels he has destroyed his body and replaced it with regret -and for everone of him there are five other diaries who just end abruptly with no follow-up and it gets moved to the back of the list never mentioned again.

What happens to these people? I like to think the just move on with their life and forget the whole thing but who can say. If you fell into a depression because you now move like a 60-year old or people avoid you because you look like a freak or worst case scenario you've lost a leg -would you really continue to update your thread on a small internet forum?

These things worry me because even though I am tall by this sites standard I don't see a very happy future for me at this height and yet what if I do this surgery and I regret it? I don't have a bad life but it needs improvement in this one area -the question is: is it worth the risks and can I deal with the effects?

Guys, can we really live a life like someone who was naturally tall after LL or will we always be a bit damaged, always be slightly crippled and always a bit of an abomination?



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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2017, 11:02:01 PM »

Regarding pain:

I got my legs broken, the left leg had a bad osteotomy, right leg had cracks, 3cm of my fibulas were removed, I got trauma nails shoved down my bone canals, 5 distal screws were put under each knees, I got pierced with pins for the fixators and those fixators were heavy and tore on my legs.
So, of course it hurt.
In fact, I was experiencing the worst pain in my life when I woke up after surgery.
And I can take a lot.
It lasted for several days and only the highest allowed dosage of morphine could bring the pain level down to "bearable".
It can all be found in my diary.

But everyone is different and so are their diaries.
I woke up with complications, many others don't have complications.
I did external LON, others choose LATN and have two smaller surgeries instead, do internal nailing, or even choose externals only which is less invasive.
My body doesn't respond well to painkillers, others might only need small dosages in order to reduce the same amount of pain.
Pain is also subjective.
I wrote parts of my diary while I was still in the hospital, others prefer to make retrospective diaries and maybe just don't remember exactly how they really felt.

During the lengthening phase, I also had pain, especially in my right foot.
I even got a pin site infection which was also painful and which I didn't mention at first.
I just wasn't sure what it was and what I should do about it, so what should I write?
Then I simply forgot about it until someone advised/reminded me to put it in my diary.
Something like this could very well happen to others I guess, especially when they don't have the time to write that often or do it retrospectively.

So I don't think that most LL veterans are lying or purposefully playing down things when it comes to pain.

Regarding complications:

I had to stop lengthening due to complications and it killed me. But I kept on writing and a good number of people just bashed me for going to India and turned my diary which I worked so hard for into a war zone. I had a different opinion back then, because it was hard for my suffering me to except reality. But the point is, that once you run into complications and report them, the majority is not interested in you as a person anymore and your diary gets derailed. Then it's only about bad doctors, conspiracy theories, bad nations, bad LL techniques and an allegedly stupid you.
People read other peoples' diaries, see what happens when you report major complications and I bet that most of them simply don't want to be exposed to the same sh*t when they already have enough trouble. I can imagine this also to be the reason for why diaries just stop shortly after hints of complications were mentioned or start playing them down.


Sorry to the ones who actually supported me the hole time in my diary and over pm, I know your names :-)

I'm a real LL-patient.
I did my tibiae, had complications and will do femurs next.
I'm no longer participating in this community.


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2017, 11:09:52 PM »

I'm sorry I missed who you are, are you one of the guys to come here and tell everyone never to do LL like ThatDude?

Sure LL can be painful as hell, but living with the crippling thoughts that your height will forever make you a lesser human being and an unworthy man can be a very painful experience as well. Surely a different form of pain, a weak, yet everlasting and discouraging kind of pain that follows you no matter where you go. Unless you have experienced this, don't tell people that LL is always a bad decision.
It's a long way to find peace of mind, peace of mind
It's a long way to find peace of mind, peace of mind.


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2017, 11:26:28 PM »

I second that so much!

Even after pain and complications and despite what is still lying before me, I don't regret LL and it was and still is the best decision in my life.

I'm a real LL-patient.
I did my tibiae, had complications and will do femurs next.
I'm no longer participating in this community.


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2017, 11:38:30 PM »

Not all patients think the same. For many it was the worst decision in their lives. I've met a bunch of them in this forum.


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2017, 11:48:29 PM »

Not all patients think the same. For many it was the worst decision in their lives. I've met a bunch of them in this forum.
I bet that 90% of those people you are talking about either:
-Did a cheap surgery with an inexperienced/ bad doctor
-lengthened more than they should
-didn't follow the guidelines for safety and best results
Original height: 176cm
Goal height: 191cm


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2017, 12:11:11 AM »

They did internals in Europe, spent a big amount of money and followed the guidelines. You run the risk of being maimed in all circumstances, but it seems you don't want to be awaken from your pink-colored dreams. Go ahead!

