The tallest girls I know are about 5'10, 5'11, but then again the tallest guys I know are probably only about 6'4. Heights above 180 cm begin to be unusual (not necessarily in a bad way) on a woman and something like 195 cm on a man imo.
If I see a girl in the street 180 cm+ that's definitely unusual, something I'll only see once a day perhaps in a busy street. I do see plenty of girls my height or slightly taller than me every day but most girls (I mean like 80%) are noticeably shorter. I see so many guys shorter than me as well. A large minority of guys are shorter than me and I'm only 5'8- so girls over 6' are definitely nowhere near as common as guys under 5'7 or even 5'5 over here (and that's rare too).
And people in my country aren't *that* much shorter than Germany (or Poland, wherever you are from), maybe an inch, at most two in the most extreme cases.