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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2017, 12:32:33 AM »

I bet that 90% of those people you are talking about either:
-Did a cheap surgery with an inexperienced/ bad doctor
-lengthened more than they should
-didn't follow the guidelines for safety and best results

your goal height is way more than you should, so you're on of those.


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2017, 12:36:12 AM »

They did internals in Europe, spent a big amount of money and followed the guidelines. You run the risk of being maimed in all circumstances, but it seems you don't want to be awaken from your pink-colored dreams. Go ahead!
Just because they did it in Europe doesn't mean that the doctors will be as experienced and educated as Catagni, guichet or salameh. These doctors have being publishing ll researchers for decades!
Original height: 176cm
Goal height: 191cm


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2017, 12:43:43 AM »

your goal height is way more than you should, so you're on of those.
True, but I never said that I am going the safe way. The OP is talking about people who regretted ll and I am telling him why. To make it clear, do you think suicide bombers regret what they do? No because they are convinced that they will go to heaven as soon as they explode. Same for me, height is a priority, its essential in my life. It's more important than mobility(by mobility I mean being able to walk 2 km a day)
Original height: 176cm
Goal height: 191cm

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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2017, 12:49:18 AM »

True, but I never said that I am going the safe way. The OP is talking about people who regretted ll and I am telling him why. To make it clear, do you think suicide bombers regret what they do? No because they are convinced that they will go to heaven as soon as they explode. Same for me, height is a priority, its essential in my life. It's more important than mobility(by mobility I mean being able to walk 2 km a day)
From what you write I understand that your mental state is not better than the one of suicide bombers.
The good thing is that you, in contrast to them, just want to harm your body and not other people.
So if you can find a doctor that would operate on you it will be of course a cheap one as you can't pass the psychology tests that good doctors have.
Also 15 cm is above the safe limit.
So in a few words, good luck with crippling yourself.

End of discussion from me.


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2017, 01:04:17 AM »

From what you write I understand that your mental state is not better than the one of suicide bombers.
The good thing is that you, in contrast to them, just want to harm your body and not other people.
So if you can find a doctor that would operate on you it will be of course a cheap one as you can't pass the psychology tests that good doctors have.
Also 15 cm is above the safe limit.
So in a few words, good luck with crippling yourself.

End of discussion from me.
All of the best doctors I contacted(including catagni, guichet and salameh) told me that it will be safe to lengthen up to 8 cm in each bone. Although things might change after the surgery(depending on the patient state). That's why I said if everything goes well then I will start preparing for the femurs. Let's not forget that the amount of safe lengthening is based on the length of the bones. Since 20% of the original bone length is in the safe limits,then I should be fine with 7.5 cm hopefully.
Original height: 176cm
Goal height: 191cm


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2017, 06:40:59 AM »

All of the best doctors I contacted(including catagni, guichet and salameh) told me that it will be safe to lengthen up to 8 cm in each bone. Although things might change after the surgery(depending on the patient state). That's why I said if everything goes well then I will start preparing for the femurs. Let's not forget that the amount of safe lengthening is based on the length of the bones. Since 20% of the original bone length is in the safe limits,then I should be fine with 7.5 cm hopefully.

Guichet is very unethical and catagni reccomends atl so I dont know how good their word is. But you are right about bone length if there is no complications then you should be okay.
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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2017, 06:53:13 AM »

Guichet is very unethical and catagni reccomends atl so I dont know how good their word is. But you are right about bone length if there is no complications then you should be okay.
Guichet is a commercial doctor unfortunately, but he is good. Catagni is probably the nicest ll doctor I have spoken too, and he isn't commercial at all, in fact he tries to push you away from the surgery. When it comes to ll researches and long time experience, no one comes close to Catagni and paley. I haven't spoken to paley, but I read a lot about him and his publications. Salameh is really nice too, although he doesn't have the same experience, nevertheless, his work is really clean. And ya Catagni does recommend atl, probably because he saw a lot of complications with patients who didn't do it. I am probably going to do external Tibias with salameh/Catagni, femurs with paley probably.
Original height: 176cm
Goal height: 191cm


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2017, 07:00:16 AM »

You had LL done so It's quite funny the way you are criticising a man who want's the same thing. Also did you not say that you want to get yet another LL done ina few years? I'm gonna get a ton of hate for this but I'm going to state yet again that APO did 20+ cm and the mans jogging faster than I ever could in a lifetime. He is a cun*#t but still achieved his goal.
167cm Morning & 166.7 Evening.
Goal: 182cm, Tibia and Femur 14-15cm.
Possibly in Russia during Summer of 2019.


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Re: LL hurts, mofos! You need baLLs for this
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2017, 01:14:20 AM »

Not all patients think the same. For many it was the worst decision in their lives. I've met a bunch of them in this forum.

Pretty sure they regretted the doctor choice not the procedure itself.
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